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Churches burnt in India

Economic disempowerment of India's East Indian Christian community of Mumbai and Thane region



East Indians are descendants of the thousands of original inhabitants of North Konkan, West Maharashtra mainly Bombay, Vasai, Thane and Raigad districts, on the west cost of India, who were primarily nature worshippers and who embraced Catholicism during the period 1200 - 1600 due to the missionary work of European Fransiscans and Jesuits. The East Indians speak a dialect of the Marathi language although majority of the East Indians are fluent in Hindi, shudh Marathi and English.

Pope John XXII in 1329 has acknowledged the presence of Christians when he addressed letters to the Christians of 'Konkan-Thana', and sent them with Bishop Jordan Catalini of Quilon, who had been a missionary at Thane, Sopara, etc from 1321 onwards. The Apostle St. Bartholomev is reputed to have come to Kalyan (Thane district) which means there were Christians even in the 1st century. Many more European and middle-east missionaries had come in Konkan (Thane, Bombay, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg districts) between 1st and 12th century. So even before the 12th century there were thousands of Christians in North Konkan, west Maharashtra.

The British East Indian Company designated them with the name 'East Indians' during the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of Queen Victoria in 1887 to distinguish them from the Goan and Manglorean Catholics who came to Bombay in search of jobs and who had similar surnames as Catholics of north Konkan, west Maharashtra. Before 1887 East Indians did not have a fixed or all embracing designation so obviously they referred to themselves as Catholics or Christians. The Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, Vol. XIII, Part I, published in 1882, has about 19 pages on the native Christians in which it consistently calls them 'Thana Christians' as Bandra and the rest of Salsette Island was included in Thane District till a few decades ago. The gazetteer was published just five years before the designation 'East Indian' was adopted.

In the whole of India including Bombay only the Goan and Manglorean Catholics know who East Indians are. People living in east India (west Bengal, Assam, Nagaland) are not referred to as East Indians just as people living in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Maharashtra are not known as West Indians. BELIEVE this - 99.99% of Hindus and Muslims living in Bombay including Hindus and Muslims living in gaothans of East Indians in Bombay have no idea who the East Indians are. Migrants (slum dwellers) and the legal migrants (middle/upper/business class) living in Bombay believe that Bombay was an uninhabited island and they also believe that majority of Catholics living in Bombay are mainly from Goa.

East Indian Gaothans: There are more than 200 East Indian gaothans (villages) spread across Bombay alone. Before 1960 all this gaothans were surrounded by agricultural lands, ponds and wells. First the British who ruled India till 1947 took the agricultural lands of East Indians for various industrial/economic purposes (textile mills, railway factories, railway lines, Sahar, Santa Cruz, Juhu airport, roads, shipyards, Kalina and Colaba military camps, residential complexes, etc) and also gave a lot of agricultural lands of East Indians to Parsi and Gujarati charitable trusts........But the British did not do anything for the welfare of East Indians. This is the reason why many East Indians joined the freedom struggle against the British notable among them was Joseph Kaka Baptista the right hand man of freedom fighter Lokmanya Tilak and the first president of the Home Rule League. Around 25% of the agricultural lands of East Indians in Bombay were taken by the British before 1947; and after 1960 the Maharashtra government took the remaining 75% of the agricultural lands of East Indians in Bombay.

How were these East Indian gaothans formed in Bombay and its surroundings: Hundred's of Centuries back ancestors of East Indians in Bombay built their houses close to one another and formed a gaothans/village, often on a rocky or less fertile spot, so as to leave the surrounding land free for the cultivation of Rice. It is precisely on the former rice fields surrounding a gaothan that town planning schemes, housing societies, Sahar / Juhu / Santa Cruz airports, roads, industrial/residential complexes, SEEPZ, MIDC, industrial areas, Kalina / Bombay University, railway lines, slums, etc have sprung up. East Indians did not build fences around their houses and that's the reason you will find houses in gaothans are very close to one another. The Maharashtra Government during the 1960s took all the agricultural lands of the East Indian Christians by invoking the land acquisition act and town planning act but did not give any compensation or government jobs to East Indians neither gave additional FSIs or concession in property taxes to the gaothans / villages where East Indians were/are living. Due to this many East Indians had suffered economically. Since there are no Additional FSIs for gaothans/villages of East Indians they cannot raise their houses to accommodate additional members of the family. The Maharashtra government and the Bombay Municipal Corporation (BMC) have 1990 onwards spent more than 25,000 crores of rupees for the welfare of slum dwellers in Bombay including giving free houses of 225 sq. ft. to slum dwellers, but for East Indians even to repair or reconstruct their old and dilapidated houses in their gaothans they have to beg and bribe the BMC. It is very clear from the above that the Maharashtra govt. and the Bombay Municipal Corporation have economically persecuted the East Indian Christians.

500- attacks against Indian christians doc by GCIC find mention in washungton TimesThis is the season for embassy parties and yours truly attended yet another one last Sunday, this one at the home of Indian Ambassador Ronen Sen.

His compound on Macomb Street in Northwest Washington has a lawn decorated lavishly with Christmas lights and a huge downstairs floor into which some 200 of us crammed into. A sumptuous dinner, with many varieties of rice and curry, was served.

I brought my daughter along and she sat there quietly throughout the evening, entranced by all the colorful saris.

Most of the folks there were expatriate Indian Christians. A group of Seventh-day Adventists provided the music, a Methodist pastor preached and a fair amount of Catholic clergy and monks showed up in their habits.

Granted, it was a bit odd to be singing Christmas carols next to a statue....., but what was a bit stranger was the lack of mention of the plight of Indian Christians back in the motherland. Christians constitute only a small amount -- 2-4 percent -- of India's population but rarely does a week go by when I don't receive emails on persecution of Christians there.

Most come from Sajan George, head of the Global Council of Indian Christians in Bangalore, who has documented 500 attacks in 23 months. His group "has drawn attention to repeated attacks on churches, disruption of worship services and other forms of harassment induldged in by miscreants obsessed with religious hatred," he wrote Dec. 8. "Books and literature are seized and put to fire. Prayer halls are ransackd. These incidents have been happening in various parts of the country and the culprits invariably are [Hindu] religious fanatics."

by Julia Duin)

Moreover, according to the Dalit Network, India's government is denying benefits to Christian Dalits or "untouchables," as they used to be called. I was in India a year ago reporting on the female feticide issue [see part 1 here] and while there, got an update on the truly grim conditions there for non-Hindus. Indian Christians have been persecuted for years but it was not until Australian missionary Graham Staines was burnt to death -- along with his two sons -- in January 1999 in Orissa by a Hindu gang, that the rest of the world noticed.

It sure would have livened up that embassy party had someone there had the guts to mention such unpleasantries.

Julia Duin, , The Washington Times

Posted on December 20, 2007 7:25 PM |

500- attacks against christians doc by GCIC find mention in washungton Times | Persecution Update India
And now this is from Indian newspaper

Dalit Christians bare plight

NEW DELHI, OCT 4: Dalit Christians attempted to bring to light the atrocities being committed against them, especially in backward areas of the country and also petitioned the Government for equal rights and job reservations.
``Despite being fully aware of the inhuman conditions in which they subsist, government continues to delay extension of equal rights to Dalit Christians,'' the organistion said in a memorandum to President K R Narayanan, Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee and Home Minister L K Advani yesterday.

Questioning the constitutional validity of presidential order of 1950 on the status of Dalit Christians, the memorandum said ``the order is highlydiscriminatory and violative of Articles 14, 15, 16 and 25 of the Constitution and Article 18 of universal declaration of human rights laws by the United Nations.''

Blaming successive governments for their false assurances on extending reservation to Dalit Christians the memorandum claimed that all the backwardclass commissions including theMandal Commission had ``proved beyond doubt that a change of religion does not bring about any change in the status of the untouchable converts.''

Christian community in the country was utterly dismayed at the inordinate delay in rendering justice to them despite airing their grievances through various agitations, the memorandum said. It further added that Christians were often becoming victim of violence in many parts of the country.

Copyright © 1998 Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd.

Dalit Christians bare plight

If you wish to state that Indian Christians have a tough time, then please yourself.

However, you cannot refute that there is no Majority religion law in India (not that there are!) applicable to any minority.

In Pakistan, all are subject to the Sharia Court and the Huddood? Can you deny that? Why should I be under the Hudood? I don't agree that a Moslem's word is better than mine!

Imagine Moslems being subject to Christian law and other religious laws. There will be riots. See what happened about the Prophet and the cartoons? Western law does not prevent cartoons or lampooning religions! Why was it made such a big issue? Notwithstanding, I found the Cartoons in bad taste.

Show me one country in the world that applies their religious laws on minorities.

And I will show you Islamic countries that apply Islamic law like the Sharia on non Moslems.

That much for fairness.

That much for your indignation!

Have a heart!

Quit carping!
Now Sir Ray aka Salim i hate to post that too but as a senior person like you swept by the emotions and brought who is bigger siner slogan in so i had to.

There should be some courage on part of Indians here on the forum to accept that it was wrong to torch Churches by Hindu terrorists VHP and Bajrang Dal.

It was simple as that but alas it indeed required a lot of conscience to do that.

Rest these kinds of issues prevail in other areas too but the question was it was the incident happened and reported not the article bashing india so it should have been condemned by you.


Please do not digress and obfuscate.

Answer the point I have raised.

Torching anything is bad.

As bad as what is happening in Pakistan.

But mobs and stupid people don't represent the nation.

Are you suggesting those who are burning buses and cars and smashing property are the representatives of Pakistan and the Pakistani ethos?

If you say they are,they God help all!

Mobs are the foolish fringe of a country!

Do you have the courage to face up with what is happening in your country?

So far you haven't shown any such inkling.

The only person I find who is pragmatic is Agnostic!

Clear and near reality.

Even the Pakistani govt is confusing all.

Why are you all not ready to face what is the reality?

A murder has happened, get to the bottom of it.

All murders of political leaders reamin a mystery, right from Liquat Ali!

Gandhi was killed in India.

We had no hang ups in blaming those who did it and we still do!

Learn to live beyond denial.
Jana, not one Indian has condoned these attacks and I guess Ray sir is a Christian himself.

We condemn these attacks but the focus here was on questioning India's 'Secularism' right from post#1 and denigrating the country.

If these kind of issues involving criminals are used to target other countries, one can only feel sorry.
Jana, not one Indian has condoned these attacks and I guess Ray sir is a Christian himself.

We condemn these attacks but the focus here was on questioning India's 'Secularism' right from post#1 and denigrating the country.

If these kind of issues involving criminals are used to target other countries, one can only feel sorry.

I am not a Christian.

I have dabbled in it.

But the better teachings of it is sure in my heart.

Nothing to ashamed about, really!

Religious Dogmatism is not my cup of tea!
Bushroda, we can go on all night trading articles about Hindu atrocities on Muslims or the other way round, or on fundamentalists Hindus using and abusing young women for their own sexual pleasures, but that isn't what the topic is about. It's about Christian persecution in "secular" India. Just for the sake of clarity here are some examples of what I speak of..the disgusting vile face of India that is commonly accepted in many areas of Hindu India.

A recent report presented to Indian authorities found no less than 464 cases of violence against Christians or Christian property have been reported in the past 20 months. This is due to growing religious extremism mainly in the states of Bihar, Karnataka and Gujarat. Violence near the capital is not found to be a problem in the report.
Hindu extremists level Catholic parish to the ground

Girls led into life of 'sacred' sex slavery
Last Updated: 1:52am GMT 25/11/2004

Rampant HIV/Aids adds to misery of India's temple prostitutes forced to attend to Hindu high priests. Peter Foster reports from Dhanwada

It is a tradition as old as India itself - lowly, village girls from "untouchable" families being dedicated to serve as temple prostitutes for Hindu high priests and Brahmin elders.

Dalit girls as young as 10 forgo conventional marriage to a single man in exchange for a life of service to the local deity, performing rituals and puja (prayers) for their village.
Girls led into life of 'sacred' sex slavery - Telegraph

NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- Suspected Hindu militants have kidnapped a devoted Indian Christian in a religiously volatile region of the Indian state of Karnataka, the latest incident in an ongoing crackdown on Christians in several parts of the country, a human rights official with close knowledge about the situation told BosNewsLife Saturday, December 22.Christian News Agency BosNewsLife | International Christian News | No Sex - Family Friendly Web | Stefan Bos | Christianity Monitor | Breaking Christian News | Christian World News | Weather | Maps | Time

Another 9 Christians die after Hindu fanatics mob them and murder them (in that last day)

BAMUNIGAM, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- At least nine Christians have been killed in India's religiously volatile eastern state of Orissa where Hindu extremists continued attacking Christian institutions and individual believers for a fifth day Friday, December 28, church sources said.

BREAKING NEWS: At Least Nine Christians Killed In India As Violence Spreads (UPDATE) | India | Asia/Pacific

Even here you can see if it's sex slavery you would like to discuss as per your article, India has the world's worst record..It has been described by UNICEF as a "Paradise for Pedophilia", where young girls from foreign countries are brought to serve the sexual appetites of Hindu men in Bharat.

The commercial sexual exploitation of children is a serious problem throughout the world, but India's record is one of the world's worst. Of the country's more than 2 million sex workers, a conservatively estimated 300,000 are children, according to UNICEF and other sources. Most of these youngsters are native to India, but some 10,000 are trafficked each year from Nepal and about the same number from Bangladesh.

Some of the children forced into prostitution have been kidnapped, some have been caught in the debt-bondage system, and some have been sold outright by their desperately poor families.
Paradise for pedophiles | Christian Century | Find Articles at BNET.com

Church destroyed and desecreted in Karnool | Persecution Update India

Or something along the lines of

INDIA Christians and Hindus clash over land - Asia News

Grant visited Bombay, India, to see the problem firsthand. She was saddened when she saw a little girl being kept in a cage right on the street as a sex slave on display.
Natalie Grant Brings Home the Reality of Child Prostitution

Or this neutral, creditable article entitled, "Burning India's Christians".

In other states, notably Orissa, where an Australian missionary and his two young sons were burnt to death as they slept in their Jeep, and in Madhya Pradesh, where a group of nuns were beaten and raped and their convent pillaged, the situation was no better: Churches were demolished, Bibles burnt, priests beaten, and schools ransacked.

And almost without exception, state and local authorities reacted as if the Christians were the ones at fault. The nuns were instructed by the police not to file rape charges as it would give the area a bad name. And the president of the BJP, reacting to the killings of Graham Staines, the Australian missionary, and his two little boys, said "I appeal to the missionaries that they are sitting on a stack of hay. They had better be careful."
BURNING CHRISTIANS : India's BJP gets out the vote | Commonweal | Find Articles at BNET.com

Hindu extremists level Catholic parish to the ground

New Dehli, Dec 12, 2007 / 05:46 pm (CNA).- The news agency Fides is reporting that 150 Hindu extremists have leveled the Church of Divine Mercy to the ground before its construction could be finished.

On December 5 at about 7am a gang of about 150 extremists forced the workers to leave the premises and then began to destroy the building and the machinery for construction.
Hindu extremists level Catholic parish to the ground

Given the volume of evidence, do you/can you deny that "secular" India has a problem with Christianity and co-existing with other religions?

Given the volume of evidence, can you honestly sit there and say that Hinduism is not a fanatical religion full of hatred and hostility to anyone that does not forcibly convert to their own cult?

So let's stick with these questions, unless you just want to trade articles with me, of which I have a hundred more than you in my armoury, I can assure you.

Let us stick to statistics. Do you deny this statistic as true? Do you deny that everyday Christians are being targeted in "secular" India for abuse, rape, murder, or beatings?
Ahhh!! I didn't knew that an article needs your approval to be held authentic
Not mine in general. Coming up with articles of indian orgin what more you expect.:disagree:

Here is the same article from various sources

Kidnap Hindu Girl, Force Marriage to Muslim: Pakistan - J. Grant Swank Jr. - Nov 25, 05(Source: American Daily)

Kidnap Hindu, Force Marriage to Muslim | The News is NowPublic.com(Source: nowpublic.com)

KIDNAP HINDU GIRL, FORCE MARRIAGE TO MUSLIM: PAKISTAN : ArriveNet Editorials : Society(Source: Arrivenet editorial)

Kidnap Hindu, Force Marriage to Muslim by Grant Swank(Source:Conservative Voice)

Program Message(Source: michnews.com)

You can pick up whichever you deem valid. Some members over here have used articles from blogs to justify their point. I am sure they are all very authentic as per you.

RR has already replied to this and i dont need to go back to the basic.

And you wrongfully tried to validate the point that Pakistan protects its minorities as per the teachings of islam. Over here you arn't just trying to falsely vindicate something which is untrue but also unnecessarily dragging Islam which nowhere says Kidnapping Hindu girls & forcing their marriage to Muslims.

How is this wrong to validate that minorties are indeed protected by the law of pakistan and since that law is islamic so it comes under the teachings and laws of islam. Now i am not trying to falsely vindicate anything rather its your personal paranoia that makes you see things this way. Also islam nowhere says kidnapping a hindu girl and forcing her to marriage a muslim and neither did i say anywhere that it does rather you seem to be of an opinion. I said to give a credible link not by the same person again and again to see that it actually happened and even if it did happen it is by no way acceptable by any means in the pakistani soceity.

So that's your escape route? If question is turned back on Pakistan, raise hands in the air, pronounce yourself non-secular & escape from the back route. I told you in my last post why India is secular. It doesn't stop any individual from achieving any position irrespective of his faith & beliefs. It is an individuals constitutional right.

Well you can take it what you want, i personally dont mind rather i dont care. This is not the first time i've been saying so, i've being saying so all along that pakistan isnt a secular state rather its an islamic state, but how does that indicate the point of me escaping through back door.

I just gave you a link of which you questioned the authenticity simply coz it hits at the wrong nerves. If you need I can provide you tons of articles to refute you. So let's just leave it there.

I questioned the authenticity not because it hit the wrong nerves but simply because when coming up with anti pakistan articles, the background of the person writing turns out to be an indian, you expect me to start believing.
You can provide with tons of articles believe me i can do the same but frankly its not worth my time.

I do not indulge in Mudslinging & you would do better by not going there.

You dont indulge in Mudslinging but i guess you already have. However its not my style to drag myself down to that level where i need to do the same as well.
I am not a Christian.

I have dabbled in it.

But the better teachings of it is sure in my heart.

Nothing to ashamed about, really!

Religious Dogmatism is not my cup of tea!

I am sorry about that. My mistake.

May be because of something I read at the WAB.

Answer this:

If you wish to state that Indian Christians have a tough time, then please yourself.

However, you cannot refute that there is no Majority religion law in India (not that there are!) applicable to any minority.

In Pakistan, all are subject to the Sharia Court and the Huddood? Can you deny that? Why should I be under the Hudood? I don't agree that a Moslem's word is better than mine!

Imagine Moslems being subject to Christian law and other religious laws. There will be riots. See what happened about the Prophet and the cartoons? Western law does not prevent cartoons or lampooning religions! Why was it made such a big issue? Notwithstanding, I found the Cartoons in bad taste.

Show me one country in the world that applies their religious laws on minorities.

And I will show you Islamic countries that apply Islamic law like the Sharia on non Moslems.

That much for fairness.

That much for your indignation!

Have a heart!

Quit carping![/QUOTE]

OK. India is a horrible country.

But is it more horrible that other countries that impose their religion and their religious laws on minorities, minuscule that such minority maybe?

Pakistan does, India does not.

Pakistan imposes it Sharia courts on non Moslem and it Sharia law including the Hudood!

India has no such law, Hindu or Christians, though Moslems law is there and they are the privileged class in India! RIf you wish to state that Indian Christians have a tough time, then please yourself.

However, you cannot refute that there is no Majority religion law in India (not that there are!) applicable to any minority.

In Pakistan, all are subject to the Sharia Court and the Huddood? Can you deny that? Why should I be under the Hudood? I don't agree that a Moslem's word is better than mine!

Imagine Moslems being subject to Christian law and other religious laws. There will be riots. See what happened about the Prophet and the cartoons? Western law does not prevent cartoons or lampooning religions! Why was it made such a big issue? Notwithstanding, I found the Cartoons in bad taste.

Show me one country in the world that applies their religious laws on minorities.

And I will show you Islamic countries that apply Islamic law like the Sharia on non Moslems.

That much for fairness.

That much for your indignation!

Have a heart!

Quit carping!

Please note that in India, there is no special law for any religion except the Moslem i.e. the Moslem Personal Law.

In Pakistan, do you, like India, have an exclusive minority religious laws to protect minority interest, apart from ensuring that all obey Islam through the Sharia court and the Hudood?

You don;t have.

So stop acting pious.

You have to be reborn to understand secularism!
I am sorry about that. My mistake.

May be because of something I read at the WAB.

I don't blame you for the idea that I am a Christian.

I used to be one!

I now believe in nature since I can perceive its bounties. I cannot perceive God, even though I admit that there is a force that has ensured Creation that is beyond comprehension.

In my way of life and understanding, what I cannot see, I do not believe in!

Yet, I do not find others who believe in what they believe in, are in any way wrong in their belief.

Answer this:

If you wish to state that Indian Christians have a tough time, then please yourself.

However, you cannot refute that there is no Majority religion law in India (not that there are!) applicable to any minority.

India has personal laws that discriminate on grounds of beliefs. I don't agree with it.

In Pakistan, all are subject to the Sharia Court and the Huddood? Can you deny that? Why should I be under the Hudood? I don't agree that a Moslem's word is better than mine!

I do disagree with it. Pakistan has secular courts and Shariat courts (where the Hudood laws (that are now no longer used), would have been used).

Imagine Moslems being subject to Christian law and other religious laws. There will be riots. See what happened about the Prophet and the cartoons? Western law does not prevent cartoons or lampooning religions! Why was it made such a big issue? Notwithstanding, I found the Cartoons in bad taste.

To an extent the cartoons were a thin line even by Western laws. Freedom to express oneself, doesn't include freedom to insult. However, I couldnt care less what Danish cartoonists write. I never even went to protest it, I had a much better time elsewhere.

Show me one country in the world that applies their religious laws on minorities.

Well, Pakistan doesn't apply it to minorities. You are free to purchase alcohol in Pakistan, as a Hindu, or a Christian. They'll even provide you with your own special badge to purchase liquor..just to make you feel special.

And I will show you Islamic countries that apply Islamic law like the Sharia on non Moslems.

Please do. But don't include Pakistan in that category.
Bushroda, we can go on all night trading articles about Hindu atrocities on Muslims or the other way round, or on fundamentalists Hindus using and abusing young women for their own sexual pleasures, but that isn't what the topic is about.

You don't have to worry about digging up articles to convince me of what happens in India. It is my country & I know better. I don't even refute as to whatever happens but ofcourse if somebody tries to hijack a moral high ground to which he isn't entitled to I have a problem to that. So don't tell me that Christians in Pakistan are better off than the ones in India.

It's about Christian persecution in "secular" India. Just for the sake of clarity here are some examples of what I speak of..the disgusting vile face of India that is commonly accepted in many areas of Hindu India.

Girls led into life of 'sacred' sex slavery
Last Updated: 1:52am GMT 25/11/2004

You ask me to talk about Christian persecution in India & your link hardly has anything with the topic. isn't their enough child persecution in madrasas that you have to bother about what happens to joginis in Indian temple?

Madrassas hit by sex abuse claims
By Paul Anderson
BBC News, Islamabad

A Pakistani minister has revealed hundreds of cases of alleged child sex abuse at Islamic schools, or madrassas.

There were 500 complaints this year of abuse allegedly committed by clerics, Aamer Liaquat Hussain, a minister in the religious affairs department, said.

That compares with 2,000 last year, but as yet there have been no successful prosecutions, Mr Hussain told the BBC.

The minister's revelations have sparked death threats and infuriated some religious political leaders.

Mr Hussain said he had received death threats from clerics, but that he had done his job and his conscience was clear.

Leaders angered

The time had come for his country to face the bitter truth - the sickness of child abuse, he said.

The allegations involving Pakistan's Sunni majority and Shia minority referred to a tiny proportion of the country's 10,000 or so madrassas, he said.

He added that the body responsible for them, the Federation of Madrassas, was willing to co-operate with investigations because some clerics were bringing a bad name to Islam.

However, the revelations have angered some Islamic leaders. At a parliamentary meeting this week, some demanded he apologise.

The abuse revelations were made during a week in which the Pakistani government has been meeting religious leaders to build awareness of the spread of HIV/Aids.

Pakistan is stepping up its anti-Aids campaign, and the idea is to utilise the clerics' unique reach into communities to increase HIV/Aids awareness and to preach prevention.

Here are few more links for you before you start alleging the reports to be fabricated by Indians & fanatical Hindus

Pakistan: Child Abuse At Madrassas

Child Abuse and Islamist Madrassas - Reader comments at DanielPipes.org

If needed more links can be produced. So instead of talking about joginis & Devdasis Talk on subject matter which is Persecution of Christians
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