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*** Choosing Between ‘Greenfield FMBT’ & Arjun Mk3 ***

Which one should be IA's future MBT ???

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No.. read it carefully

I did read that source carefully bro.It stated,'It is believed that ASSISTANCE has been provided with the TURBOJET engine by a russian company and the engine is similar to the TRDD-50'.Now you tell me what does that mean.By the way the article itself says the 'missile'and not the 'drone' will have a topspeed of mach .8-.9 and a range of 800-1000 km.
Besides,DRDO has already made their mind that they will use turbofan engines in Nirbhay cruise missiles.So I very much doubt this engine will be used.


The article says.. Initially Russian engines will be used to develop and test the missile.. that's what assistance means .. Russian company will give the turbofan for development and testing.. but to deploy it.. it has to be an Indian engine.. as Russia is part of MTCR signatory.. we have made a break through recently.. we will deploy it in another 3-4 years
The article says.. Initially Russian engines will be used to develop and test the missile.. that's what assistance means .. Russian company will give the turbofan for development and testing.. but to deploy it.. it has to be an Indian engine.. as Russia is part of MTCR signatory.. we have made a break through recently.. we will deploy it in another 3-4 years

Yeah,now I understan.The russian TRDD-50 is a turbojet not turbofan.For testing it will be ok,but for production version the mini Kaveri turbofan has to be developed.
Actually my point was that the Prasun chor gupta was wrong-Nirbhay will be indeed a cruise missile and not a target drone,which I proved.
He he he....when pitted against ATGM and LCH...type whatever are all junks.

Don't feed the troll,ignore it.His only intension was to derail the thread in which he has been failed and is proved to be a junk.
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