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Chinese Soldier trapped in India goes home after 50 years

It's already stated that Wang Qi's family, which includes:

1)Wife, Sushila
2)Living son, Vishnu Wang (the other 1 died to disease)
3)2 daughters (dont know names)
4)Daughter-in-law (Vishnu's wife, don't know what name)
5)Grandchild (don't know what name)

will have their homes where Wang Qi's is.

Himself, son, daughter, daughter-in-law and granddaughter are already in China.

His wife n other daughter are only still in India due to 'visa issues'.

What the above means Wang Qi is uplifting this entire roots sunken in India and bringing everything to China.

His son would have no problem finding an accountant job with a much bigger paycheck compared to the measly 1 back in India.

His unmarried daughters will have no problems of finding a husband without worrying about dowry (in fact, its the other way round in Chinese society- men are the 1s that have to fret about this).

His grandchild would be guaranteed of a quality education at the very least- in a meritocratic society

Most importantly, his womenfolk would have no worries for their own safety walking out in the open at night
I will not be surprised if Wang Qi eventually decides to return to his family in India. Uprooting entire family and moving them into a totally foreign culture, is not something easy to do, considering their age and social/education background. The cultural shock may be too much for people like them to handle.

Sorry for Wang Qi, with his education in 50's, he could easily have had a successful career as an engineer and retired with a decent pension. Now his entire family have to survive on his son's wage of $120/mo, that is 1/5 of what a house maid would earn in Chinese cities.
It seems that only his son is married. Maybe he can’t afford to marry his two daughters away? Is there any info in India‘s news coverage?

I am curious too. Any info on this that Indian members can share with us? Both his daughters look like into their 30's already.

I agree. See, I am fair. And I know and accept that:

1. China is extremely developed compared to India.
2. China is extremely safe and equitable compared to most countries.

Nice to know there are still some Indian members who are willing to face the facts and follow the logic. China is still a developing country and there are many problems, but the most important thing is China is DEVELOPING, in both national and personal levels.
Chinese cities have better infrastructure than Indian cities. This does not extend to the entire country.
Sorry to debunk your lie, even a China's county in the poorest region is way better than your first tier city.

One county in China's poorest province

Yes, finally, they don't have to live in that terrible place for exiles any more.
看到祖国亲人来看望,王琪老人高兴的合不拢嘴。- The man is happy.


图为滞印54年中国老兵家乡咸阳薛宅南村。- The man is home. His home.

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看到祖国亲人来看望,王琪老人高兴的合不拢嘴。- The man is happy.

View attachment 376652

图为滞印54年中国老兵家乡咸阳薛宅南村。- His home.

View attachment 376653

Mr. Wang Qi is lucky, compared to 2 Chinese POWs 马胜龙and杨家仑, who were confined to Bihar Mental Hospital for 41 years and eventually developed mild mental disease. The most outrageous thing is that both Indian Government and Indian Army did not even have any records of them. What a fxxked up system!
Happy for the man, he got ignored by both India and China or else he could have returned much earlier. Seeing the place of birth and reliving childhood memories is a great experience. I don't think he would like to return now, not sure about his family though.

Wang not sure if he will stay back in China
Saibal Dasgupta| TNN | Feb 13, 2017, 02.55 AM IST

BEIJING: A Chinese soldier who had inadvertently crossed over to India in 1963 after the 1962 war finally returned to his hometown in Xian province after 50 years. Wang Qi, 77, was kept in captivity till 1969.

He finally settled in Madhya Pradesh's Balaghat district and raised a family after marrying an Indian woman.

On Friday, he returned to China with his son Vishu Wang, daughter-in-law Neha and granddaughter Khanak Wang. His Indian wife Shushila and daughter, however, stayed back in India due to ill health and are expected to join him soon.

Qi, however, has not yet decided whether he would live in China or return to India. Indian authorities have stamped a 1-year visa on his Chinese passport allowing sufficient time to decide his next course of action.

Chinese government has taken the rare decision of giving a relatively long two-year visa to his son and granddaughter in what appears to be a signal that Beijing wants him to stay back.

His choice.

If his wife and daughter are staying in India due to illness, he should probably stay with his family.

Definitely agree.

I think his choice of country to spend the rest of his life will not have any bearing on how good or terrible China or India is.

Especially at his age, an established and accustomed life may be much more comfortable than those advances that technology might provide.

It is natural that he misses China, the land of his ancestors. It is also normal that he misses India as the land of his family, son, daughters and grandchildren.

He might as well do shuttle diplomacy.
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his whole family is in India.. whatever happened was wrong but at this point I dont think he can live in China.
I honestly think we should leave politics aside from this. In the end, this man gets to go home and it's a symbol that at least Sino-Indian can improve. To be fair, some Indian members also came in this thread to say good things and expressed congratulations without trying to start another flame war. I thank you.
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