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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

This act of right wing terrorism from a white supremacist is indicative of a toxic culture that have been brewing for a while in the fringes of the internet. Sites like 8ch, 4chan, stormfront and others are a cesspool of misanthropy, bigotry, hate and prejudice. And this attack carried significant markers and characteristics of said online heritage.

Something has to be done.
Many people might regard this violence and 'toxic culture' emanating from the heart of the western world as something exceptional. As a student of history I don't. The relative calmness in the west is only seen in the last few decades and people assume that as the normative. The reality is before this we saw murder/killing on epic scale in the guise of National Socialism nurtured in the heart of Europe and crucible of western civilization - Germany/Western Europe. Prior to that the killing on industrial scale in war of nationalisms in WW1. Prior to that the mass genocide/slavery and murder under colonialism.

Like a huge monster that has gouged and eaten flesh to it's heart content, then goes into a sleepy slumber the west has taken leave from it's bloody past but deep inside it's womb the fire still burns.

He went to DPRK as well but he was in Pakistan in Gilgit Baltistan in 2018
And he desrcibed his time Northern Pakistan in very postive language.
Many people might regard this violence and 'toxic culture' emanating from the heart of the western world as something exceptional. As a student of history I don't. The relative calmness in the west is only seen in the last few decades and people assume that as the normative. The reality is before this we saw murder/killing on epic scale in the guise of National Socialism nurtured in the heart of Europe and crucible of western civilization - Germany/Western Europe. Prior to that the killing on industrial scale in war of nationalisms in WW1. Prior to that the mass genocide/slavery and murder under colonialism.

Like a huge monster that has gouged and eaten flesh to it's heart content, then goes into a sleepy slumber the west has taken leave from it's bloody past but deep inside it's womb the fire still burns.

And he desrcibed his time Northern Pakistan in very postive language.

Your forgot the violence of Kosovo and the break up of Yugoslavia in the 1990s and till this day Russia/Ukraine these days and Russo-Georgian war plus Chechen wars of the 1990s

And he desrcibed his time Northern Pakistan in very postive language.[/QUOTE]

I guess he liked it for the Kalash folks
May god give strength to the families.

Please also don’t label all white Conservative Christians as racists or terrorists @Vergennes said.
Hateful rhetoric only fuels the fire.
Your forgot the violence of Kosovo and the break up of Yugoslavia in the 1990s and till this day Russia/Ukraine these days and Russo-Georgian war plus Chechen wars of the 1990s
Well, I was looking at it from the 'western' perspective. The Eatern Euros are as bad as they come. The problem with Paks is they have no had taste of them. If they did they would wake up to the fact that by comparison British, West Euros and Ameericans are angels.
The terrorist's gun and the meaning behind some of his words on the gun.

"Refugees welcome to hell", the only one who will be going to hell is you In-sh'Allah.

I guess he liked it for the Kalash folks
You know that crossed my mind. For some weird reason the western supremists and Neo-Nazis have a thing for Northern Pakistan and see the mountain peoples like Kalash, Hunza as kindred spirits and vestige of 'Aryans' to be defended.

See them as some lost brothers living the mountains of Pakistan.
First of all,RIP to the victims of this heinous attack.

Secondly,I have witnessed lot of hypocrisy on this thread. When someone commits a terror act in the name of Islam,you all come to say they do not represent Islam and muslims,they are a minority,while at the same time many post only to try to find justifications of their acts.

However here you have many people literally labelling all christians and white people as far right extremists terrorists,racists and what not,puting everyone in the same bag... Think about it.
People are calling this as an act of christian terrorism just as an act by a muslim is called as an act of terrorism. This doesnt mean all christians or all muslims are terrorists, this incident is a wake up call for those eho used to label islam as terror prone while christian white groups with crosses tattoed to their bodies openly promote nazism( the deadliest form of terrorism on this earth as it consumed millions of humans in just 5 yrs), they frequently carry out attacks against schools or any other places of congregation and yet it is all hushed down and kept under the cover by the media, lets just call terrorism as terrorism and stop marginalising religions or ehtincities under that label. We have handled such people in Pakistan, ee fought a decade long war and lost 70k people, maybe u people should nip this weed in its bud or do u wanna fight a decade long war too before u learn something or maybe u have already fought a world war on this subject and lost most of ur country to the menace of terrorism aka nazism and learned nothing?

I think he went to many countries in Europe and Asia including Turkey/Pakistan.
I dont care about other countries, we need to start vetting people and their political affiliations befoe letting then inside our northern areas which, how do i say it, are prone to be easily fooled and used against the state.
May god give strength to the families.

Please also don’t label all white Conservative Christians as racists or terrorists @Vergennes said.
Hateful rhetoric only fuels the fire.
Well said. We must keep in mind that these type of monsters want us to see the world along white/brown/yellow/black divisions. As a big fcuk you to these people we must react by seeing all of us as humans. There is good and bad everywhere. People like this shooter want us to look at the world through this divide prism. We must not given in to them. Where I live I have white neighbours and I know I can depend on them for my safety.
You know that crossed my mind. For some weird reason the western supremists and Neo-Nazis have a thing for Northern Pakistan and see the mountain peoples like Kalash, Hunza as kindred spirits and vestige of 'Aryans' to be defended.

See them as some lost brothers living the mountains of Pakistan.
They like the mesmerizing beauty of the area, the hospitality and the wonderful people comment is given regarding all of Pakistan from lahore to peshawar to karachi to gilgit, dont turn this into race thing, our nation is one of the few places om earth that is not infected by this unnatural virus. Going out of the way to be hospitable is the national character of Pakistan found entrenched in all areas of Pakistan yet the extreme hospitable areas actually are punjab, khyber pakhtoonkhwa and balochistan.
First of all,RIP to the victims of this heinous attack.

Secondly,I have witnessed lot of hypocrisy on this thread. When someone commits a terror act in the name of Islam,you all come to say they do not represent Islam and muslims,they are a minority,while at the same time many post only to try to find justifications of their acts.

However here you have many people literally labelling all christians and white people as far right extremists terrorists,racists and what not,puting everyone in the same bag... Think about it.

Exactly what I have been saying on this thread, Muslims are quick to tell the world how peaceful and wonderful they are, but when Muslims kill others then it's like a deafening silence and Muslims dancing in the streets, hypocrisy at it's best.

Australian authorities must keep a check on these kind of guys..

At least we don't have terrorist running free in our country.
Exactly what I have been saying on this thread, Muslims are quick to tell the world how peaceful and wonderful they are, but when Muslims kill others then it's like a deafening silence and Muslims dancing in the streets, hypocrisy at it's best.
Where did u see muslims dancing on the streets after terror attacks? In one instance we lost over 200 school children to monsters such as this attacker, do u see us dancing?

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