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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

However here you have many people literally labelling all christians and white people as far right extremists terrorists,racists and what not,puting everyone in the same bag... Think about it.

While I can agree with your point. The media is presenting a face unseen....

"How did this blonde boy go from fun loving to mass killer?"

"Lost his way after his father passed...'
Exactly what I have been saying on this thread, Muslims are quick to tell the world how peaceful and wonderful they are, but when Muslims kill others then it's like a deafening silence and Muslims dancing in the streets, hypocrisy at it's best.

At least we don't have terrorist running free in our country.
We used to have that problem, not anymore, we dealt with it, but you? U people not only have terrorists running free in ur country but they are actually going over to other countries to conduct terror attacks, u do knw this terrorist was an aussie not a newzelander? Deal with this problem instead of pointing fingers outside before it consumes ur country. We are not marginalizing christianity or all white people after this attack, we expect u to return the favour and not marginalize all muslims when the attacker is muslim. There are over 1.5 billion of us, if we wanted to terrorize rhe world, nothing would be left in it. We are not some little minority that adolf could send to the gas chambers.
Unfortunately, I can see other racist white men copying this attack on Muslims, but look at this threat so many replies, but when non-Muslims are killed we hardly see one protest, Muslims aren't safe in the West anymore the multicultural experiment is finished Muslims should run back to their beautiful, rich Muslims countries where don't come to the West after all Muslims like to comp about how evil the West is.
This is another wrong opinion about Muslims in western countries. We always opposed the inhuman brutal act & condemned.

If I go with your solution so first we have to understand the nature, biography & circumstances of Muslims migrants, unfortunately no Muslim country in this world offers the true Islamic Democratic system practically but west provided us that major true Islamic characteristics such as justice system, opportunity on merit many more values etc. Hardworking & peaceful Muslims are more compatible with west rather then their own country & it's a fact if you see the nature & biography of majority Muslim migrants. Suppose if we exclude two things from Western culture one is pornography & second is interest rate, then we can have true Islamic Democratic system (sharia).

Yes I agree we are more then happy to live in our motherland if the Islamic rulers follow the same Islamic characteristics which somehow west provided to us. So instead of wasting money to spread hates, creating proxy, west should invest in Muslim country for eradicating corruption, nepotism & kleptocracy. After this west will never see us in west.

I have written an article please read if you wish.


-19 Palestinians
-5 Tunisians
-5 Bangladeshis
-4 Egyptians
-4 Moroccans
-3 Yemenis
-2 Iraqis
-2 Jordanians
-1 Iranian
-1 Afghani
-1 Saudi
-1 Pakistani
-1 unidentified


May Allah grant them mercy ....
Last edited:
The full name of Christchurch shooter is Brenton Harrison Tarrant. He is charged with murder at court.

Many people might regard this violence and 'toxic culture' emanating from the heart of the western world as something exceptional. As a student of history I don't. The relative calmness in the west is only seen in the last few decades and people assume that as the normative. The reality is before this we saw murder/killing on epic scale in the guise of National Socialism nurtured in the heart of Europe and crucible of western civilization - Germany/Western Europe. Prior to that the killing on industrial scale in war of nationalisms in WW1. Prior to that the mass genocide/slavery and murder under colonialism.

Like a huge monster that has gouged and eaten flesh to it's heart content, then goes into a sleepy slumber the west has taken leave from it's bloody past but deep inside it's womb the fire still burns.

And he desrcibed his time Northern Pakistan in very postive language.

Finally! Thank you!
Suppose if we exclude two things from Western culture one is pornography & second is interest rate, then we can have true Islamic Democratic system (sharia).
We must exclude these from the west -

  • Gays
  • Lesbians
  • blasphemers
  • heretics
  • alcohol drinkers
  • undecently dressed women including uncovered heads
  • interest
  • Jewish bankers [please @Azadkashmir]
  • mixed sex schools
  • sex education
And then apply partly or fully

  • Sharia law including
  • declaring sovereignty in Allah.
  • rule by a just Muslim leader as calipha
This would be a true Islamic caliphate in the west.

Finally! Thank you!
We must exclude these from the west -

  • Gays
  • Lesbians
  • blasphemers
  • heretics
  • alcohol drinkers
  • undecently dressed women including uncovered heads
  • interest
  • Jewish bankers [please @Azadkashmir]
  • mixed sex schools
  • sex education
And then apply partly or fully

  • Sharia law including
  • declaring sovereignty in Allah.
  • rule by a just Muslim leader as calipha
This would be a true Islamic caliphate in the west.

Disagree with a lot of points but agree with few. Islam does not allow enforcement. It is their choice to adopt. In Islam we can only preach them in peaceful manner only.
What sign is he making with his fingers and for who?

I'm guessing he knew he was going to be arrested or killed, and he was mentored/groomed for this.

I dunno.

But if I have to guess, it's either WP (white power) or OK.
Well, I was looking at it from the 'western' perspective. The Eatern Euros are as bad as they come. The problem with Paks is they have no had taste of them. If they did they would wake up to the fact that by comparison British, West Euros and Ameericans are angels.

Depends but our folks are lovaboyz lol
You know that crossed my mind. For some weird reason the western supremists and Neo-Nazis have a thing for Northern Pakistan and see the mountain peoples like Kalash, Hunza as kindred spirits and vestige of 'Aryans' to be defended.

See them as some lost brothers living the mountains of Pakistan.

Well I recall the Mir of Hunza did visit Macedonia few years ago

here is what folks on Stormfront guys think

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