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Chinese troops enter Sikkim sector, destroyed two bunkers

AP has no economic , cultural or defensive value for China. i have never met a Chinese person who gave a fig about exactly where the line should be.

To be honest, it doesn't really have any vital importance for India either, except that it clears our land route to SE Asia.

Honestly if the two sides get together , the current LOC can be made into an IB.
You are right about little economic and defensive value of AP. But it has some cultural value, especially tawang, as it plays a certain role in Tibetan Buddhism. Chinese are in general fairly flexible on the give-and-take in small border adjustment. Chinese were almost ready to take the LOC as official border 55 years ago, so long as it is negotiated, while Indians are still struggling with such pragmatism.
You are right about little economic and defensive value of AP. But it has some cultural value, especially tawang, as it plays a certain role in Tibetan Buddhism. Chinese are in general fairly flexible on the give-and-take in small border adjustment. Chinese were almost ready to take the LOC as official border 55 years ago, so long as it is negotiated, while Indians are still struggling with such pragmatism.
Did India refuse to make the loc into ib?

I didn't know that. I will read up.

Could be true. Nehru was an idealist.

Modi is pragmatic! So new leaf.
Both Indian and Chinese armies frequently destroy makeshift bunkers of the other side on LaC.
Care to share any Chinese source where they mention tht indian destroyed their bunkers ?
As far as i knows sikkim isnt a disputed territory (is it?).

Our media is saying they destroyed our bunker.Other side their media is saying we provoked..What is the real case though?
in both cases indian bunkers got destroyed .
indian retaliation?? @those who ask us about Pakistan's retaliation to drone strike .
Dude, that's not true.

There is much resistance among Chinese citizens. The communist do not allow them to join up to form a political force but otherwise people who understand Chinese say that there is a lot of criticism and debate even on the internet. The party however stops people from forming coalitions and dislodging them from power.

It is ok for people to be nationalistic about their own country you know!
Yes, but it is token defiance. The Chinese have always been ruled - by Emperors, by the Japanese or by the Communist Party - so the resistance itself is of a servile nature.
Care to share any Chinese source where they mention tht indian destroyed their bunkers ?
As far as i knows sikkim isnt a disputed territory (is it?).
Entire Chinese media is state controlled so they will never mention it.
Care to share any Chinese source where they mention tht indian destroyed their bunkers ?
As far as i knows sikkim isnt a disputed territory (is it?).

in both cases indian bunkers got destroyed .
indian retaliation?? @those who ask us about Pakistan's retaliation to drone strike .
Mate this is no drone strike or had cause or will cause any damage to any life..These are significant Chinese tactics when Modi goes to USA or might be little chaos on border that happens time to time.We both know how much productive would these be.
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Care to share any Chinese source where they mention tht indian destroyed their bunkers ?
As far as i knows sikkim isnt a disputed territory (is it?).

in both cases indian bunkers got destroyed .
indian retaliation?? @those who ask us about Pakistan's retaliation to drone strike .
The border with sikkim isn't disputed. China side said Indian provoked by crossing the border and harassing the road construction that was undertaken totally on China side of the border. It is possible that China retaliated by destroying bunkers on India side. As usual, China won't say a word about their retaliation and India won't say a word about their provocation.
I guess you didn't read your own history, China defeated India in 1962 and took both Aksai Chin and AP completely. In fact India was comprehensively defeated in the AP sector.

The only reason India has AP today is because China voluntarily withdrew, and allowed the Indian Army to sneak back in under the cover of night. India never won AP via military victory, they lost that fight completely.
Defeated? what were the boundary changes?

Lolz at indians who were making fun pf drone strikes :D . karma is a bitch .:lol:
Huh? Drone strike? how is this related to drone strikes? It just takes this much to get pakistani all excited? Wow!
Defeated? what were the boundary changes?
The original goal of '62 war wasn't to settle the border, but to stop Nehru's forward policy and his border aggression. To quote Mao's word, it is to buy 30 years of peace at the border. It has achieved that goal marvelously.
Care to share any Chinese source where they mention tht indian destroyed their bunkers ?
As far as i knows sikkim isnt a disputed territory (is it?).
Large areas of Sikkim were taken by us in 1967 chola incident or skirmishes.. and Sikkim was merged into India in 1975 and China only accepted Sikkim as India's part in 2001...but they still have issues with the areas captured in 1967.
The original goal of '62 war wasn't to settle the border, but to stop Nehru's forward policy and his border aggression. To quote Mao's word, it is to buy 30 years of peace at the border. It has achieved that goal marvelously.
A certain Cho-La incidence suggests otherwise. Like in all things, Mao failed marvelously.
China maybe tagged aq first super power who will capture india without firing a bullet... Lol im waiting for that day when indian troops will start firing at Chinese.. And very Nex day india will lost kashmir and tibat together..
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