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Christian sentenced by Iranian judge to have his lips burnt with a cigarette for eating during Ramad

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WTF did i just read ?

which court in the world sentences someone to "burn the lips with cigarette" ? which laws are in order in iran ? dont we have a constitution ? islamic law or sth ? :sarcastic:

so the constitution says "burn the lips of those who ate during ramadan and do it with cigar " ? :laugh:

the media war is getting so pathetic :lol: actually , i am a doc (to be) one of the patients i saw had a sever form of DI , he had to drink water every 5 mins and i doubt that he has limited his life in ramadan to prevent his lips being burnt :lol:

this is so pathetic ..... for gods sake i'm living here !

WTF :lol:
So much denial to save face.

More fucked up things have happened in Iran, like stoning. It's a theocracy based on interpretation of 6th century arab Islamic laws. The chop hands off, burn lips, take eyes out and stone people to death.

Instead of trying to save face, tackle the real issues.
So much denial to save face.

More fucked up things have happened in Iran, like stoning. It's a theocracy based on interpretation of 6th century arab Islamic laws. The chop hands off, burn lips, take eyes out and stone people to death.

Instead of trying to save face, tackle the real issues.

So burning lips is a usual practice? this is the very first time I'm ever hearing about this burning lips punishment.
like deer friend @JEskandari pointed out , he only received this weird and creepy punishment cause he was a christian ! if he was a so called muslim he would have 80 lashes in the public !!
So burning lips is a usual practice? this is the very first time I'm ever hearing about this burning lips punishment.
It isn't. I've never heard about it before either. But local judges in Iran often pass their own unique judgments based on Shria law interpretations and it's often ruled down in higher courts. For example the higher courts will rule down stoning punishments if lower courts produce such a sentence.

The problem is that's not always the case. There was the famous case of cutting fingers off with the band saw in public last year.
Iran unveils finger amputating machine for use on thieves - Telegraph
And in Gaza Christians has opened doors for Muslims.

Iran and all muslim nations want muslims to be safe, but when it comes to time to reciprocate, they won't do the same with other religion people.

Isn't Iran the strongest supporter of Palestine ?
Sorry, but source is NOT reliable. Highly doubt this is true.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran is People's Mujahedin of Iran (MEK).
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for gods sake iam not talking about religion,i dont understand why u guys go on backfoot and start to blame the guy who posted it.its just that people in islamic world put people like this judge and some mullahs above god and follow their orders,rather than understanding and defending values of their religion and also others...
Before starting the thread you must found how credible the source is . and again the punishment for that if anybody really care and want to execute it is lashing not burning . and if they want to execute the law they must sentence several million people just in Tehran.
And the punishment is the same for Muslims and on muslims

When I close a thread, it's not because I don't like it, it's because the source of this nonsense is NCRI, belonging to MeK, a terrorist group despised by 99% of Iranians. They are so full of shit that even the most anti regime Iranians loathe them. You read the original source then open the same thread again. Only because some random sites have repeated it like a parrot from the original source, doesn't make it any better, that's their job, to spread every kind of bs about Iran, even if it's a ridiculous lie.

Normally, this explanation wouldn't be not needed, but I did it to make it clear for you.

And in Gaza Christians has opened doors for Muslims.

Iran and all muslim nations want muslims to be safe, but when it comes to time to reciprocate, they won't do the same with other religion people.

Isn't Iran the strongest supporter of Palestine ?
This 'news' is a hoax and the only single source on internet reporting it quotes the original source, which is a terrorist group. Let's put it like this: A terrorist group like LeJ spreads bs about India and people easily fall for it. What would come to your mind except the fact that those who believed it easily (and believe every random thing they read on internet) are gullible and naive people? You see this is the case. You should first see who is the first source of any news about anything, and then consider believing it or not.

Thread Closed.
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