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Chinese women Tased

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And that's exactly the psychological problem. It's legal to carry guns around and plenty of cops gets killed so when someone even resist a bit whether it's a suspect or the involved ones the cops will draw their guns/tasers out quickly without thinking straight whether that person can be a threat. It is also becoming an excuse for cops to use to suggest everyone can carry a knife/gun around so they must treat every situation the same which is get ready to pull the guns out just in case you could end up dead. In EU most cops don't react like that even though they never know if the people they are questioning could be hiding a knife inside their pockets they don't pull out their weapons out unless it's necessary. You can say it's better to listen to the cops and save yourself from being tased but if that woman doesn't understand any word of it she could be panicking wondering what the cops want from her. Did the employees even tell the cops she already bought 2 iPhones and doen't speak English? The cops overreacted here and have serious judgmental errors. Perhaps it's best to warn everybody before traveling to US that the police over there are extremely violent and it's better to do as they tell you to and if you don't speak English stick both hands out immediately let them handcuff you or else they will start to shoot because they are impatient and get nervous very quickly.

I feel you buddy.

In the U.S police are very different from the police in Europe.

Here police folks can and do die when they make simple traffic infraction stops.

This is real.

This is the land of guns. I know at least one person whose dad at one point owned a 50 caliber machine gun.

Go figure.
It is sad and disturbing the treatment of people who don't speak English well in the US. Two grown as police officer can't subdue this tiny Asian woman? There is no doubt that they "men" and people do not see her as a human being equal to their white counterpart.

Yet, in Asia, when an American can roam around cursing in English and asking local if they can speak English in an Asian country, people treat these scumbags with deference and police treatment of these asshole better than their own people. This is why Asian countries will never be respected when they treat white foreign better than they treat their own countrymen.

The police officers in China is practically nice with everyone, if you don't believe you can go to check the video of the arrested drunk drivers in China, to see how these idiots just disrepect the Chinese police officers.

While these rich idiots just believed that the American police officers will also behave nice with them, they have just learned a memorable lesson right now.
Good news. Chinese who go to USA to travel should be tased anyway. Should block her from reentry into China.
This women is not Chinese nationality,she is actually American.
If she is Chinese nationality, the Chinese embassy would have *intervened。
This women is not Chinese nationality,she is actually American.
If she is Chinese nationality, the Chinese embassy would have *intervened。

Most likely a naked official's wife who has just obtained the American Green Card.

She can't speak English, but she has $15,000 of cash just to buy the iPhones.

Yep, those clueless idiots just need to learn "the true democracy of USA".
Please don't post local news.

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