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Chinese think tank suggests division of India

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This particular line made my day. you mean you want to see how it looks if they had 3 or 4 balls instead of 2 ?? you have a good sense of humour afterall, atleast something good to offer.

Well, I was trying to joke in the beginning, but some guy took it too seriously. Then another guy started ranting about massacres.

Cause and effect. :azn:
Why China has Problem with most of the neighbour or nearby countries ?

China has Problem with Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam. Tibet and Taipei Hates Chinese more than anyone else. Even Mongolia and Russia are not Good Friends, Just Normal.

Why Everyone Hates China so Much specially neighboring Countries?? Do You want Link ?? :what:

China Talks about INDIA having problem with 2 Countries. First it should look inside why having problem with so many Countries. :P

LOL, we have Asia's largest bilateral trading relationship with Japan. We get along well with Indonesia, South Korea, Singapore and Vietnam.

India on the other hand, 80% of it's land borders are with enemies (China+Pakistan). Then ask the Bangladeshi members and the Sri Lankan members here what they think of you. :D

And it's your own army that is whining about a "two-front war".
I very much welcome you to try. :azn:

But we both know that Indian politicians cry in fear, whenever the PLA does anything. So it is a typical empty threat.

I hope you get leaders with more balls, so we can see what will happen in that case.

My friend, this thread is not about Indian politician's balls to do anything to China.. its about Chinese politician's balls to divide India. Why don't they try and do it if according to you they have balls??? Don't talk nonsense and stick to the point.
Are you trying to fool yourself? For you are not fooling us am sure ..... What about Uighurs?

There is no armed insurgency against the government. That is a case of "ethnic unrest", not active insurgency.

An armed insurgency is when groups like the Indian Maoists, can openly fight against the Indian state with AK-47's and RPG's. Or the Kashmiri insurgency, or the NE insurgency.

Naxalite-Maoist insurgency - Wikipedia

Kashmir Insurgency- Wikipedia

Insurgency in Northeast India - Wikipedia

When Indian policemen try to go into Maoist areas, they are chopped up.

Whereas there is nowhere in China, that the police cannot go.

Whereas there is nowhere in China, that the police cannot go.

Sure they can go to anywhere in china an do anything that they want... no common man can say a word against it unless u are the local communist leader
LOL, we have Asia's largest bilateral trading relationship with Japan. We get along well with Indonesia, South Korea, Singapore and Vietnam.

India on the other hand, 80% of it's land borders are with enemies (China+Pakistan). Then ask the Bangladeshi members and the Sri Lankan members here what they think of you. :D

And it's your own army that is whining about a "two-front war".

Even INDIA and CHINA has good Trading relationship. Even CHINA and USA has good trading relationship. SRI LANKA 50% Business Depends on INDIA. I can post 100's of link with that. Whats importance of that ??

Talk what is topic about. ACCEPT OR NOT, Most of the Chinese Neighbors Don't Like it. Its can be proved with many ways easily.

As per "2 Front War" - Defence Means Defence. Every County has right to Defend itself. INDIA is preparing to protect itself with 2 Side Attack if Comes (Although Chance is Negligible)- Still, Every country does it considering Worst Case Scenario. and talking about 2 Side ??? Again Same type of thinking, Why you are preparing to defend on 10 Sides ???? 1st look on your side then put on other side. I hope Its Not so hard.
Preparing for an attack from China

Though cross-strait tensions have diminished slightly, China has never given up the threat of using force against Taiwan, nor has it relaxed its military preparations. Since 2007, the military imbalance in the Taiwan Strait has increased. It is forecast that by 2020, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will be able to send its forces to the area between the first and second island chains and decisively engage Taiwan in large-scale warfare with victory assured.

In the past, the government invested in expensive modern weapons systems to maintain air superiority and sea control as well as command, control, communication, computer, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems and information and electronic warfare systems in the hope that the country would be able to defend itself after a first strike from China. However, Taiwan’s weapons have become less competitive.

If the country were attacked by China, its combat capabilities would gradually deteriorate and China would then invade with modern weapons and massive numbers of lower-quality aircraft, warships and artillery.

Taiwan would not be able to respond. If the government were to focus on shore and trench warfare, it would lower the willingness of democratic allies to extend support. Taiwan would quickly lose air supremacy and control of the sea, public morale could collapse and the war would be fought on Taiwan proper.

Not only should the government strive to upgrade its modern aircraft, warship, anti-ballistic missiles and C4ISR systems, but its core combat capabilities should also be based on sustainable and asymmetric warfare. Its land, sea and air forces, missiles and information and electronic warfare must have strong resistance capabilities and be equipped with multi-layered offensive and defensive capabilities to expand surveillance, early warning, offensive and defensive capabilities.

The government should develop pre-emptive capabilities for conducting information and electronic warfare, anti-ballistic missiles, counter-landing shore warfare capabilities and sustainable capabilities to defend the capital — that is, “strategic defense and tactical offense” and “strategic sustainability and tactical speed.”

Taiwan is strong in the information and electronics industry, so it should be possible to build adequate pre-emptive information and electronic warfare capabilities. Now that the modernized PLA is relying heavily on information and electronic equipment with the rapidly growing economy along the southeastern coast of China, Taiwan could emulate the enemy and employ “soft-kill” measures to paralyze, interfere with, extinguish and confuse their financial, communication, electronic and power systems in major cities.

Taiwan should develop tactical long-range missiles with high accuracy so that China will have to increase its investment in homeland defense at normal times and thus slow down development of its offensive capabilities. Chinese threats against Taiwan would then be indirectly alleviated. During wartime, Taiwan could adopt tactics to suppress and diminish the strength of the PLA both tangibly and intangibly.

China’s plan to invade Taiwan could be thwarted, the sending of reinforcements could be delayed and warfare coordination could be damaged. The pressure on Taiwan to defend itself on its own soil would thus be alleviated.

In so doing, the government should produce and deploy large numbers of surface-to-surface cruise missiles with a range of 600km, Hsiung Feng III Supersonic Anti-ship Missiles as well as anti-radiation and standoff missiles. In the middle and long term, the government should actively develop ballistic missiles and ground-to-ground cruise missiles with a range of 1,000km and request that the US provide the country with explosive and anti-radiation missiles.

If the PLA attacked Taiwan, it would have to launch a large-scale amphibious invasion before the war could end. As the combat capabilities of Chinese troops are the weakest prior to landing operations, the government should not only integrate C4ISR systems with early warning abilities but also plan on building land-based cruise missiles, multiple launch rockets, electronic mortars and small submarines suitable for use in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan should also develop abilities to destroy harbors and rapidly deploy torpedo mines as well as purchase general and offensive helicopters.

If China attacked Taiwan, it is unlikely that it would be able to occupy the entire island. But it would have to destroy and occupy the capital and places of strategic importance and take over the media before the war could end. Therefore, the country’s military should place importance on the protection of political and economic targets and ensure the safety of the capital by establishing a capital garrison command directly under the General Staff Headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense, and once again clarify the scope of the garrison and troop deployments.

Lee Wen-chung is a former Democratic Progressive Party legislator and a standing committee member of the Institute for Taiwan Defense and Strategic Studies.


Preparing for an attack from China - Taipei Times
Even INDIA and CHINA has good Trading relationship. Even CHINA and USA has good trading relationship. SRI LANKA 50% Business Depends on INDIA. I can post 100's of link with that. Whats importance of that ??

Talk what is topic about. ACCEPT OR NOT, Most of the Chinese Neighbors Don't Like it. Its can be proved with many ways easily.

As per "2 Front War" - Defence Means Defence. Every County has right to Defend itself. INDIA is preparing to protect itself with 2 Side Attack if Comes (Although Chance is Negligible)- Still, Every country does it considering Worst Case Scenario. and talking about 2 Side ??? Again Same type of thinking, Why you are preparing to defend on 10 Sides ???? 1st look on your side then put on other side. I hope Its Not so hard.

Now he stopped replying.. lol.. may be he's gone to cry to his so called think tank who advice them to divide India but don't have balls to do it.. lol

Japan's military has drawn up a defense plan that refers to the possibility of an invasion by China, the Asahi Shimbun national daily said yesterday.

In one scenario, drawn up at a time of tense relations between Tokyo and Beijing, China occupies the disputed islands known as the Senkakus in Japan and the Diaoyu islands in China.

In another scenario, the plan reportedly also lays out the possibility of a military conflict between China and Taiwan, with the US backing Taiwan.

In the scenario, Japan would support such US operations and might come under attack from China.

However, the top-secret plan, drawn up by senior officers in what Japan calls the Ground Self-Defense Force, says there is only a slight possibility of an attack by China, the paper said.

The plan laid out various possibilities for a period between last year through 2008 and is considered a national secret, the newspaper said.

Although the plan does not expect a Japan-China conflict to become a serious possibility, it shows for the first time that Japanese defense officials formulated military strategies to counter China, the Asahi said.

This reflects a shift from their previous focus on a possible Soviet attack in northern Japan, it said.

The report comes weeks after a separate Japanese defense white paper referred to the need to monitor Chinese military modernization, sparking an angry reaction from Beijing.

Japan and China are at loggerheads over a range of issues from rights over natural resources in the East China Sea to the way World War II history is taught in Japanese schools.

Earlier this month, Japan said it had sighted five Chinese warships in the East China Sea, where China is developing a gas field close to an area also claimed by Japan.

Japan plans for attack from China - Taipei Times
China was behind North Korean attack to put pressure on the United States

"¿¬Æòµµ Æ÷°Ý ¹èÈÄ´Â Áß±¹¡¦¹Ì±¹ ¾Ð¹Ú¿ë" - 1µî ÀÎÅͳݴº½º Á¶¼±´åÄÄ

China was Behind North Korea's Attack, Says Chinese Prof
China was behind North Korean attack to put pressure on the United States, and to use the North Korean card as a negotiation card, says this Chinese professor. "¿¬Æòµµ Æ÷°Ý ¹èÈÄ´Â Áß±¹¡¦¹Ì±¹ ¾Ð¹Ú¿ë" - 1µî ÀÎÅͳݴº½º Á¶¼±´åÄÄ This makes perfect sense to me. China will plead ignorance and will try to make themselves look like good guys (and everyone will be looking at China to put pressure on North Korea to behave), but China's real tactic is to use North Korea to put pressure on the US in Asia. China's ultimate goal is to kick out the US from Asia. By creating a crisis, China will use this as a bargaining chip against the US, to make US reliant on China to "control" North Korea. China has up to this point, has used this North Korean nuclear card brilliantly, to get what they wanted from the US. Beginning in the 1990's, the US, fooled that China is the key to the North Korean crisis, cooperated with China on many fronts including giving access to their economy which has catapulted China's standing in the world. It makes sense that North Korea cannot possibly make these provocations without China's approval because North Korea depends absolutely on China in regards to life extending supplies. Also, it's suspicious that Kim Jong Il has visited China meeting with Chinese leaders to plot the moves together, earlier this year while all these provocations were going on.

China is helping North Korea to Fight Against Its Enemy Japan, South Korea and U.S.A. Its Height of Double Standard. :bounce:
Now he stopped replying.. lol.. may be he's gone to cry to his so called think tank who advice them to divide India but don't have balls to do it.. lol

You guys lost your balls in 1962. :azn:

Even Pakistan could take half of Kashmir in 1947.
You guys lost your balls in 1962. :azn:

Even Pakistan could take half of Kashmir in 1947.

You Lost very badly before 50s's with Tiny Country like JAPAN. You must be knowing what happened @ that time. Do I need to post links ?. :coffee: So, That means CHINA can never defeat JAPAN. if anyone goes by that Logic. A Tiny Country is 100 times more powerful. lol. You don't know what you saying. Isn't it ??

At Least India WON 3 times, Lost 1 Times
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