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Chinese women Tased

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Jan 7, 2012
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Chinese Woman Brutally Tased By Police For Trying To Buy iPhones in New Hamshire - YouTube

CNN has spotted a local TV news station in the US reporting on the unfortunate case of a Chinese woman in America being tasered by police in an altercation at an Apple Store. The woman, surnamed Li, was asked to leave the Apple shop premises after attempting to buy more than the allowed quota of two iPhone 5s per person, a move made to stop resellers who export the devices to grey-market vendors in China and some other nations.

But the situation escalated when Li did not leave the store, which her daughter says was down to a language barrier-based misunderstanding about what was being asked. When the woman then filmed other customers in the shop, whom she believed had bought more than two phones, the Nashua, New Hampshire, police were called, and a taser was pulled out as Li resisted arrest. Another shopper filmed the tasering - replete with agonizing screams - in the mall. She was carrying $16,000 in cash. Nashua police will review if excessive force was used.
Chinese Woman Brutally Tased By Police For Trying To Buy iPhones in New Hamshire - YouTube

CNN has spotted a local TV news station in the US reporting on the unfortunate case of a Chinese woman in America being tasered by police in an altercation at an Apple Store. The woman, surnamed Li, was asked to leave the Apple shop premises after attempting to buy more than the allowed quota of two iPhone 5s per person, a move made to stop resellers who export the devices to grey-market vendors in China and some other nations.

But the situation escalated when Li did not leave the store, which her daughter says was down to a language barrier-based misunderstanding about what was being asked. When the woman then filmed other customers in the shop, whom she believed had bought more than two phones, the Nashua, New Hampshire, police were called, and a taser was pulled out as Li resisted arrest. Another shopper filmed the tasering - replete with agonizing screams - in the mall. She was carrying $16,000 in cash. Nashua police will review if excessive force was used.

It is sad and disturbing the treatment of people who don't speak English well in the US. Two grown as police officer can't subdue this tiny Asian woman? There is no doubt that they "men" and people do not see her as a human being equal to their white counterpart.

Yet, in Asia, when an American can roam around cursing in English and asking local if they can speak English in an Asian country, people treat these scumbags with deference and police treatment of these asshole better than their own people. This is why Asian countries will never be respected when they treat white foreign better than they treat their own countrymen.
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If someone resists arrest - language barrier or not - taser is the safest and the standard option under the law. What has the race got to do with it?

And this is local news as well.
I am Sure Police in USA treats every person zillion times better than what any police of a Asian Country does...
It is sad and disturbing the treatment of people who don't speak English well in the US. Two grown as police officer can't subdue this tiny Asian woman? There is no doubt that they "men" and people do not see her as a human being equal to their white counterpart.

Yet, in Asia, when an American can roam around cursing in English and asking local if they can speak English in an Asian country, people treat these scumbags with deference and police treatment of these asshole better than their own people. This is why Asian countries will never be respected when they treat white foreign better than they treat their own countrymen.

What do you want them to do? Subdue her physically when she could have had any number of weapons on her? You can say that wouldn't have happened shes just a little Chinese lady, but a knife hurts no matter who wields it, just like a gun, and officers are taking their lives into their own hands by getting close to the suspect that is also a stranger. The Taser is indeed the safest option unless the person raises both their hands and/or cooperates.

Of course they will treat someone they know differently than some stranger, because they have ideas what a person they know will do, but they will treat a stranger as potentially dangerous whether that stranger is from California or China.

Rule number 1 when dealing with the police (if you didnt really do anything wrong of course), always cooperate (within reason of course) and/or stay pleasant (always do this) and complain later.

There are departments of the police specifically tasked with dealing with officers who overstep their boundaries.
It is sad and disturbing the treatment of people who don't speak English well in the US.
What is the police officer supposed to then?

Two grown as police officer can't subdue this tiny Asian woman?
She might be injured and sue. Tasering is the standard practice to ensure the safety of the arrested that resist arrest.

If someone resists arrest - language barrier or not - taser is the safest and the standard option under the law. What has the race got to do with it?
Don't tell that to Chinese posters who don't understand. They expect the Police to use Kung Fu kicks to knock the suspect unconscious.
What do you want them to do? Subdue her physically when she could have had any number of weapons on her? You can say that wouldn't have happened shes just a little Chinese lady, but a knife hurts no matter who wields it, just like a gun, and officers are taking their lives into their own hands by getting close to the suspect that is also a stranger. The Taser is indeed the safest option unless the person raises both their hands and/or cooperates.

Of course they will treat someone they know differently than some stranger, because they have ideas what a person they know will do, but they will treat a stranger as potentially dangerous whether that stranger is from California or China.

Rule number 1 when dealing with the police (if you didnt really do anything wrong of course), always cooperate (within reason of course) and/or stay pleasant (always do this) and complain later.

There are departments of the police specifically tasked with dealing with officers who overstep their boundaries.

Yeah, what If she was a diabetic, genius?

These damn things are dangerous.
This is why it's critical to educate the Chinese tourists on the way of the Western countries.

In China, violently resisting arrest is not an extra crime added to whatever the charges that got you arrested in the first place. In the West, violently resisting arrest could be a bigger crime than the crime you are being arrested for.

China needs to educate its citizens on this before letting them fly abroad.
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It is sad and disturbing the treatment of people who don't speak English well in the US. Two grown as police officer can't subdue this tiny Asian woman? There is no doubt that they "men" and people do not see her as a human being equal to their white counterpart.

Yet, in Asia, when an American can roam around cursing in English and asking local if they can speak English in an Asian country, people treat these scumbags with deference and police treatment of these asshole better than their own people. This is why Asian countries will never be respected when they treat white foreign better than they treat their own countrymen.

I agree with you totally and have seen it and felt it. On the other hand i don't think what u have written is applicable in this very case but anyways you nailed it .

The attitude in India i have seen is horrendous, no one will say it but i have seen whites getting 1st class services by the same people who treat their own people as 3rd class citizens in their own country. The inferiority complex is so ingrained now days that people fell ashamed talking in their own languages. God knows what they want to be .
I am Sure Police in USA treats every person zillion times better than what any police of a Asian Country does...

fact proven Right that 90% of indians are idiots
no they dont treat every person zillion times better, they go harsh on black people and sometimes white.
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Criminal tresspass? WTF. How can u criminaly tresspass a shopping mall.:undecided:
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