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Churches burnt in India

I'd compare that figure with the population of christians in Pakistan, and also whether its even possible to be openly Christian in some parts of Pakistan.

Riots happen when one faction regards the other as a comparable enemy. Considering the number of christians in Pakistan and the political power enjoyed by them (none), its not surprising that there are fewer riots against them.

Also the "15 churches" figure looks bigger than it is. Those "churches" were nothing more than tiny shacks.

What about these churches then?

India Hindu Militants Burn Down Church, Christian Tortured, Official Says - Worthy News

Christian Persecution India: Hindu Extremists in India Attack Church, Burn Bibles

"Since then Christians have been systematically targeted, their Churches and homes burnt, property looted and Religious effects desecrated."
Christian Persecution India: February 2004

If you go over the last decade, I would say hundreds of Churches have been burnt in India, whilst perhaps 2 or 4 have been burnt in Pakistan.
What about these churches then?

India Hindu Militants Burn Down Church, Christian Tortured, Official Says - Worthy News

Christian Persecution India: Hindu Extremists in India Attack Church, Burn Bibles

"Since then Christians have been systematically targeted, their Churches and homes burnt, property looted and Religious effects desecrated."
Christian Persecution India: February 2004

If you go over the last decade, I would say hundreds of Churches have been burnt in India, whilst perhaps 2 or 4 have been burnt in Pakistan.

Nice one RR.......


Whoa, Thats a huge difference...

Also I'm statisfied with those sources...

I guess, it shows Christianity is being Denounced , in a Secular country.
Well, at least, it is denounced in a secular country and I am glad that it is not praised in the name of religion or excuses trotted out!

Such religious zealots have no place and justice will hound them out!
Apparently, Laxmananda was the guy who posed a major threat to mass full scale conversion. He was quite active in stopping Christian missionaries. The bloke was attacked and that has provoked riots. The man is respected by Hindus of the area.

Might also surprise you that the President of evangelical World Vision India organization is also quite interested in the area. The usual soul harvest nonsense. Only religion can make a man so cheap to beg alms for helping the poor and then use that money to convert! :hitwall:
Apparently, Laxmananda was the guy who posed a major threat to mass full scale conversion. He was quite active in stopping Christian missionaries. The bloke was attacked and that has provoked riots. The man is respected by Hindus of the area.

Might also surprise you that the President of evangelical World Vision India organization is also quite interested in the area. The usual soul harvest nonsense. Only religion can make a man so cheap to beg alms for helping the poor and then use that money to convert! :hitwall:

Sam why on earth Laxmananda was never stopped by the government to bolck mass conversions by force as we had seen some Hindu fanatics were using harsh methods of threatening those who are willing to convert.

And the use of money well Samudra even if it was there

Isnt India a Secular Country ?????

IF ?? Than Isnt anyone in india has the right to convert whether for money or whatever purpose being a citizen of a "secular" country he/she should not be harrassad or stopped from doing so.
Isnt it?.

And shame on those who had made this incident a competion justifying oh look 2 were burnt in ur country what sham Taxas you realy disappointed today.

Forget about the minorities right i am saying the terrorist VHS and Bajrangdal should be taken to task strictly and for havensake protect your secular claims.
Sam why on earth Laxmananda was never stopped by the government to bolck mass conversions by force as we had seen some Hindu fanatics were using harsh methods of threatening those who are willing to convert.

Laxmananda was merely negotiating with the people involved to stop a mass conversion event from happening on Christmas day. His requests were refused and he was attacked by supporters of the soul harvesters. Hindu organizations wanted their 'revenge'.

Isnt India a Secular Country ?????

Yes, It is.

Than Isnt anyone in india has the right to convert whether for money or whatever purpose being a citizen of a "secular" country he/she should not be harrassad or stopped from doing so. Isnt it?.

Yes, of course. Nobody should be forced to do anything.

But if you stand outside a temple with a Bible in your hand and start denouncing Hindu Gods(This is legal, nothing wrong in it) dont expect the Hindu's to look the other way.
Jana, don't try to force some standards on India which you can't follow in your own country.

It seems hypocritical to see lectures in secularism coming from citizens of a non-secular country. Secularism is a dirty word for you, isn't it?
Jana, don't try to force some standards on India which you can't follow in your own country.

It seems hypocritical to see lectures in secularism coming from citizens of a non-secular country. Secularism is a dirty word for you, isn't it?

Atleast we dont pretend to be one which is not the case with you guys. We are what we are and we follow the guidance of the holly quran and that is the very reason the name of pakistan is islamic republic of pakistan and we treat miniorites with respect to the teaching of the holy quran.
But since you guys at the top of your voice try to show the whole world how secular you are. Well we are also trying to learn the same how secular india is.
Well if minorities are treated with respect in Pakistan then I am speechless. ;)
we treat miniorites with respect to the teaching of the holy quran.

In secular countries we do not respect the minorities as per the majority's religious text or books.

We treat them equally with the civil legal instruments that are beyond religion!
What respect ? Can a Hindu ever become President in Pakistan ?

What has president to do with respect? Respect is what is shown on individual basis and not for one to become president. Remember we are an Islamic republic, but that doesnt mean we have no respect for minorties.
In secular countries we do not respect the minorities as per the majority's religious text or books.

We treat them equally with the civil legal instruments that are beyond religion!

And so we are not secular, but its not us that we are discussing here but india which appears to be secular but still things like these occur.
And while we are an islamic country, civil and legal rights are the same for every person irrespective of which religion he/she is. The Quran very clearly states how a muslim should deal with minorites and hence there should be no doubt in one's mind about the rights of the minorites. Even you are a muslim or atleast protay to be one and if you ever did read the Quran you would know how clearly it states the muslims to protect the lives and things property etc of a non muslim when he/she lives with you and that too in minority. Even you cant deny the bold part

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