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CIA Cheif Veiled Accqusation on Pakistan protecting OBL

Ilyas Kashmiri.

Read about the terrorist attack he did on the ISI in 2009.

Why would the ISI support the Al Qaeda after that? Thats right, they wouldnt and never did.
Ilyas Kashmiri is a Pakistani from Kashmir. While not on the FBI’s most-wanted list, he is believed to be behind some of the deadliest attacks in India and Pakistan, including a 2009 suicide attack on Pakistan’s spy agency and crossborder attacks on US forces in Afghanistan.
He is the operations chief of a group called Harakut-ul Jihad Islami, which has some 3,000 militia members and is classified by the US as a terrorist organization tied to Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and the Punjabi Taliban. A recent Newsweek profile – with the headline “Is Ilyas Kashmiri the New Bin Laden?” – said he “has the experience, the connections, and a determination to attack the West – including the United States—that make him the most dangerous Qaeda operative to emerge in years.”

The top 5 Al Qaeda leaders still hiding in Pakistan - Ilyas Kashmiri - CSMonitor.com
Reports coming that wikileaks from US embassy in Dushanbe claims that ISI tipped off Osama whenever the US fprces approached him.
That report is a distortion. Here is the full quote:
¶7. (C) "We would have destroyed them long ago" Nazarov said, if
other countries didn't manipulate terrorist groups for
"geopolitical goals." For instance, in Pakistan Osama Bin Laden
wasn't an invisible man, and many knew his whereabouts in North
Waziristan, but whenever security forces attempted a raid on his
hideouts, the enemy received warning of their approach from
sources in the security forces.
Note that the last sentence is a summary of Tajikistan's General Nazarov's words, not a judgment or statement of fact by a U.S. official. I don't feel well-disposed towards the ISI, but I'm not going to endorse what appears to be a baseless slur, either.
What concerns me more is the hard time that Pakistanis are likely to face - Shocked wave across the country has made each and every Pakistani mum and of course embarrassed. I cannot understand what OBL has to do with Pakistan, he hailed from KSA and was supposed to be there in Afghanistan.
What concern me more is the hard time that Pakistanis are likely to face -
Did you expect that the fact that you are a Muslim and a Pakistani entitles you to immunity from all shame and every embarrassment?
Did you expect that the fact that you are a Muslim and a Pakistani entitles you to immunity from all shame and every embarrassment?

If we would have expected that then we wouldn't have handed over those 20 high value targets of Al Qaida to USA, we wouldn't have deployed over 140000 troops along the border with Afghanistan, we wouldn't have launched operations in FATA. And above all we wouldn't have lost 33000 innocent lives of Pakistanis and wouldn't have wasted our $ 60 billions. Its easy for you say such things since you are not into a war at your homeland.
If we would have expected that then we wouldn't have handed over those 20 high value targets of Al Qaida to USA, we wouldn't have deployed over 140000 troops along the border with Afghanistan, we wouldn't have launched operations in FATA. And above all we wouldn't have lost 33000 innocent lives of Pakistanis and wouldn't have wasted our $ 60 billions. Its easy for you say such things since you are not into a war at your homeland.
I don't understand the connection between these activities and shame or embarrassment.
This new CIA chief is a pig , he looks like a pig , acts like one and talks like one too
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