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Chinese Type-054A

I hope china donates us a few.

as56, I'd rather wish a deeply strengthened bilateral cooperation between PK and China, fullscale while laying heavy stress on infrastructure in order to elevate industral and R&D level, and also to benefit populace in Pakistan.

then you will be more capable to produce both civilian and military facilities on your own, which is, I believe, what Pakistan really needs.
come on guys, as56 is not to blame. international donation is far not charity. China has donated a lot to Pakistan including money,medical facilities,medicines,office equipment.etc...and also received donations from Pakistan during natural calamity in China.

None of Chinese people will feel uppish by donating for others especially our close friend and brother Pakistan, it's a sincere help with good wishes. and actually I wont feel unease if Chinese government decides to donate their latest warship over to PN, but it's no better than assisting them in industrial development.

when someone needs fish, a greater help is to send him a fishing rod.

what's more, were I decision maker in China, I would like to offer anything in proper way to help Pakistan get over the social instability instead of any weapon. a stronger and steady Pakistan is what we want most to see.

Thanks for the kind words. China indeed is a great friend, but Pakistan too needs to stand up as a self-sufficient country than accepting military equipment from China for free, and so far it seems to be on that path. Also when the government IS ready to provide funds for the equipment.. there is no better place to spend than China. It all comes back in the form of love and bond. Thanks to China. :china:
Hey, mxiong, calm down, you don't need to carry out your psychotic manner in front of our Pakistani friends.

Haha, sorry, my Chinese fellow is just trying to say "Let's bust a cap in the Indians' arse." I appologize for his rudeness posting non-English here.

Back on topic, yeah, the Type 054A(Chinese title) class frigate is a very superb kind of naval weapon. It is designed as an ocean-going frigate providing arial anti-craft unbrella and anti-sub service. Of course, as you guys have noticed, the hightlight is generally regarded as its 32-pack vertical launch system plus the fairly advanced high precision sonar system. It carries up to 32 HH-16 medium range anti-craft missiles with an operation range of 0.4-40km, height of 10-25000m at a full speed of around 4M. Lastly I heard the unit price is already up to 0.2 billion USD and the PLA navy is planning to buy 12 warships of such class.

As for its possible aquisition by Pakistani navy, personally, personally, I do think it will be a substantial option for Pakistani navy because the Chinese government is supposed to offer a pretty large discount for it. Without doubt, its potential entry into the Pakistani navy will drive Indians nuts, they are narcissistic dimwits. And in case of nutcase, the poor Indians will spend as much as five times money to counter "the threat from westline." Any way, this class of frigate integrates superb anti-craft function, traditionally powerful anti-ship function and anti-sub function into trinity.
I hope that Parkistan brothers have a Stable political situation, then you can
put all your effort to strengthen the economic construction to counterbanlance India,
I think both Chinese goverment and citizen will be glad to give you all our help .
Because Parkstan and China are good brothers
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