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Chinese troops’ refusal to retreat was a unusual gesture

With due respects @ Darius, isn't it a bit too late? I see a lot of comparisons that the Northern neighbors have better infra on their side (to their physical/geographical advantage) but we don't have much on our side.
It's never too late for anything.BTW I do not think that the infra on our side would be a significant factor give the scenario where we are expecting only the slightest possibility of a minor skirmish.As far as reinforcements are concerned I feel that the Air assets that India have got currently could come handy.Moreover a contingent off the shelf purchase of C-130J Hercules or the C-17's from the US as an option is always open and that too if the Chinese want to escalate the situation to a war and I have this feeling taking into account all the recent developments that the US would be more than happy!!
China has learnt from Pakistan's Kargil episode. When your neighbor is not home, sneak into his bedroom and occupy it.
Good strategy by China - They can get all their claimed territory without firing a bullet by moving their tents 10km every fortnight.
^^ Really bad that Britishers took away their research or Varuna UFO would have been very handy :omghaha:
Good strategy by China - They can get all their claimed territory without firing a bullet by moving their tents 10km every fortnight.

yes indeed but they will run out of food supplies... If IA encircled them with their tents.... lol
so am i enjoying 1000 cuts which pakistan promised India years back, so much for self-inflicting pakistan. :rofl:

eeeeeeee :D

:laugh: i was right your post is proof to Indian self-inflicting injury making habit.

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