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Chinese Stealth Fighter

Dont use vague statements.... give proof and stats.....the reality is propaganda is not gonna work.... What the others have learnt in DECADES Chinese are not gonna have in few years....

your GDP is just 30% oF US GDP....so no where you are at the level where Russians were for years...

secondly it is about tradition....a child who is always looking at some copy to cheat and do questions, is always going to do that only.....
he cant beat the one who solve the questions himself....

just to give you a fact...THE subs which you will have in 2015-2020 will be thirty years behind the subs from Russia at that point of time....hows that for a fact....

Too much BJP/RSS Propaganda isn't good for you. I've seen India, and India is no better off than Libya. :smitten:
Don't dramatize it, it is not the reason you got insulted.

Then what was the reason? Some member started saying that the J-xx is better than th pak-fa than he started talking about how great Chinese techology is and how it's better than Russia's, then when i asked for a link i was called a jew, jealous ect and then when you came along you took it beyond acceptable limits.

S-400 were in service in 2007. S500 and T-95 are imaginary till now. T-95 is merely a concept tank. its Prototype might be made in years and it is decades ahead of induction, even if proved more than a joke. The current T-90 has already greatly behind the age.

Russia's new main battle tank (MBT), the T-95, could be exhibited for the first time at an arms show in the Urals Region this summer, the developer and future manufacturer of the tank has said, according to RIA Novosti.

defence.professionals | defpro.com

Last i heard 2012 was the introduction date for the S-500 and the T-95 may go into production anytime between 2010-2012 and not "decades away" like you claim.

Su-35 use upgraded avionics and transmission. The radar and mechnancial tranmission of original su27 are terrible. Other contemporary third gen jets such as F-15 and F16 have also go through changes from their original version to the degree nothing less than Su35 did. J11B also did that from Su-27. It is not a breakthrough of russian aviation but improved variant.

Aircraft don't have transmissions.

Let me put it straight, your yesterday achievement were made from the insane investment during cold war. in 1980, USSR's GDP was 70% of the US while the military expense was basically the same.

I think i have already provide sufficient examples of Russian technology that had nothing to do with the USSR, Russia has created totally unique weapons that have zero relation to anything the USSR had, with your logic i can say everything China has is because of Russia.

how much money do you invest in military industry on the yearly basis since dissolution of Soviet Union? I afraid it won't be good looking compared with US and China.

Both China's and Russia's military budgets are no were near that of the US, China's budget is larger than Russia's but China also has a bigger army and that cost money, feeding, dressing, training, proving showers, weapons and many other necesities cost money, so i would not brag.
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:no: See, some recent historical events may help refresh your blurring judgement:

Japan's war plane techs led the US during most part of WWII;

the US tech made its name mainly during the Cold War and notablely 80s; ( note: large part of US tech haven't been made by the whites, but by brains from overall the world, notablely Chinese immigrants; just go to any big name lab in the US uni camps and start counting! )

Japan was deemed as tech basket case during 50s; it took it 30yrs to claim technological supremacy over the US; Japan in 80s , to a very large extent even today, led the US in almost any high tech field you could count except maybe aerospace& millitary which have been restricted by the US;

China is technically the same as Japan ethnicly - almost the highest average IQ in the world; but with probably 10X its population albeit with much later start of industrialisation;

After the delay due to the civil war and destruction of communism, how long will it take for China to lead, or draw even with, the US technologically? "95 years" ? HA HA HA. :lol: you are day dreaming.

An example: The concord project was SABOTAGED.

Like I said before, one person can make a big difference, imagine 2 BILLION people. :) :china:
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China is technically the same as Japan ethnicly - almost the highest average IQ in the world; but with probably 10X its population albeit with much later start of industrialisation

lolllllllll......Yes gr8 logic....MASTER PIECE....Even Vietnam is the same...and so is Mongolia.......U guys are in real trouble...

It is a country as a whole, it doesnt have anything to do with ur failed logic....

After the delay due to the civil war and destruction of communism, how long will it take for China to lead, or draw even with, the US technologically? "95 years" ? HA HA HA. :lol: you are day dreaming.

Lolllllllll.............:rofl:how many countries have communism ..??
so what if you have ended it....do others have it....so how ur ending communism is advantage when others already dont have it...
95 years? no way.

in 1949 we were using civil war era weapons. under even chairman mao's rule, by 1970 we went from being unable to produce rifles to producing nuclear submarines, some US fighter equivalents like J-8 to F-4 and hydrogen bombs. in effect, we leaped ahead 100 years in the span of 20, but we were STILL behind the US, but the gap narrowed from 100 years in 1949 to a mere 30 years in 1970. the gap then widened to 40 years in 1980's and early 90's as we stuck with F-4 equivalents while the US moved on with F-15s and F-16s. But in late 90's we began catching up again, and the gap has narrowed ever since 1996. Right now it's probably at a mere 15-20 years.

Will the US continue its lead? if current trends persist, a mere 20 years later we will be equivalent.
lol fact....according to ONI which is the so called fact when they need funding..

ArmsControlWonk: How Capable is the 094?

and according to ONI when they have enough funding..they have a noise level for a sub that even she is not on drawing board yet..lol


and the indians jerking off for nothing..lol

lollllllllllllll.... thanks go and check the graph again... that will again prove how the chinese subs in 2015-20 at that time, will be behind by 30 years to the Russian subs....

ArmsControlWonk: How Capable is the 094?

and also look at the below:
China's Subs Getting Quieter - Defense News
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I can't imagine so many people are debating about something that doesn't have much public info on.

In fact, the F-22 and F-35 specs are also unknown. How many of us here have seen these two birds fly?

you're correct. i believe when i see it. all these nonsense should just let the Indians do it. look at in indian forum..a lot of vaporware talks and nothing..
lollllllllllllll.... thanks go and check the graph again... that will again prove how the chinese subs in 2015-20 are behind by 30 years to the Russian subs....

ArmsControlWonk: How Capable is the 094?

and also look at the below:
China's Subs Getting Quieter - Defense News

you don't get it? it's from the same ONI that overestimate and underestimate when ever they feel like it, even sub not even on drawing board..haha first link 094 is almost = latest russian nuke sub, which is BS..
haha first link 094 is almost = latest russian nuke sub, which is BS..
buddy you got it totally wrong....
the Y axis is the noise level.. higher you go higher the noise level...
the X axis is the year sub is introducted....
so it does not say 094==latest Russian nuke
it is
China sub 094 or 095(in 2020 timeframe) at that time will be 30 years behind Russian sub..
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okay i've read it wrong..still the noise level from sub that not hit the water yet is BS..

this chart was made in 1997 before 093 and 094 started construction..

now they make another chart for 095 that's still on drawing board
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okay i've read it wrong..still the noise level from sub that not hit the water yet is BS..

if so then all the debate on this thread about Chinese stealth planes is also useless.....but buddy it is usual to discuss future weapons and their capabilities and there is nothing wrong in it.....
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