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Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

Exactly pal, but unfortunately people are allow to post all kind of so-called "NEWS" from non-crediable sources sometimes even "HATE SITE" thats on a political agenda to degrade and attack.
Imagine what will it be like on this forum when everyone started to post "craps" against eachother from thousands of "HATE SITES" available on the internet?:no:

Very true bro! Almost all of the anti-Pakistan/Chinese threads are started with a unreliable source on this forum. The moderators should look into this problem.
Everybody cares, but it seems that especially Germans, sure they have their historical reasons, understand that it is not cool to reeducate, aka. torture, kill, harvest organs from people, or make up lies about them, in the so necessary 3rd stage of the genocide.

Google up: genocide stages wikipedia

Anyway it's interesting to see that Germans did convict their criminals.

PS: for those who justify a murder with another murder, let me tell you that is having a criminal mind. Every country has criminals, but that does not mean that it's OK to do crime, it only means that every country will/should deal with their criminals as such.

But if everything is relative, isn't crime relative as well?
In an atheist culture that might be true as long as you can go to any website you like, your food is not poisoned, your brother, friend, mother, grandparent, teacher, etc is not tortured, killed or otherwise humiliated by some power deluded criminal or criminals under the umbrella of the party. At that point relativity of a crime goes out of the window, because you are the reference point and you will start to care about that.

As yourself honestly this: What crimes did the party commit against me?
And if I'm told that Falun Gong is the same, ask yourself again this: What crimes did Falun Gong commit against me?

When you have your list you will know what is the truth.

Then ask yourself this: what would our society, my neighborhood, be like if we would not persecute people who are trying to be good.

Buddy, you should be worried about the crimes your own government and people are taking against you right there at home in Romania. Crime is indeed relative, until your daughter or sister is trafficked by the mafia, until police beat you into a coma for just being a minority, or perhaps when you are humiliated by the government that allows sex tourists to play 3P with your girls under government protection.

Meanwhile, Al Qaeda's Wahabbi Islam is a religion of peace and justice.

Ask yourself honestly: Who committed more crimes against you personally: The Romanian regime, or Al Qaeda?

BBC NEWS | Europe | Romania struggles with sex trade

Discover Romania Uncensored. Tourism (Danube Delta, Black Sea,etc), way of life, economy: Tourism for sex in Romania

Romania: Police brutality against Roma constitutes substantive violation of article 14 of ECHR
Germany Convicts Chinese Agent for Spying on Falun Gong

After several years of investigations, a German court has found a Chinese man guilty of spying on local residents for the Chinese regime. On June 8, the Niedersachsen State Supreme Court in the German city of Celle gave John Zhou a two-year suspended sentence for spying on Falun Gong practitioners. The spiritual discipline Falun Gong is practiced around the world freely, but is persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party.

Zhou’s conviction was a shock for local Falun Gong practitioners. He was one of the earliest adoptees of the practice in Germany in the late 1990s. Prosecutors say he began working with Chinese agents in 2005, when he tried to visit his sick father in China. Court documents show he met with the head of Chinese Embassy Consular in Berlin and expressed a willingness to help the Communist regime to “solve the Falun Gong problem.”

In March 2006, Zhou was introduced to agents from the Chinese regime’s 610 Office - an extra-judiciary, Gestapo-style agency tasked with the persecution of Falun Gong. Prosecutors say Zhou reported directly to a high-ranking official Chen Bin, and gave him access in Shanghai to private correspondents of German Falun Gong practitioners.

Court documents show Germany’s counterintelligence authorities had given Zhou multiple warnings that he was under suspicion for spying. Prosecutors brought him to trial on May 16. His conviction and sentence also came with a hefty $21,000 U.S. dollar fine.

The Chinese regime’s spy network against Falun Gong was highlighted in 2005 by a former Chinese Consul in Sydney Australia. Chen Yonglin had testified to a committee before the U.S. House of Representatives on the matter, and said quote, “The war against Falun Gong is one of the main tasks of the Chinese mission overseas.”

Germany Convicts Chinese Agent for Spying on Falun Gong -- NTDTV.com
German prosecutors indict alleged Chinese spy for observing Falun Gong movement

The Associated Press Jan 31, 2011 10:01:40 AM

BERLIN - Federal prosecutors say they have indicted a man for allegedly spying on the Falun Gong movement in Germany for China's intelligence service.

Germany's top prosecutors said in a statement Monday the 54-year-old German citizen, identified only as Dr. John Z., is accused of reporting activities and confidential data from the spiritual group's German section to the agency between 2006 and 2010.

It said the man maintained good contacts within the movement as he was one of the groups' founding members in Germany, and he also had access to most of Falun Gong's email lists, meetings and conferences.

Falun Gong is a spiritual movement despised by China's communist government — apparently out of fear it could threaten the state's authority.

German prosecutors indict alleged Chinese spy for observing Falun Gong movement - 1310News
Espionage Probe Casts Shadow on Ties with China

By Sven Röbel and Holger Stark, 06/30/2010

A new espionage case is putting pressure on ties between Germany and China. German prosecutors are investigating senior Chinese officials who they believe spied on Falun Gong supporters in Germany. The developments have seriously strained relations and brought back practices last used during the Cold War.

When German Chancellor Angela Merkel flies to Beijing in July, she will have plenty of the usual accolades for the Chinese. She will say that relations between the two countries are excellent and communication is amicable and intense. "I believe that one can say that relations are gaining a lot of momentum," the chancellor typically says on such occasions.

What Merkel will probably not mention publicly is the other side of the German-Chinese relationship, which is also gathering momentum. It takes place in the world of espionage and intelligence agencies, and it has to do with Chinese agents in Germany, secret investigations and discreet diplomats. This dark side sometimes comes to the surface, as it did in a town near the northern German city of Hanover, where a team from the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), appeared at the house of Dan Sun (editors' note: the name has been changed) on a Wednesday morning in mid-May and presented a search warrant.

Dan Sun, a slim, amiable man, opened the door and asked the men to come into his study, where there is a statue of Buddha on a shelf and the air smells of incense. The German Federal Prosecutor's Office is investigating Sun on suspicion of working as an intelligence agent. The investigators accuse him of having spied on members of the Falun Gong movement for the Chinese intelligence service. He can expect an indictment, but the investigators are, in fact, more interested in two high-ranking Chinese government officials from Shanghai who are also alleged of being involved in the case.

The espionage affair began in 2005, when Sun traveled to Berlin and applied for a visa at the Chinese embassy there. He is a German citizen who has been living in Germany since the early 1990s, and he wanted to visit his father in China, who was seriously ill. The visa application process was complicated. Sun had been a member of Falun Gong for a long time, which made him particularly interesting to the Chinese government.

The diplomat who processed Sun's visa application held a senior position in the consular division at the Chinese embassy, a modern steel-and-glass structure in Berlin's Mitte neighborhood. German intelligence officials believe she is part of the Ministry of State Security. The Chinese "Stasi" is believed to be the country's largest civil intelligence agency. According to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Germany's domestic intelligence agency, it plays a "central role in overseas espionage."

The consular official bluntly asked Sun about his involvement with Falun Gong and suggested that he meet with what she called "Chinese experts" to discuss a "research project" on meditation.

Sun, an academic who has written several textbooks, seemed interested. The meeting took place in March 2006 in a restaurant in downtown Berlin. The Chinese "experts," as Sun recalls, consisted of a woman and two men who introduced themselves as representatives of a university for traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai. One of the men seemed "especially dignified" to Sun. An intense discussion developed over a typical German meal, which was later continued in a hotel room at the Park Inn on Alexanderplatz. According to Sun, the meeting continued until after midnight, as they discussed the spiritual aspects of Falun Gong, the medical effects of the exercises and the political persecution of Falun Gong members in China.

An 'Evil Cult'

For its practitioners, Falun Gong is a principle, not a party. They define it as the "practice of traditional Chinese meditation, in which practitioners use five classic exercises to achieve a trinity of "truthfulness," "compassion" and "forbearance." The exercises are intended to dissolve blockages in the body and cleanse the spirit. But for the government in Beijing, the followers of Falun Gong are members of an "evil cult" and enemies of the state who must be hunted down around the world. The movement grew quickly at first, but then the government banned it on July 22, 1999. Shortly before that, in June 1999, an agency called "Office 610" was established within the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, as the government's response to the rapidly spreading cult.

On that evening at the Park Inn, Dan Sun did not know that two members of the Chinese group were not academics at all, but instead worked for "Office 610" -- at least according to the BfV and the Federal Prosecutor's Office. The investigators believe that Xiaohua Z., the man with the dignified manner, is in fact the head of the office and carries the rank of vice minister.

The fact that the Chinese government went to the trouble of flying in the head of the anti-Falun Gong unit from Shanghai to recruit a source in Germany demonstrates how important fighting the movement is to the government. It also points to the extremely offensive approach that is sometimes being taken by the Chinese intelligence agencies.

For decades, the Chinese were seen as unproblematic partners. German authorities knew next to nothing about Beijing's clandestine practices, and China was chiefly of interest to chambers of commerce, not to intelligence officials. But times have changed, and China, now a major power, has since become one of the most important adversaries for German counterintelligence. A special department has been formed to address Chinese infiltration efforts, and the so-called "Russian policy," developed during the Cold War, is being applied once again. Under the policy, when it is discovered that diplomats are in fact working for the intelligence agencies, they are to be expelled if the German authorities determine that they were engaged in illegal activities, and new embassy employees are subject to a review process before they can be accredited. What was once an amicable and neutral relationship has turned into a discreet war of espionage.

Strain on Relations

The conspiratorial activities are now straining the German-Chinese relationship, and during Merkel's 2007 trip to China, they cast a shadow on ties between the two countries for the first time. At the time, hackers, presumably authorized by the Chinese government, used so-called "Trojan horse" programs to attack the German government through e-mail messages. A SPIEGEL cover story forced Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao to distance himself from the incident. Wen said that he had discussed the attack with Merkel and that his country would pursue the hackers "decisively and energetically."

In the early summer of 2009, German authorities caught a Mr. Wang, who was with the Chinese general consulate in Munich, spying on Uighur expatriates in Germany. The diplomat managed a number of sources, had meetings in cafés, gathered internal information and sent his reports to Beijing. In November 2009, the Federal Prosecutor's Office issued search warrants for four suspects, but the investigators could not arrest Mr. Wang, because he enjoyed diplomatic immunity.

This prompted the German Foreign Ministry to advise the Chinese government last fall to recall the man, in keeping with the "Russian policy." The German diplomats upped the pressure on the Chinese by discreetly pointing out how damaging a public trial could be for Mr. Wang and for German-Chinese relations. They gave the Chinese a six-week deadline to recall the diplomat. A few days later, in December of 2009, Mr. Wang was gone.

The Falun Gong hunters, Xiaohua Zapatero and Bin C., are unlikely to receive the same level of diplomatic consideration. In fact, they could be arrested the next time they set foot on German soil. After the first introductory conversation at the Park Inn, the two men established close ties with Dan Sun, and one of the presumed agent managers even developed a friendship of sorts with him. They exchanged e-mails regularly and communicated via Skype almost daily.

Monitoring E-mail Traffic

According to the investigators' reconstruction of the case, Sun had been forwarding all e-mails from the German and European Falun Gong e-mail distribution list to a Hotmail address in China since September 2008 at the latest. On Jan. 2, 2009, the academic established another e-mail address with GMX, but he isn't the only one with access to the address. The Chinese also have access, which is usually masked to prevent anyone from discovering their identity. But they have been careless at times, which has allowed the BKA to track the access to the data from Germany to a place outside Shanghai.

While the German investigators describe the data as "important information," Sun says that even though he did pass on extensive information about Falun Gong, all of it was from "sources available to the public," such as passages in literature, copies of speeches and meditation guides. Sun has also invited his friend to Germany and candidly introduced him to his acquaintances. He insists that he has "never violated German or Chinese laws." Sun sees himself as a victim who was caught up in the clandestine workings of the intelligence agencies. He claims that "at no time" was he aware that the people he was dealing with were Chinese agents.

In October 2009, seven months before his house was searched, two German officials rang Sun's doorbell at 9 a.m.. They were employees of the domestic intelligence service of the state of Lower Saxony. "We know that you work for the Chinese intelligence agency," one of the men said. "You are under observation at all times." The officer pulled out a photo of the Park Inn and asked: "What happened in this hotel?"

It is possible that it will be up to the courts to elicit an answer to this question. Sun says that his biggest hope was that the dialogue with Shanghai would encourage the Chinese government to recognize that its brutal persecution of Falun Gong followers is a "completely incorrect approach." Sun claims that he still believes that he managed to convinced his Chinese contacts that government repression against Falun Gong must stop.

Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan

A Chapter from the Cold War Reopens: Espionage Probe Casts Shadow on Ties with China - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Buddy, you should be worried about the crimes your own government and people are taking against you right there at home in Romania. Crime is indeed relative, until your daughter or sister is trafficked by the mafia, until police beat you into a coma for just being a minority, or perhaps when you are humiliated by the government that allows sex tourists to play 3P with your girls under government protection.

Meanwhile, Al Qaeda's Wahabbi Islam is a religion of peace and justice.

Ask yourself honestly: Who committed more crimes against you personally: The Romanian regime, or Al Qaeda?

What have I told you about a criminal mind?
Don't excuse one crime with another crime.

Just to set things straight: I do care about the crimes that my government is doing, and I'm not happy about it either, however at this point and on this thread, I am more concerned about the more then 100 million good people that the PRC is persecuting, Falun Gong, Tibetans, Human Rights lawyers, etc... which in turn makes China the biggest labor camp of the world, which in turn in the hands of our profiteering greedy business man forces us to go to a supermarket and sell our job, and our dignity, just because not enough people seem to care about the massive human rights violations that your country is doing. And no, I don't like to compare a drop of water with an bucket of water.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." --Martin Luther King Jr
It is about time a someone spying on Falun Gong was caught! Falun Gong are innocent law abiding people who make this world a better place to live. The CCP has no power over them and cannot control them. They think the Falun Gong are large enough to over take the party, which Falun Gong has no intentions of doing and never will. It is crazy for any government to want to spy on innocent people and it is a waste of resources. In my opinion, it is only the weak people that do this kind of spying when they should be standing up against a vile regime. It is a wonderful thing he was caught! Maybe the rest of the spies will stop! I wish! China has no right to interfere with innocent people and harm them!
What have I told you about a criminal mind?
Don't excuse one crime with another crime.

Just to set things straight: I do care about the crimes that my government is doing, and I'm not happy about it either, however at this point and on this thread, I am more concerned about the more then 100 million good people that the PRC is persecuting, Falun Gong, Tibetans, Human Rights lawyers, etc... which in turn makes China the biggest labor camp of the world, which in turn in the hands of our profiteering greedy business man forces us to go to a supermarket and sell our job, and our dignity, just because not enough people seem to care about the massive human rights violations that your country is doing. And no, I don't like to compare a drop of water with an bucket of water.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." --Martin Luther King Jr

I do not argue with those that don't know facts. What is the total population of Falun Gong + Human Rights Lawyers + Tibetans in China?

In addition, I think that to avoid being a hypocrite, you should talk about religious freedom everywhere, and the systematic war that the US military wages on Islamic countries. Of the countries US forces have used weapons on in the 21st century, all have been Muslim.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" is right, so we should start by looking at the number 1 superpower's actions and prioritize justice for 1 billion Muslims over actual Falun Gong supporters (1.4 million, estimated from the UNAUDITED, UNKNOWN BY 3RD PARTIES circulation of the Epoch Times).
It is about time a someone spying on Falun Gong was caught! Falun Gong are innocent law abiding people who make this world a better place to live. The CCP has no power over them and cannot control them. They think the Falun Gong are large enough to over take the party, which Falun Gong has no intentions of doing and never will. It is crazy for any government to want to spy on innocent people and it is a waste of resources. In my opinion, it is only the weak people that do this kind of spying when they should be standing up against a vile regime. It is a wonderful thing he was caught! Maybe the rest of the spies will stop! I wish! China has no right to interfere with innocent people and harm them!

I think you are wrong. If CPC has no power over Falun Gong nor can it control Falun Gong then why are they protesting? They must be liars then because they talk frequently of government repression.

If CPC has power and control over Falun Gong then you are a dirty liar.

Which is it? Are you a liar, or is Falun Gong cult a liar?
Very true bro! Almost all of the anti-Pakistan/Chinese threads are started with a unreliable source on this forum. The moderators should look into this problem.

Transmission6-10 a 2hour movie on all you need to know what the regime is doing inside China and to the rest of the world..[video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yL4KrZsDVM&feature=player_embedded#at=73[/video]

Full of VIP's , there is your proof guys!!
There's a reason why a "spy" was required to gather information on this supposedly "harmless" and "free" religion.
Full of VIP's , there is your proof guys!!

JanaShearer, (Madam? Sir?) The Chinese posters on this thread are part of the PRC's internet warrior operation. They are not interested in your (or my) "proof". If you stay and read many threads here at the PDF you will see that their modus operandi consists of mainly three components: (1) Attack the person who posts anything with which they disagree; (2) deflect the thread topic to their perceived faults of the West (or of whatever nation they believe fits the poster); and (3) claim that the source(s) quoted in the disagreeable post are (a) unreliable, (b) biased or (c) lying. So, don't waste your time thinking that they want to actually learn anything. Their mission is to promote PRC disinformation whenever and wherever they can. It's their job.
JanaShearer, (Madam? Sir?) The Chinese posters on this thread are part of the PRC's internet warrior operation. They are not interested in your (or my) "proof". If you stay and read many threads here at the PDF you will see that their modus operandi consists of mainly three components: (1) Attack the person who posts anything with which they disagree; (2) deflect the thread topic to their perceived faults of the West (or of whatever nation they believe fits the poster); and (3) claim that the source(s) quoted in the disagreeable post are (a) unreliable, (b) biased or (c) lying. So, don't waste your time thinking that they want to actually learn anything. Their mission is to promote PRC disinformation whenever and wherever they can. It's their job.

Post reported for personal attack.:mod::mod:
JanaShearer, (Madam? Sir?) The Chinese posters on this thread are part of the PRC's internet warrior operation. They are not interested in your (or my) "proof". If you stay and read many threads here at the PDF you will see that their modus operandi consists of mainly three components: (1) Attack the person who posts anything with which they disagree; (2) deflect the thread topic to their perceived faults of the West (or of whatever nation they believe fits the poster); and (3) claim that the source(s) quoted in the disagreeable post are (a) unreliable, (b) biased or (c) lying. So, don't waste your time thinking that they want to actually learn anything. Their mission is to promote PRC disinformation whenever and wherever they can. It's their job.

Nice. Labelling every one who has a different opinion than you a "Chinese internet warrior". What's next?
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