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Choudhary Nisar On Nirander Modi

Modi is nothing. Indians just try to elevate his status by comparing him with great leaders like Jinnah etc.And no both can't be compared. One achieved his goal(a new country) and other achieved sh!t.

Jinnah was responsible for the creation of two nations. pakistan and bangladesh.

Three, if you include India.

If creating a nation is the criteria for comparing leaders, Jinnah can be compared to Kim Il Sung who is credited with creating a new nation of North Korea.
I disagree. Those attacks were best what ISI could do but at the cost of 'not less than hundred attacks'.
bro its easy to Attack someone in Afghanistan specially if ISI want to so it was just a warning shot nothing more it was a welcome party given by Pakistan to india in afghanistan :smitten: see how much we love u
bro its easy to Attack someone in Afghanistan specially if ISI want to so it was just a warning shot nothing more it was a welcome party given by Pakistan to india in afghanistan :smitten: see how much we love u
LOLs since when ISI os so kind on Indians?
acha,ek random gangster ko bachane mein aap log itna serious hain,u can now realize why the pak passport is really a worthless piece of paper.

Do u know USA denied to give visa to your modi. Because of the atrocities that he has made in his Gujarat.
and u know why?

so what,they changed their ambassadror recently cuz she was against Modi?

Kiske tatte sookh rahe hain abhi?
Chanakya was great who kicked the crap out of mighty Greek army left by Alexander and also liberated your ancestors from the slavery of Greeks with his great strategies. ;)
my ancestors?? can u plz explain
my ancestors?? can u plz explain

If you are from Punjab or Sindh as entire Indus valley was conquered by Alexander until Chandragupta with grand strategies of Chanakya defeated Seleucus and kicked the Greeks out of your land. ;)
If you are from Punjab or Sindh as entire Indus valley was conquered by Alexander until Chandragupta with grand strategies of Chanakya defeated Seleucus and kicked the Greeks out of your land. ;)
but we are kutub shahi awan from iran we were invited by mugals to do jehad against hindu raj
@INDIC You changed your Avtar....?? previous one of kishore kumar..if not wrong
I admire Chankya bcoz i read HISTORY...............so plz pakistani dont comment on Him, He ws only one SAGE india ever produced....Chankya was minister in Chander Gupt Mauriya dynasty.....323BC (if not wrong)
That was the first ever dynasty which shaped Modern India Geography .....(funny thing is that...founders are BUDDHISM followers)
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