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Christian Conversions in India - A film by Pia Skov

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LOL. Retarded Romanian. Without ownership there is no slavery. Whole life planned at birth? Is that how they do things in your country? One would think Ancient India had a life planner technology, planning and forecasting as to how anyone would turn up on growing up.

India was anything but gutter during ancient times. That title belonged to Europe. Fact why 1/3rd of European population died of plague.

What is Romania famous for? Vampires?

Keep it flowing girl/guy, show your bigotry to the world. Genetic scientists are you? Believing in ubermensch and untermensch?

Speaking about yourself? Since I own so many houses, I own multiple toilets. Heard most Romanians are walking talking bag of diseases, is it true?

Sorry, other Romanians.

lol midget, gypsies are not Romanian. :lol: More amazing education.
Midget. You don't even have the attention span that lasts a couple of pages. So, i suppose we found your limit. :lol:

That honor truly belongs to you. The media in India was discredited long ago. Most of the posts of christian priests bestiality I quoted from non-Indian sources.

Surprised you have been on this forum for so long and still not noticed Indians spitting on Indian media.
I never demeaned him. He wanted money. Whether it was for his personal emergency or anything, I do not know.
You have to look at this way. Drunkyards are also converting to Christianity for the sake of money. So you would be ok to that?

Moreover Its illegal to convert for money. Are NGO's and Churches providing details for such money? Who gave the money? Where it came from? It has a whole lot of security implications.
Actually yes, I might actually convert if offered a great deal of money ;) :P
But the sad part is, drunkyards are converting, for the sake of money.

Yes I understand what you mean, that you're against the manipulation of poor.
Christian missionaries 're offering money to the poor because the poor would do a harmless conversion in return for money.But in that case I would say the rich temples that we have don't take care of these poor.I've not understood whats the use of stacking so much money in temples when it can be given as alms. Infact doesn't the charity money that we offer in temples meant to take care of the poor?
We should not be complaining if the poor of our religion 're taking shelter of other religions.
lol midget, gypsies are not Romanian. :lol: More amazing education.

The rest of Europe does not agree with you. If one was to extend that logic Americans are not Americans because they just landed in Americas about 500 odd years ago. More example of shitty education.
The rest of Europe does not agree with you. If one was to extend that logic Americans are not Americans because they just landed in Americas about 500 odd years ago. More example of shitty education.


The Romani (also spelled Romany), or Roma, are an ethnicity of Indian origin, living mostly in Europe and theAmericas.[24][25] Romani are widely known among Anglophonic people by the exonym "Gypsies" (or Gipsies).

Romani people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh and , i find you imittating what i say to you most flattering. It really shows you're too stupid to formulate your own stuff and at the same time it suits my ego nicely. As we with good education know, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. :lol:
His Indian counterpart only targets Bengalis. Never seen hard core Indian nationalists claiming to have much humor in that.On the contrary, they prefer to overlook it. So, my point was if Nexus seems to be so humorous then why not the other way around? Quite mystery, isn't?
he is living in J&K , samza k'ro yaar :p:

Romani people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh and , i find you imittating what i say to you most flattering. It really shows you're too stupid to formulate your own stuff and at the same time it suits my ego nicely. As we with good education know, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. :lol:

Ohohohohoh. Yup they went there 800-1000 years ago. People go to America and in a generation they are Americans. Guess Romania is in a league of its own. Most gypsies do not even look Indian. They have mixed so much with the Europeans.

It does not take much to flatter stupids. Their IQ levels are satisfied with the most mundane stuff. So I do not have to try very hard. :D

oh and yes, wiki is foreign. :lol:

As far as I know it is certainly not Indian. Jimmy Wales as far as I know does not have Indian citizenship. You have any info differently?
His Indian counterpart only targets Bengalis. Never seen hard core Indian nationalists claiming to have much humor in that.On the contrary, they prefer to overlook it. So, my point was if Nexus seems to be so humorous then why not the other way around? Quite mystery, isn't?
no because he is a member of "HSAB" Group
"Hindu State of Akhand Bharat"
Ohohohohoh. Yup they went there 800-1000 years ago. People go to America and in a generation they are Americans. Guess Romania is in a league of its own. Most gypsies do not even look Indian. They have mixed so much with the Europeans.

The point is, you're so stupid that you thought Romanians means Romani people. See how they keep you in the gutter even today. You don't even know basic geography and some history on people of your own kin.

European look. :lol:



It does not take much to flatter stupids. Their IQ levels are satisfied with the most mundane stuff. So I do not have to try very hard. :D

I would like to see you try hard. Will be even bigger fail.
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