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Chinese woman shot dead in Pakistan city

These terrorists attack only Pakistani and Chinese people. Somehow, Westerners are quite immune to such attacks. Begs for explanation!!

That's what I wonder too. I mean Taliban or Al Qaeda hates USA so much but not a single American killed in targeted killing or suicide bomb blast? Raymond Davis and other American agents are freely roaming in Pakistan but not a single one is killed so far!
You just answered your own question. :azn:

You saw the quotes I sent you, where the Indian members here refer to us as "chink faggots" pretty much every day here.

We are simply mirroring the attitude of the Indians here to us. Like you said, if you show friendship and compassion then you will get it in return. But that's not what we are getting.
there are a lot of INDIANS who are interested in a constructive dialog, you have to open your eyes to see them and answer their questions and ask questions to them rather you always wish to run behind those who are interested in flame baiting. Buyers beawer is the policy, so its good for you if you see the good people in the forum rather than the idiots.
I on behalf of all Pakistani's apologize for the poor Chinese lady who got shot in Pakistan. This is definitely sad and we condemn it. The person or group who is responsible for this must be shot down by the authorities whether be Pakistani or any other nationality. Furthermore, it is not fair that China has helped Pakistan so much and Chinese brothers and sisters in Pakistan should not get this kind of treatment. Anyways, I hope that it will not affect Pak-China alliance. Pakistani government should take Chinese government on confidence on this incident.

China Zindabaad!
I on behalf of all Pakistani's apologize for the poor Chinese lady who got shot in Pakistan. This is definitely sad and we condemn it. The person or group who is responsible for this must be shot down by the authorities whether be Pakistani or any other nationality. Furthermore, it is not fair that China has helped Pakistan so much and Chinese brothers and sisters in Pakistan should not get this kind of treatment. Anyways, I hope that it will not affect Pak-China alliance. Pakistani government should take Chinese government on confidence on this incident.

China Zindabaad!

My brother, you really do not need to apologize to us for anything. :)

It was not your fault at all, it was a criminal act that could have happened to anybody, in any place or time. These criminals did not just attack a Chinese person, but they also killed a Pakistani too. Chinese and Pakistani people were both the victims here.
I on behalf of all Pakistani's apologize for the poor Chinese lady who got shot in Pakistan. This is definitely sad and we condemn it. The person or group who is responsible for this must be shot down by the authorities whether be Pakistani or any other nationality. Furthermore, it is not fair that China has helped Pakistan so much and Chinese brothers and sisters in Pakistan should not get this kind of treatment. Anyways, I hope that it will not affect Pak-China alliance. Pakistani government should take Chinese government on confidence on this incident.

China Zindabaad!

Thanks. This is just a regular crime and bad things like this happen in China as well. It will have zero impact on Pakistan-China reliance. But it will have negative impact on the local tourism. Anyway, RIP to both Chinese and Pakistani victims here. And hope the attacker could be caught and face justice.
Something more I would like to add. If you compare Afghani Talibans with Pakistani Talibans, you will see that they sometimes kill Americans too unlike our Pakistani Tablibans who doesn't even make the effort. Both Talibans are against government of their respective countries and they do suicide bombing, killing e.t.c. but from time to time Afghani Talibans go out of the way and actually make an effort to kill Americans. But here Pakistani Talibans only kill locals or foreigner other than Americans. They do not even try to do this.
Some people might call this behavior suspicious, but I call this behavior crystal clear. There is nothing suspicious about it as action speaks louder than words and you can clearly see who is doing what.
Do not see what someone is saying, see what he is doing.
Condolences to her family and I hope she will rest in peace...

But I have to say this too, the moment I read the title I had a feeling that this thread was started by an Indian forumer.... Atleast after copy/pasting the news, wish for patience to her family or write something like ''RIP''...
Something more I would like to add. If you compare Afghani Talibans with Pakistani Talibans, you will see that they sometimes kill Americans too unlike our Pakistani Tablibans who doesn't even make the effort. Both Talibans are against government of their respective countries and they do suicide bombing, killing e.t.c. but from time to time Afghani Talibans go out of the way and actually make an effort to kill Americans. But here Pakistani Talibans only kill locals or foreigner other than Americans. They do not even try to do this.
Some people might call this behavior suspicious, but I call this behavior crystal clear. There is nothing suspicious about it as action speaks louder than words and you can clearly see who is doing what.
Do not see what someone is saying, see what he is doing.

Pakistani Taliban were formed, founded, and aided by India, no doubt there.
.................But I have to say this too, the moment I read the title I had a feeling that this thread was started by an Indian forumer.... Atleast after copy/pasting the news, wish for patience to her family or write something like ''RIP''...
Who else will start this kind of a thread...........

Indians are kind-hearted enough to start such a thread.....
Our sole purpose of posting such threads is to make the Pakistan-China friendship stronger.....

Just think......A Chinese killed in Pakistan.....

Now, if India wasn't there to be blamed, then such incidents would invariably mean deterioration in Pakistan-China relationship....
BUT by scapegoating India and blaming anything and everything on India you can salvage the BOND....

Thus India is the "SALVAGER"......

Blame any anti-Chinese/anti-Pakistani activities on India AND the Pakistan-China bond remains solid FOREVER.....

Long Live Pakistan-China friendship :pakistan: :china:

Now this post would be deleted.....Long-Live :pdf:
Pakistani Taliban were formed, founded, and aided by India, no doubt there.
sorry there, we do not do such things. it was your army that sent regular army to join the ranks of Taliban in Afganistan and now they are back home with a new agenda as they feel that you let them and their brothers down when you provided airbases for US pounder their a$$ in the TORA BORA caves and elsewhere in Afganistan.
sorry there, we do not do such things. it was your army that sent regular army to join the ranks of Taliban in Afganistan and now they are back home with a new agenda as they feel that you let them and their brothers down when you provided airbases for US pounder their a$$ in the TORA BORA caves and elsewhere in Afganistan.

By replying to such allegations, you are not being smart.....

Just say YES! we are responsible for everything....and have a cup of :coffee:
as per BBC she was an interpreter. There could be two things,
1. Wrong place at wrong time
2. She was the target.

Truth will come aftr investigation only.
RIP to the dead.

Sad incident, but truth be told such instances can happen anywhere, anytime to anybody.
The only downside here is that the situation in Pakistan atm is more prone to such attacks especially near the tribal regions.
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