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Christian sentenced by Iranian judge to have his lips burnt with a cigarette for eating during Ramad

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May 30, 2013
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I Posted This Thread Few Hours ago,but so called admin on pdf closed this thread stating lack of evidence etc and etc..
so to those guys who says this is a fake news...
here's link

Christian in Iran to have his lips burnt for eating during Ramadan | Mail Online
Iranian Christian to Have Lips Burnt - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
Iran: Christian Man has Lips Burnt with Cigarette for Eating during Ramadan
Iran: Five men flogged and one Christian 'burnt on lips' for eating during Ramadan

An Iranian judge sentenced a Christian man to have his lips burnt with a cigarette for eating during the day in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The barbaric punishment was carried out in public in a square in the city of Kermanshah.

Five other Muslim men were also flogged in public with 70 lashes for not fasting during Ramadan, the city's deputy governor Ali Ashraf Karami said.

A spokesperson from The National Council of Resistance of Iran, a political coalition which opposes the government, denounced the treatment as 'savage' and called on western countries to take action.

At least 49 Christians were among 307 religious minorities being held in Iranian jails as of January 2014, noted the UN, which also criticised the regime for its hostility to Jews, Baha’is, Zoroastrians and Dervish Muslims.

In its annual report on people imprisoned for their faith around the world, the Brussels-based organization Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF) named Iran as one of five countries with the largest number of 'freedom of religion or belief prisoners.'

There are an estimated 250,000 Christians in Iran's 76 million strong population.

They all face torture, imprisonment or the death sentence under Sharia law for not observing Islamic religious festivals and dress codes.

Thousands of persecuted Christians have fled the country, which saw Hossein Soodmand hanged in 2008 for following the faith.
No point fighting it. Their numbers are insignificant. They should leave the country with dignity. Or at least their lives.
western nations should atleast provide free visa facility to these people ,like few days ago pope did to sudanese woman.
Their country their rules- when you live there- follow it-

The barbaric punishment was carried out in public in a square in the city of Kermanshah.

Lol at barbaric- cigarette burns doesn't hurt that much anyways-

They all face torture, imprisonment or the death sentence under Sharia law for not observing Islamic religious festivals and dress codes.

Burning lips with cigarette is 21st century entry into Sharia law i guess-
Their country their rules- when you live there- follow it-

Lol at barbaric- cigarette burns doesn't hurt that much anyways-

Burning lips with cigarette is 21st century entry into Sharia law i guess-
but u used to jump up and down when france banned burqa ,their country their rules..u guys are so filled with shit...burning with cigarette painless dude i cant even imagine the fucked up mindset of you muslims..
If true then its pretty stupid.
but u used to jump up and down when france banned burqa ,their country their rules..u guys are so filled with shit...burning with cigarette painless dude i cant even imagine the fucked up mindset of you muslims..

France banned Burqa :woot:-
na man i dont care what they ban-
btw compared to sensationalizing how painful burning lips with cigarettes is- its ain't- its just aint-
i am a smoker man- and i hv cig burns every where-
France banned Burqa :woot:-
na man i dont care what they ban-
btw compared to sensationalizing how painful burning lips with cigarettes is- its ain't- its just aint-
i am a smoker man- and i hv cig burns every where-
If true then its pretty stupid.
that aint stupid,it just fcked up

Yes it is. There is no punishment in Islam if someone doesn't fast. Specially Non-Muslims as they are not required to fast.
If true then its pretty stupid.

Yes it is. There is no punishment in Islam if someone doesn't fast. Specially Non-Muslims as they are not required to fast.

sorry if iam wrong but this is from quran
Who Must Fast And Who Is Excused From Fasting
The first condition for one to be obligated to fast is to be Muslim. In this world, the non-Muslim is not requested to fast, however, in the Hereafter, he will be punished for neglecting to fast, as he will be punished for his blasphemy. Rather, the obligation on the non-Muslim is to embrace Islam, then afterwards, to fast Ramadan.

Whoever does not fast in Ramadaan without being sick or having any other excuse that allows him not to fast is more evil than the adulterer or drunkard, indeed they doubted his Islam and thought that this was heresy.Al-Dhahabi said in al-Kabaa’ir, p. 64.
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