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Chinese troops enter Sikkim sector, destroyed two bunkers

A certain Cho-La incidence suggests otherwise. Like in all things, Mao failed marvelously.
There is a reason why it is called an "incidence" while forward policy is called a "policy". If you are so picky on the word "peace", then I won't use the word to you. How about no major military conflict?
Thanks to Pakistan we are keeping them busy on western border, a million of their soldiers are on our border which allow China to operate with ease.
There is a reason why it is called an "incidence" while forward policy is called a "policy". If you are so picky on the word "peace", then I won't use the word to you. How about no major military conflict?
Well, One lasted around a month. Another about 4-6 days. One had around 2000-3000 dead, another had around 500 dead. I think both were conflicts. Important part about Nathu-La and Cho-La conflicts was that India ensured that annexation of Sikkim happens smoothly without any 'issues' from China. It indeed happened. And after that there were no war casualties along the border.
Well, One lasted around a month. Another about 4-6 days. One had around 2000-3000 dead, another had around 500 dead. I think both were conflicts. Important part about Nathu-La and Cho-La conflicts was that India ensured that annexation of Sikkim happens smoothly without any 'issues' from China. It indeed happened. And after that there were no war casualties along the border.
You probably want to edit the wiki page on this subject. It has quite a different story than yours.

Thanks to Pakistan we are keeping them busy on western border, a million of their soldiers are on our border which allow China to operate with ease.
Meanwhile lots of so called Azad Kashmiris and Pakistani are getting killed in India shelling around the border. Lage raho Pakistan! Serve your master well, shows how important is Pakistani life -- both civilian and army -- in front of chinese interests. Good going :)
I guess you didn't read your own history, China defeated India in 1962 and took both Aksai Chin and AP completely. In fact India was comprehensively defeated in the AP sector.

The only reason India has AP today is because China voluntarily withdrew, and allowed the Indian Army to sneak back in under the cover of night. India never won AP via military victory, they lost that fight completely.

That's why border dispute talks are being held. Seems the Chinese are checking Indian Citizen registries and stopping them from going to the most holiest religious place of Indian Nation.
India played the USA card already by signing the LEMOA, and all Trump did was wreck India's IT industry with the H1B1 visa policy.

Here you need to understand one thing that Republic of India's signing the LEMOA is more linked to the deeper Russian Federation and Chinese Relations. S 400 are being already deployed in Far East.

Thirty-six units of military hardware that make up one S-400 ‘Triumph’ (NATO codename SA-21 Growler) regiment were delivered to Kamchatka in the Far East from Southern Russia by sea. The Defense Ministry says it’s already been unloaded and taken to its permanent location near the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

It’s planned that five S-400 echelons will protect Kamchatka’s skies. Each delivery follows the systems’ thorough testing and training of personnel at the Kapustin Yar military range in the south of the country.

S-400’s are already protecting the skies over Moscow and St. Petersburg, and Severomorsk – the headquarters of the Northern Fleet, the Kaliningrad region – the most western part of the country, locked between Poland, Lithuania and Belarus and home to Russia’s Baltic Fleet, and also southern regions and the coast of the Sea of Japan in the Far East.
Meanwhile lots of so called Azad Kashmiris and Pakistani are getting killed in India shelling around the border. Lage raho Pakistan! Serve your master well, shows how important is Pakistani life -- both civilian and army -- in front of chinese interests. Good going :)

keeping LOC hot is in Pakistan's interests as it internationalize the Kashmir issue, as for killing we respond with tit for tat, still we didnt lost 2000 soldier without fighting war though. As for master, well we are not serving any master, its just luck of Chinese, Kashmir issue and LOC problem is older then we become partner with China.

We did join Yanks to free bharat mata from soviet badroom, now its duty of China and Pakistan to free bharat mata from custody of Yanks, we will do our best to tame this ill character mata of yours.
keeping LOC hot is in Pakistan's interests as it internationalize the Kashmir issue, as for killing we respond with tit for tat, still we didnt lost 2000 soldier without fighting war though. As for master, well we are not serving any master, its just luck of Chinese, Kashmir issue and LOC problem is older then we become partner with China.

We did join Yanks to free bharat mata from soviet badroom, now its duty of China and Pakistan to free bharat mata from custody of Yanks, we will do our best to tame this ill character mata.

I dont think that Pakistan Establishment wants to get isolated more in the Islamic world by Internationalizing Kashmir dispute between Republic of India and China.

Bharat Mata will be liberated by the Hindustani Fauj , Inshallah .
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