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Chinese Stealth Fighter

buddy you got it totally wrong....
the Y axis is the noise level.. higher you go higher the noise level...
the X axis is the year sub is introducted....
so it does not say 094==latest Russian nuke
it is
China sub 094 or 095(in 2020 timeframe) at that time will be 30 years behind Russian sub..

It is really a great thing to predict the noise of nuclear sub to be finished ten years from now. it's music for you, isn't it?
It is really a great thing to predict the noise of nuclear sub to be finished ten years from now. it's music for you, isn't it?

when you can predict the WHOLE technological ability of US, Russia and can give accurate time lines, like 20/30/40 years so n so.. this is nothing coming from a professional institute..having gr8 resourses at its command....and 10 years in Military technology is nothing.... there is already debates going on this thread about Chinese planes which is far beyond this decade...
Last i heard 2012 was the introduction date for the S-500 and the T-95 may go into production anytime between 2010-2012 and not "decades away" like you claim.

Aircraft don't have transmissions.

when you want induct a new type of tank.first you need to make a prototype to test its performance, resolve the problems found in the tests, and then make more prototypes on the basis of the test results of former ones. then small scale of production is needed to test their reliability under different conditions before they are mass produced and inducted. A decade is a minimum.

There isn't a prototype of T-95 so far, and perhaps there will never be one. Latest news says Putin has rescind this joke project.

On April 5 the Russian government discussed the program for the development of the national defense industry for 2011-2020. The Prime Minister Vladimir Putin appealed to the military to define what weapons they really need and for what tasks. He stated that 40% of defense R&D programs don’t result in anything representing just a waste of resources.

The military was quick to respond. Two days later deputy defense minister and chief of armaments Vladimir Popovkin announced that a number of programs for development of new armor and artillery weapons will be cancelled. The main victim is the mysterious Object 195 program that was aimed to develop a new generation main battle tank to replace existing T-80 and T-90 tanks in the Russian Army. The new tank also dubbed T-95 has been developed by Nizhny Tagil Uralvagonzavod armor manufacturer in complete secrecy for more than 15 years. Popovkin said the military will focus on modernization of the T-90 instead.

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lolllllllll......Yes gr8 logic....MASTER PIECE....Even Vietnam is the same...and so is Mongolia.......U guys are in real trouble...


Vietnam is a NorthEast Asian country mainly due to its culture and history, Chinese confucius culture and a tributary vassel state of Imperial China for centries, together with a large size of ethnic Chinese community there.

However, Vietnamese by and large are NOT NorthEast Asians ethnicly, but SouthEast Asians, the same as Tais, Laos, Malays, etc.

Mongolians, a tiny population btw, are of the same race as Han but it has a long tradition of being an uncultured nomad steppe historically. Inner Mogolians have largely been absorbed by Han, while Outer Mongolians nowaday have significant blood mixing with Central Asians and Russians.

And it seems that you forgot mentioning North Korea?

tell you what, if North Koreans adropt market-oriented capitalism tomorrow as all other NorthEast Asian states, they will most likely beat India in scitech as well in the not distant future, in spite of their current sorry tin-pot state, which is obviously behind India.

It is a country as a whole, it doesnt have anything to do with ur failed logic....

My "failed" logic? :lol: Mind you that you just agreed that it DOES have everthing to do with my logic by saying "It is a country as a whole". Exactly so! Haven't Indu's average IQ told the whole story already? :rofl:

Lolllllllll.............:rofl:how many countries have communism ..??
so what if you have ended it....do others have it....so how ur ending communism is advantage when others already dont have it...


no idea with what kind of logic and order u r talking and laughing about... :cheesy:

Go find a psychiatrist, will you? :wave:
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Vietnam is a NorthEast Asian country mainly due to its culture and history, Chinese confucius culture and a tributary vassel state of Imperial China for centries, together with a large size of ethnic Chinese community there.

However, Vietnamese by and large are NOT NorthEast Asians ethnicly, but SouthEast Asians, the same as Tais, Laos, Malays, etc.

Mongolians, a tiny population btw, are of the same race but it has a long tradition of being an uncultured nomad steppe historically. Inner Mogolians have largely absorbed by Han, while Outer Mongolians nowaday have significant blood mixing with Central Asians and Russians.

My "failed" logic? :lol: Mind you that you just agreed that it DOES have everthing to do with my logic by saying "It is a country as a whole". Exactly so! Haven't Indu's average IQ told the whole story already? :rofl:


no idea with what kind of logic and order u r talking and laughing about... :cheesy:

Go find a psychiatrist, will you? :wave:

:blah::blah:you have a problem in reading ur post urself....go read it first and then u will undstnd my reply....:tongue:
And you are incorrect.

The Horten Ho-229 was designed as a flying wing because the flying wing is the most aerodynamically efficient in terms of range. The flying wing's shape does favor low radar reflectivity but can be increased by material composition or other 'doodads' attached to the aircraft.

Yeah...We bought ONE. That does not qualify as an 'export' as the word imply volume quantity for widespread deployment. There is nothing extraordinary about it even though it is a well designed passive sensor. I advise you not to buy into the hype that it can detect US 'stealth' aircrafts. It cannot.

Speculative at best.

first of i don't think u went through my post thoroughly my post was a reply to Stealth who had mentioned that no other other country can even make missiles without American or Russian help, But i guess you are in denial as well that Germans were the first to use Ballistic missiles and Americas, Russians & Brits took it after the WW2.I am not in habit of posting URL's so kindly look V2 rocket up in Wikipedia, you will be surprised.
Okay now let us review your reply
1.You have admitted your self why Americans copied German design, so i rest my case, my reply was to point out others achievements not to go into their technical mumbo jumbo.
2.Regarding the export of Vera Radar again, look that up in Wikipedia, its not my word. But you are admitting that USA purchased one Vera from Czech, why would America bother to purchase some thing which was so inferior to high tech American technology, & petty excuses won't make your post convincing at all.
3. LoL okay, if that's how you feel. then i am in no mood to go through the trouble of posting how much Americans are stressed out about it :pop:
Rest of the countries can produce high tech equipment as well, and these examples are just a slight proof of that, feel free to disagree, i don't expect to convince Americans who attacked Iraq under the pretext of WMD's & later on accepted flaws in their intelligence, I know how propaganda works, No excuses u give will be good enough to justify the American & Russian larceny of German technology. and BTW "No i am not Incorrect. You are rather you are in Denial":cheers:
J-13 Expected to be like this, J-13 had received support from Russian Mikoyan Project 1.44.


this picture is of russian mig 1.44 project

Mikoyan Project 1.44 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

are you forgetting something it was Americans & Russians who stole German Ballistic missile technology, remember V2 rockets,Many of those German proposed fighter jets from second world war were also copied by Russians & Americans, worlds number 1 tank is still a German tank, about submarine every body knows :rolleyes: My point is that people tend to over rate American & Russian technology.

Please tell me if it reminds you of any American Stealth Bomber


Vera Radar developed by Czech Republic & also exported to USA


Worlds only ASBM developed by China

american B2 buddy
my dear lankan next time if post a thread please back it with reliable sources other wise it will damage the reputation of this forum
... But i guess you are in denial as well that Germans were the first to use Ballistic missiles and Americas, Russians & Brits took it after the WW2.I am not in habit of posting URL's so kindly look V2 rocket up in Wikipedia, you will be surprised.
Okay now let us review your reply
1.You have admitted your self why Americans copied German design, so i rest my case, my reply was to point out others achievements not to go into their technical mumbo jumbo.

Allow me add something to this point. Remember Tsien Hsue-shen, the Father of Rocket & Space Industry of China, who just passed away a year ago?

Tsien was a pioneer and one of a handful leading scientists in the world at a time who laid the foundation of America's rocket ( hence space) industry.

The fact that USA sent Tsien Hsue-shen to Germany at the end of WWII to interview captured leading German scientists Wernher von Braun and Rudolph Hermann, tells how important Tsien was to the US at a time.

This part of history was pretty ironic:

so rightly representing USA, the future "Father of Rocket & Space Industry of China" (Tsien Hsue-shen), was interviewing (and interrogating) the future "Father of Rocket & Space Industry of USA" (Wernher von Braun) , on rocket technologies. :lol:

Tsien returned to China in 1954 and single-handedly started China's rocket industry, from there the famous The Second Artillery Corps (SAC) of PLA came into being.

(A side note: from this angle, one can also get a hint on how early and at what level Chinese missile tech has started, and what ought to be the current level of China's missile tech logically compared with USA, Russia, and India as well -refer to the most recent outragous claims by Indians.)
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<(A side note: from this angle, one can also get a hint on how early and at what level Chinese missile tech has started, and what ought to be the current level of China's missile tech logically compared with USA, Russia, and India as well -refer to the most recent outragous claims by Indians.)>

Why even bother to list India? If you read the articles on missile technology it's very obvious China is closing in with the US.

The latest demonstration of China's missile capability was to shoot down an aging satellite.

Western intelligence sources have learned that China is working on ballistic missile that will destroy a US aircraft carrier thousands of miles away. This is not an easy task to defeat ACS.
when you want induct a new type of tank.first you need to make a prototype to test its performance, resolve the problems found in the tests, and then make more prototypes on the basis of the test results of former ones. then small scale of production is needed to test their reliability under different conditions before they are mass produced and inducted. A decade is a minimum.

There isn't a prototype of T-95 so far, and perhaps there will never be one. Latest news says Putin has rescind this joke project.

Wrong! They had a prototype for many years called the black eagle, there are pics all over the internet and even videos. Also the latest prototype or perhaps the final design is/was to be exhibited this year, so it's conclusive that there are atleast two prototypes that the public is aware of, how many prototypes there are all together is unknown but there are certainly more than two.

I want to point out that there was sources claiming the pak-fa was canceled, so much for those sources. BTW this is not the first time the T-95 was supposedly "canceled". Just a month ago they where planing to exhibit the tank at a Russian arms expo this year, India also signed on as a partner which makes it even more strange that they would decide to cancel the project esspecially when it's nearly complete.
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2.Regarding the export of Vera Radar again, look that up in Wikipedia, its not my word. But you are admitting that USA purchased one Vera from Czech, why would America bother to purchase some thing which was so inferior to high tech American technology, & petty excuses won't make your post convincing at all.
We have always tried to accumulate Soviet products, such as the top secret USAF Soviet fighters that we flew as training aids...

Constant Peg
For more than a decade, until just before the November 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall, a secret Air Force aggressor unit flew Soviet MiGs in more than 15,000 sorties against US Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps pilots.

After the Soviet Union ignobly and spectacularly collapsed, the former Soviet satellites called US and asked if we wanted to go shopping. We did went shopping with the world's largest shopping cart -- the C-5 Galaxy. We bought samples of everything, from rifles to tanks to aircrafts to even ballistic missiles. We have always know the Soviets were at least one generation behind US overall but studying the products of Soviet technology inevitably give US insights on how Soviet/Russian designers compensate for areas they know they are behind US.

The Vera radar system is no different and the one that we bought is precisely for study purposes...

AR 381-26 Army Foreign Material Exploitation Program
This regulation-
a. Prescribes policies, responsibilities, and procedures for conduct of
the Army Foreign Material Exploitation Program (FMEP).
b. Defines the Army FMEP as life-cycle type management of foreign ground
force systems, related material, and foreign commercial items required for
the following:
(1) Production of scientific and technical intelligence in support of
force, combat, and material development.
(2) Assessment of foreign technology, design features, and scientific
developments for infusion into U.S. developmental efforts.
(3) Support of U.S. systems, and developmental testing/operational testing
(DT/OT) by providing adversary systems for use in evaluating U.S. systems
(4) Development of simulator systems in support of simulation of foreign
c. Emphasizes support for planning of force, combat, and material
development and for building a cost-effective, strong U.S. technology base.
d. Provides centralized management of the Army FMEP.
Not just the US Army but also USAF and USN have their own versions of 'foreign technology exploitation' programs. Each service focused on the areas applicable to their expertise.

So for you to believe that we bought one Vera radar system is because we think the system is somehow superior to what we have is simply -- delusional. Am not saying everyone else in the world is stupid compared to US. Am saying that based upon the quantity that we bought -- one -- it is the safer bet that we bought it for the same reason why had Constant Peg.

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