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Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

care to explain how exactly does one "spy" on a cult religion and why should the germans even care?

it's like me attending a scientology mass or something. those fu*kers are retarded.
besides being a religion?

how about the fact that it sees self immolation as a way to achieve enlightenment?

More like cutting your stomach open to see if you could survive it. One practitioner cut the genitals off his son.
That is simply not true. The CCp orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign on the Chinese people discrediting Falun gong and hoping to instil fear and loathing. In early 2001, desperate to turn the tide against Falun Gong, the Chinese Communist Party attempted an outrageous stunt: a staged self-immolation of five people on Tiananmen Square. The state-run media then blamed it on Falun Gong. As with all lies, the propaganda fails miserably in the details. This staged self-immolation has been analyzed by neutral reporters and by careful observers of the same videotape that was broadcasted by the Chinese government:
More like cutting your stomach open to see if you could survive it. One practitioner cut the genitals off his son.

Simply not true at all.

These holes prompted International Education Development, an NGO affiliated with the United Nations , to issue the following statement during the 2001 session of the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: "The regime points to a supposed self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square on January 23, 2001 ... However, we have obtained a video of that incident that in our view proves that this event was staged by the government."

care to explain how exactly does one "spy" on a cult religion and why should the germans even care?

it's like me attending a scientology mass or something. those fu*kers are retarded.

The facts remain that Falun Gong is not a religion or a cult. We are all about freedom of mind and heart.We have no registrations, no list of who are a practitioners , There are no fees, everything is taught for free and is voluntarily and we can come and go as we please. Yet the Chinese communist regime is the biggest cult in the world today. Here is list of their traits in comparison to the existing religions today.
Read the nine Commentaries which will help you to remember the real China before communism and the real cult of the CCP
The Epoch Times | Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party

The Basic Forms of a Religion The Corresponding Forms of the CCP

1Church or platform (podium) All levels of the Party committee; the platform ranges from Party meetings to all media controlled by the CCP
2Doctrines Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong's Ideology, Deng Xiaoping's Theory, Jiang Zemin's "Three Represents", and Party Constitution
3 Initiation rites Ceremony in which oaths are taken to be loyal to the CCP forever
4 Commitment to one religion A member may only believe in the communist party
5 Priests Party Secretaries and staff in charge of party affairs on all levels
6Worshiping God Slandering all Gods, and then establishing itself as an unnamed "God"
7Death is called "ascending to heaven or descending to hell" Death is called "going to see Marx"
8Scriptures The theory and writings of the Communist Party leaders
9 Preaching All sorts of meetings; leaders' speeches
10 Chanting scriptures; study Political studies; routine group meetings or activities for the Party members
11 Hymn (religious songs) Songs to eulogize the Party
12 Donations Compulsory membership fees; mandatory allocation of governmental budget, which is money from people's sweat and blood, for the Party's use
13 Disciplinary punishment Party disciplines ranging from "house arrest and investigation" and "expulsion from the Party" to deadly tortures and even punishments of relatives and friends

I wish the very best future for you and the only way you can do that is quit the CCP .
Those hilter's remaining Nazis escaped to other countries also remained as if they were good citizens.

I have never read anywhere what you have just written about the founder of Falun Gong. If you have been told this or read on some other slandering CCP propaganda site then i can't really say anything and of course you will believe what the CCP tells you.

But the facts speak for themselves. All around this world there are Falun Gong practitioners in 114 countries living by good universal principles of TRUTH COMPASSION AND FORBEARANCE. In these troubled times this is good thing to live by.
Those flg nuts would get support as long as they are anti-China. They would bite their parents if they want support. Those are just a bunch of SOBs.

Falun Gong is admired supported and welcomed around the world, including in Hong Kong.It is also practised in 114 countries all around the world. Because I am a Westerner you can easily trust me on this point.

I ask you to ponder this : "If Falun Gong was how the CCP portrays us, would Falun Gong be supported around the world?" Many people know about the Tiananmen Massacre of 1989. Many foreign media reported on it, and around the world we saw the footage of many people killed. However, to this day the CCP does not admit how many fellow Chinese it slaughtered. "The CCP is obviously lying, so how can you trust what the CCP says? Why is it that so much information we give you, including photographs and video footage, you have never come into contact with this in the mainland? Doesn't this mean that the CCP has been hiding the truth?"
Please dont slander Falun Gong. One day you will very proud that Falun Dafa originated in China and broke thru this communism to give you back your heritage and true culture.
The facts remain that Falun Gong is not a religion or a cult. We are all about freedom of mind and heart.We have no registrations, no list of who are a practitioners , There are no fees, everything is taught for free and is voluntarily and we can come and go as we please. Yet the Chinese communist regime is the biggest cult in the world today. Here is list of their traits in comparison to the existing religions today.
Read the nine Commentaries which will help you to remember the real China before communism and the real cult of the CCP
The Epoch Times | Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party

The Basic Forms of a Religion The Corresponding Forms of the CCP

1Church or platform (podium) All levels of the Party committee; the platform ranges from Party meetings to all media controlled by the CCP
2Doctrines Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong's Ideology, Deng Xiaoping's Theory, Jiang Zemin's "Three Represents", and Party Constitution
3 Initiation rites Ceremony in which oaths are taken to be loyal to the CCP forever
4 Commitment to one religion A member may only believe in the communist party
5 Priests Party Secretaries and staff in charge of party affairs on all levels
6Worshiping God Slandering all Gods, and then establishing itself as an unnamed "God"
7Death is called "ascending to heaven or descending to hell" Death is called "going to see Marx"
8Scriptures The theory and writings of the Communist Party leaders
9 Preaching All sorts of meetings; leaders' speeches
10 Chanting scriptures; study Political studies; routine group meetings or activities for the Party members
11 Hymn (religious songs) Songs to eulogize the Party
12 Donations Compulsory membership fees; mandatory allocation of governmental budget, which is money from people's sweat and blood, for the Party's use
13 Disciplinary punishment Party disciplines ranging from "house arrest and investigation" and "expulsion from the Party" to deadly tortures and even punishments of relatives and friends

I wish the very best future for you and the only way you can do that is quit the CCP .

go back in your basement and don't forget to wear your tin-foil hat, because we can read your thoughts from space

i don't know what you believe nor do i care. your crap's retarded. instead of your self-righteous religious activist crap, why don't you go and learn some real knowledge like math/physics and help solve some real problems like energy and global warming.

the CCP deals with REAL problems, offers REAL solutions and shows REAL results.
I have never read anywhere what you have just written about the founder of Falun Gong. If you have been told this or read on some other slandering CCP propaganda site then i can't really say anything and of course you will believe what the CCP tells you.

But the facts speak for themselves. All around this world there are Falun Gong practitioners in 114 countries living by good universal principles of TRUTH COMPASSION AND FORBEARANCE. In these troubled times this is good thing to live by.

Take your 5 CIA dimes and get out.

How do you stage self immolation lol? Who will do it? No one cares about Falun Gong anymore, the Western media doesn't even report on it because your cult has lost its utility as an anti-China tool, and soon CIA funding will be pulled for Epoch Times.

If you say Falun Gong should be legal I also believe that Osama Bin Laden has more merit as a religious leader and Mullah Omar should have the freedom of speech to call for anti-US jihad.
why should the germans even care?.

Everybody cares, but it seems that especially Germans, sure they have their historical reasons, understand that it is not cool to reeducate, aka. torture, kill, harvest organs from people, or make up lies about them, in the so necessary 3rd stage of the genocide.

Google up: genocide stages wikipedia

Anyway it's interesting to see that Germans did convict their criminals.

PS: for those who justify a murder with another murder, let me tell you that is having a criminal mind. Every country has criminals, but that does not mean that it's OK to do crime, it only means that every country will/should deal with their criminals as such.

But if everything is relative, isn't crime relative as well?
In an atheist culture that might be true as long as you can go to any website you like, your food is not poisoned, your brother, friend, mother, grandparent, teacher, etc is not tortured, killed or otherwise humiliated by some power deluded criminal or criminals under the umbrella of the party. At that point relativity of a crime goes out of the window, because you are the reference point and you will start to care about that.

As yourself honestly this: What crimes did the party commit against me?
And if I'm told that Falun Gong is the same, ask yourself again this: What crimes did Falun Gong commit against me?

When you have your list you will know what is the truth.

Then ask yourself this: what would our society, my neighborhood, be like if we would not persecute people who are trying to be good.
What is that we do that is so bad ? As far as I can see nothing. And another 114 countries all around the world have no problem with us either. In fact we have won hundreds and thousands of awards all around the world. Your mind has been deeply poisoned by the communist rhetoric. Only one of the paid Chinese spy's.. would say the things that you do . And i am deeply concerned for you. The world needs Truthfulness Compassion and Forbearance. I wish you well . Please remember what i have said. I know that you have to write this way so even if you say the vilest things to me I will understand why.
In my humble opinion, TS needs to be banned for posting nonsensical articles which lack a credible source.
In my humble opinion, TS needs to be banned for posting nonsensical articles which lack a credible source.

Exactly pal, but unfortunately people are allow to post all kind of so-called "NEWS" from non-crediable sources sometimes even "HATE SITE" thats on a political agenda to degrade and attack.
Imagine what will it be like on this forum when everyone started to post "craps" against eachother from thousands of "HATE SITES" available on the internet?:no:
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