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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

terrorist incident are only those when some muslim kills others. white non muslim cant be a terrorist. the official statement will be "we are looking into this to ascertain whether it is a terrorist attack or not." and after couple of days the officials will say that the killings were carried out by a homeless person who had mental issues.
The term you are looking for is settlers who settled in foreign lands home to primitive savages

Ahem, not trying to start an argument (especially now of all times) but I happen to be one of those 'primitive savages' from New Zealand.

Anyway, it's more important to show support to the families of those slain and those injured as well as the broader Islamic community in New Zealand. I'm going to see my Muslim friends later at the Mosque that's part of the university gym I train at, and ask if there's anything I can do.
I actually use to follow a lot of Alt-Right sites just to see their persepective on things I agree on one thing its not a unified movement they are spilt among incels and infighting the big problem is ((Koshers)) bank rolling hate groups in the west and bank rolling a controlled left wing also extreme its all part of their plan of having the goyim at their necks and Richard Spencer is closeted homosexual
Ever since I found Trump had his daughter marry to a JEW. I jumped right off the Trump Train, while it looked promising for a while. Bunch of Jewish puppet they are, Liberals are Jewish puppets too. I don't even know what the f*ck I should I do. I am not gonna vote at all. Crazy f*cks on both sides.

One thing is sure. Ilhan Omar is a good Congresslady.

By the way, Muslims of PDF, Take a look at this... Does this drive you angry??? :mad:

Ever since I found Trump had his daughter marry to a JEW. I jumped right off the Trump Train, while it looked promising for a while. Bunch of Jewish puppet they are, Liberals are Jewish puppets too. I don't even know what the f*ck I should I do. I am not gonna vote at all. Crazy f*cks on both sides.

One thing is sure. Ilhan Omar is a good Congresslady.

Take a look at this scum... Muslims of PDF, Does this drive you angry??? :mad:

Wouldn't be surprised if she gets attacked physically in next few months
Reports that there were a total of 3 shooters whom coordinated the attack.
Ever since I found Trump had his daughter marry to a JEW. I jumped right off the Trump Train, while it looked promising for a while. Bunch of Jewish puppet they are, Liberals are Jewish puppets too. I don't even know what the f*ck I should I do. I am not gonna vote at all. Crazy f*cks on both sides.

One thing is sure. Ilhan Omar is a good Congresslady.

((Right_)) and ((Left)) wing are all strings to the Koshers and they are both using the polarized rhetoric to keep the goyim at bay they know Israel is getting unpopular so why not blame the Muslim and increase the SJWisztion of everything so you get radical whites and radical muzzies all part of the plan Illhan Omar will be ditched I fear for her life she could end up like Jim Traficant a Congresmen who "died" in a tractor incident
Ever since I found Trump had his daughter marry to a JEW. I jumped right off the Trump Train, while it looked promising for a while. Bunch of Jewish puppet they are, Liberals are Jewish puppets too. I don't even know what the f*ck I should I do. I am not gonna vote at all. Crazy f*cks on both sides.

One thing is sure. Ilhan Omar is a good Congresslady.

By the way, Muslims of PDF, Take a look at this... Does this drive you angry??? :mad:

Ignore him his another christfag that uses the Christfag cross as a sex toy to usher his sexual feelings of a Crusade
Ahem, not trying to start an argument (especially now of all times) but I happen to be one of those 'primitive savages' from New Zealand.

Anyway, it's more important to show support to the families of those slain and those injured as well as the broader Islamic community in New Zealand. I'm going to see my Muslim friends later at the Mosque that's part of the university gym I train at, and ask if there's anything I can do.
Heard the term sarcasm?

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