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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

I agree with Chinas policy towards Muslims, good on you guys.
There is no policy only on muslim but separatist and extremism. No, you are very critical of China policy and even mock it. Now , see who suffer for at the end? Mark my words, this will happen again in Australia soon unless you start camp like in China and restricting peoples certain freedom.

China is right in the first place.
But this a33hole spending the rest of his life in prison gives him an oppurtunity to spread his worldview to criminals in there with him.
He will be lynched before that... I can see his very painful death at the hands of his inmates..
So there is a capital punishment law in Australia?

I told you guys.. This guy is a terrorist sympathizer
Don't know about capital punishment but currently he is being only charged with one count. Will keep an eye on what the courts in New Zealand do to him trail is on April 5th. I don't know they will lable him terrorist or not.
While the west is too busy clamping down on so called Islamic extremists, the far right terrorists are gaining in strength and there are many sleeper cells waiting to strike at the right moment, The west cannot ignore the threat of the far right terrorists, the far right terrorists present an extreme danger to western societies as a whole.
The inmates are Pacific Islanders on the whole, they rape and beat little racists like him....
Doubt it that he will receive such treatment. He would be in solitary. Which in turn, make him look dangerous in the inmates' view. Which in turn would make him 'The Legendary Whom Everyone Wants to Know'.

As I said, ship him a little north. Towards a country that still utilize death sentence as capital punishment. Mine.
Doubt it.

46K Muslims in NZ and almost all of them very well educated. So, hardly any Muslims in prison and almost certainly no Muslim prison gangs.
Not Muslims, as @waz said, pacific islanders will rape his white sorry *** to death..

Doubt it that he will receive such treatment. He would be in solitary. Which in turn, make him look dangerous in the inmates' view. Which in turn would make him 'The Legendary Whom Everyone Wants to Know'.

As I said, ship him a little north. Towards a country that still utilize death sentence as capital punishment. Mine.
He is not dangerous without a weapon.. this little pony is too little for the islanders.. and too white for them to feast on.. These barbaric European decent people (who are racists of first degree) are hated by aboriginals and pacific islanders..
nothing can justify the incompetence of Nz authorities
he posted everything many hours prior to attack at best its intelligence failure and at worst its backed by Nz government

There has been a great deal of reporting about what was known prior to the incident, it's going to be some time before the facts are known. An inquest into the failure of our agencies to prevent this attack will shed more light, but until then I would suggest caution in making judgements such as the part I bolded. It's not helpful, and this is the first and only time I've seen this suggested anywhere.

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