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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

Unfortunately, I can see other racist white men copying this attack on Muslims, but look at this threat so many replies, but when non-Muslims are killed we hardly see one protest, Muslims aren't safe in the West anymore the multicultural experiment is finished Muslims should run back to their beautiful, rich Muslims countries where don't come to the West after all Muslims like to comp about how evil the West is.
When are you guys leaving from Muslims countries?
Unfortunately, I can see other racist white men copying this attack on Muslims, but look at this threat so many replies, but when non-Muslims are killed we hardly see one protest, Muslims aren't safe in the West anymore the multicultural experiment is finished Muslims should run back to their beautiful, rich Muslims countries where don't come to the West after all Muslims like to comp about how evil the West is.
If u think muslims will go back u dont the first thing about a muslim. We dont give up easy and sometimes we dont give up at all. It is the white terrorists who will have to learn the new reality about how things are and believe me they will learn that, the easy wat or the....... if u want to go down this road, no oil for u mate....u see this argument doesnt work, countries like australia and newzeland need imigrants for there economies to grow as the local population is too low, probably has something to do with the fact that u killed of most of the aborginals back then. So the way ahead is to pick these white terrorists like weed and poison them as weeds should be.
If u think muslims will go back u dont the first thing about a muslim. We dont give up easy and sometimes we dont give up at all. It is the white terrorists who will have to learn the new reality about how things are and believe me they will learn that, the easy wat or the....... if u want to go down this road, no oil for u little whiny twats.

Yeak ok then.
First of all,RIP to the victims of this heinous attack.

Secondly,I have witnessed lot of hypocrisy on this thread. When someone commits a terror act in the name of Islam,you all come to say they do not represent Islam and muslims,they are a minority,while at the same time many post only to try to find justifications of their acts.

However here you have many people literally labelling all christians and white people as far right extremists terrorists,racists and what not,puting everyone in the same bag... Think about it.
One of the victim's from the New Zealand masjid shooting asking everyone to keep him and his family in our prayers.

May Allah SWT grant him and his family and all the wounded and their families shifa, quick recovery and patience Ameen, and may Allah SWT grant all the victims jannat ul firdous Ameen.

If u think muslims will go back u dont the first thing about a muslim. We dont give up easy and sometimes we dont give up at all. It is the white terrorists who will have to learn the new reality about how things are and believe me they will learn that, the easy wat or the....... if u want to go down this road, no oil for u mate....u see this argument doesnt work, countries like australia and newzeland need imigrants for there economies to grow as the local population is too low, probably has something to do with the fact that u killed of most of the aborginals back then. So the way ahead is to pick these white terrorists like weed and poison them as weeds should be.
These guys are afraid of Lebanese in their country.. and they talk against all Muslims..

They don't know, the moment police open the mosque, this mosque will continue like before.. but if a single little incident happened at one of their churches, these coward white aussies will forget to attend their Sunday prayers for many many weeks to come..

First of all,RIP to the victims of this heinous attack.

Secondly,I have witnessed lot of hypocrisy on this thread. When someone commits a terror act in the name of Islam,you all come to say they do not represent Islam and muslims,they are a minority,while at the same time many post only to try to find justifications of their acts.

However here you have many people literally labelling all christians and white people as far right extremists terrorists,racists and what not,puting everyone in the same bag... Think about it.
This is because you guys are protecting the attackers by not calling them terrorists, while a Muslim attacker is always linked to Islamic terrorism..
While the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was performing tawaaf (circulating) the Holy Ka`ba, he said to it:

"How pure and good you are! how pure and good your fragrance is! how great and exalted you are! and how great and exalted your sanctity is! But by Him in Whose hand is Muhammad’s soul, the sanctity of a believer’s blood and property in the sight of Allah is greater than your sanctity!’“

This act of right wing terrorism from a white supremacist is indicative of a toxic culture that have been brewing for a while in the fringes of the internet. Sites like 8ch, 4chan, stormfront and others are a cesspool of misanthropy, bigotry, hate and prejudice. And this attack carried significant markers and characteristics of said online heritage.

Something has to be done.
Unfortunately, I can see other racist white men copying this attack on Muslims, but look at this threat so many replies, but when non-Muslims are killed we hardly see one protest, Muslims aren't safe in the West anymore the multicultural experiment is finished Muslims should run back to their beautiful, rich Muslims countries where don't come to the West after all Muslims like to comp about how evil the West is.
Your not planning to buy or have a gun on your person do you?
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