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Chinese think tank suggests division of India

Useless Topic. Official things are only important

About UNSEC permanent Seat ? Let Chinese Government Decide not 2 Posters :cheers:

Day by Day, This kind of Topic like this, Decreasing the Quality of the Forum. :cry: , There should be Limited Thread which should focus on Bigger Theme Specially on Defence, otherwise Tit for Tat will never work. Sad But true.

I was Silent member for last few years, but never bother to Post anything due to this kind of Useless thread. we All Should Focus More Defence Knowledge and Problems of Own Countries rather that doing Google search to post other side kind of stories. :what:
The original article ----This came in Rediff ( of all places ) about 2 years or so back....
China should break up India: Chinese strategist

Almost coinciding with the 13th round of Sino-Indian border talks (New Delhi [ Images ], August 7-8, 2009), an article (in the Chinese language) has appeared in China captioned 'If China takes a little action, the so-called Great Indian Federation can be broken up' (Zhong Guo Zhan Lue Gang, www.iiss.cn, Chinese, August 8, 2009).

Interestingly, it has been reproduced in several other strategic and military Web sites of the country and by all means, targets the domestic audience. The authoritative host site is located in Beijing [ Images ] and is the new edition of one, which so far represented the China International Institute for Strategic Studies (?????_????????????).

Claiming that Beijing's 'China-Centric' Asian strategy, provides for splitting India [ Images ], the writer of the article, Zhan Lue (strategy), has found that New Delhi's corresponding 'India-Centric' policy in Asia, is in reality a 'Hindustan centric' one. Stating that on the other hand 'local centres' exist in several of the country's provinces (excepting for the UP and certain northern regions), Zhan Lue has felt that in the face of such local characteristics, the 'so-called' Indian nation cannot be considered as one having existed in history.

According to the article, if India today relies on any thing for unity, it is the Hindu religion. The partition of the country was based on religion. Stating that today nation states are the main current in the world, it has said that India could only be termed now as a 'Hindu religious state'. Adding that Hinduism is a decadent religion as it allows caste exploitation and is unhelpful to the country's modernisation, it described the Indian government as one in a dilemma with regard to eradication of the caste system as it realises that the process to do away with castes may shake the foundation of the consciousness of the Indian nation.

The writer has argued that in view of the above, China in its own interest and the progress of Asia, should join forces with different nationalities like the Assamese, Tamils, and Kashmiris and support the latter in establishing independent nation-States of their own, out of India. In particular, the ULFA (United Liberation Front of Asom) in Assam, a territory neighboring China, can be helped by China so that Assam realises its national independence.

The article has also felt that for Bangladesh, the biggest threat is from India, which wants to develop a great Indian Federation extending from Afghanistan to Myanmar. India is also targeting China with support to Vietnam's efforts to occupy Nansha (Spratly) group of islands in South China Sea.

Hence the need for China's consolidation of its alliance with Bangladesh, a country with which the US and Japan [ Images ] are also improving their relations to counter China.

It has pointed out that China can give political support to Bangladesh enabling the latter to encourage ethnic Bengalis in India to get rid of Indian control and unite with Bangladesh as one Bengali nation; if the same is not possible, creation of at least another free Bengali nation state as a friendly neighbour of Bangladesh, would be desirable, for the purpose of weakening India's expansion and threat aimed at forming a 'unified South Asia'.

The punch line in the article has been that to split India, China can bring into its fold countries like Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan, support ULFA in attaining its goal for Assam's independence, back aspirations of Indian nationalities like the Tamils and Nagas, encourage Bangladesh to give a push to the independence of West Bengal [ Images ] and lastly recover the 90,000 sq km territory in southern Tibet [ Images ].

Wishing for India's break-up into 20 to 30 nation-States like in Europe, the article has concluded by saying that if the consciousness of nationalities in India could be aroused, social reforms in South Asia can be achieved, the caste system can be eradicated and the region can march along the road of prosperity.

The Chinese article in question will certainly outrage readers in India. Its suggestion that China can follow a strategy to dismember India, a country always with a tradition of unity in diversity, is atrocious, to say the least. The write-up could not have been published without the permission of the Chinese authorities, but it is sure that Beijing will wash its hands out of this if the matter is taken up with it by New Delhi.

It has generally been seen that China is speaking in two voices -- its diplomatic interlocutors have always shown understanding during their dealings with their Indian counterparts, but its selected media is pouring venom on India in their reporting. Which one to believe is a question confronting the public opinion and even policy makers in India.

In any case, an approach of panic towards such outbursts will be a mistake, but also ignoring them will prove to be costly for India.

IMHO : the strategies proposed by the scholar in question to attain this end are unrealistic,

and since then we have had loads of talks and visits ----Its pretty much an outdated idea now , albeit still doing the rounds..
^^ Its not the original article mate. I was after this one,

an article (in the Chinese language) has appeared in China captioned 'If China takes a little action, the so-called Great Indian Federation can be broken up' (Zhong Guo Zhan Lue Gang, www.iiss.cn, Chinese, August 8, 2009).
Don't forget that only india dare to help you even at the cost of our soldiers and a PM

Don't blame anyone else for the loss of Indian soldiers and an Ex PM at the hands of the LTTE. It's India that armed, trained and funded them.

Kinda like how the US got bitten by Al Qaeda.
Useless Topic. Official things are only important

About UNSEC permanent Seat ? Let Chinese Government Decide not 2 Posters :cheers:

Day by Day, This kind of Topic like this, Decreasing the Quality of the thread. :cry: , There should be Limited Thread which should focus on Bigger Theme Specially on Defence, otherwise Tit for Tat will never work. Sad But true

i agree with u, i am done with this crap...let us move on rather than tit for tat policy...

To sum it up.... idea of dividing india will remain as a w*t dream of those THINK TANKS...after all, every think tank have the freedom to think crap
Don't blame anyone else for the loss of Indian soldiers and an Ex PM at the hands of the LTTE. It's India that armed, trained and funded them.

Kinda like how the US got bitten by Al Qaeda.

No one is blaming outsiders for India loosing troops in SL, if anyone is to be blamed, its Rajiv Gandhi alone.
very typical Inferior Complex facing China after colonization and 1962 war. these media hype of China aggression is all over India and even your politicion like to use it as voting machine.

what sap them more is they are loser in all fields, economically and militarily.

Life Expectany in China is 75 and only 62 in India, that says everything.
from your word i can say that you have very little knowledge abt history as well as current affairs...

also you must be born in china or pakistan

Um yeah ok...

But yes I believe India should not get a permanent seat at the security council until and unless India wins the confidence and support of all neighbouring countries - including Pakistan. This is only fair in my opinion.

India needs to demonstrate that it is a genuine leader that will look after the welfare of the region.

So far, however, India has only interfered and sponsored terrorist groups in neighbouring countries.

I hope China will make this a pre-condition before it even considers voting for India.

I think that Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Iran, Afghanistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and the Maldives have to wholeheartedly support India's candidature before it is let in as a permanent member.
Don't blame anyone else for the loss of Indian soldiers and an Ex PM at the hands of the LTTE. It's India that armed, trained and funded them.

Kinda like how the US got bitten by Al Qaeda.

funded them for what.....?? for destroying our peaceful neighbor?????

and let me say one thing, govt in india never funded LTTE... but it's true that they had sympathizers in tamilnadu, as tamilians in sri lanka were having problems
what sap them more is they are loser in all fields, economically and militarily.

Life Expectany in China is 75 and only 62 in India, that says everything.

And a Pakistani is one to talk about that eh?
very typical Inferior Complex facing China after colonization and 1962 war. these media hype of China aggression is all over India and even your politicion like to use it as voting machine.

what sap them more is they are loser in all fields, economically and militarily.

Life Expectany in China is 75 and only 62 in India, that says everything.

can't you read English? did you read this article? this thread is not about life expectancy.. its about CHINA'S THINK TANK WANT TO DIVIDE INDIA...you can't read that huh???

anyways some serious discussions are going on.. please don't talk... thanks
^^ Its not the original article mate. I was after this one,

Ya bro ....that's where rediff picked up the article however it may be considered irrelevant now by the China International Institute for Strategic Studies, and hence removed . I guess media has a lot of uniformity with the official Govt line ....which is quite good in this case , as it prevents misunderstandings and negative vibes .
very typical Inferior Complex facing China after colonization and 1962 war. these media hype of China aggression is all over India and even your politicion like to use it as voting machine.

what sap them more is they are loser in all fields, economically and militarily.

Life Expectany in China is 75 and only 62 in India, that says everything.

What about life "expectancy" in Pakistan? Nobody living there would expect to die their natural death, right?
Um yeah ok...

But yes I believe India should not get a permanent seat at the security council until and unless India wins the confidence and support of all neighbouring countries - including Pakistan. This is only fair in my opinion.

India needs to demonstrate that it is a genuine leader that will look after the welfare of the region.

So far, however, India has only interfered and sponsored terrorist groups in neighbouring countries.

I hope China will make this a pre-condition before it even considers voting for India.

can you give any credible link which says indian govt funded ltte???

bro i am not interested in arguing with a srilankan friend for the sake of cricket at least :azn:

and abt china voting for india...let them decide on tat...
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