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Christine Fair: after losing war in Afghanistan let's bomb Pakistan

no challenge to USA
because she doesnt represent or drive US policy

so all i say is i pray that she gets to sleep wirh a black man
her perspective for life will change for better and she will be happy and singing for Pakistan.
Ouch !!!
Eventually we might not have a choice.
we always have a choice

we distinguish between what what American leadership says about us and what a disgruntled aging woman missing a man in her life says about us on Christmas.

dont feel threatened or defensive
but feel pity and pray for the sorry soul like her.
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people, take note. this is what happens when a lesbian's vibrtaror runs of out batteries.

Pakistanioun nay mari itni phar di
India however, is a virus, needs an antibiotic.
anti viral ...antibiotic is only for bacteria :coffee:

Please do read the comments LOL

The 'Muricans cannot get over their desire to bomb Pakistan. It seems drone strikes weren't enough.
MANY of them dont even know where Pakistan is! SO lets not fear...they may be overly happy thinking of bombing Idaho (thinking it is Pakistan) maybe?
i think they will carryout such attacks once civil unrest occur in Pakistan due to their proxies and india attacks us,we should make security and defense agreements with china and turkey to deal with such threats
Depends on what you qualify as a US veteran.

A US green beret with 6 years in the field is a Veteran. He is privy to the best training, intel and leadership.

A Navy crew chief who has 10 years at sea with little contact on the ground and usually is found next to airplanes is also a veteran.His intel is based upon packets and other services comrades.

An Air force rating working on ground maintenance of their water and sewage systems is also a Veteran. His intel is forum groups and his friends.

So unless you know which Veteran said what, its very subjective.

Pakistan Army had two stars who Advised Jihad and nuclear war against America as well. Military forces are not immune to misinformation and having a sizable population of idiots.
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