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Chinese Soldier trapped in India goes home after 50 years

Well being better off is always an attraction and China does have a per capita 4 times that of India. He might be better of in Chinese society but not so sure about his Indian wife and kids . Also the chinese relatives will entertain him for a month or so but after that he will be on his own. Also going from a free society to a regimented society might not suit him now. Lets hope he is not used for propaganda like the " singaporean" guy is doing and this remains a human interest story.

yayay Indians alwys resort to 'Indian chaoticracy rocks, Chinese communism sucks' rhetoric as an excuse for their own national poverty and social backwardness- mired in primitive mysticism.

yaya anyone who points out things that Bharatis doesnt like to hear is a propagandist from China.
In a singular society like China, The Indian wife and children will be like fish out of water.
lets hope we may hear from him & his wife & children in the near future.
First breakfast at home city

Very typical breakfast, Xi'an style

Wang told reporters he was happy to be home. he will be even happier when he found out his China home has a modern sanitation and clean water by turning the tap
You can find sharp differences between him and his relatives, completely different levels of living standards. I hope he could get accustomed to his new life soon.
It seems that only his son is married. Maybe he can’t afford to marry his two daughters away? Is there any info in India‘s news coverage?
Chinese soldier trapped in India after war makes it back after 54 years
By Global Times - Agencies Published: 2017/2/12

A Chinese veteran who was stuck in legal limbo and trapped in India for more than 50 years has finally arrived home after the bilateral governmental efforts of China and India.


Wang Qi is warmly welcomed upon his arrival in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Photo: CFP


A man raises a banner to welcome Wang Qi back to China at Beijing Capital International Airport before Wang transferred to a flight to Xi'an on Saturday. Photo: Li Hao/GT


Source: Global Times - Agencies

During the Lantern Festival this week, Wang Qi finally stepped back onto Chinese soil after being stuck in India for more than half a century. After landing in Beijing, he went straight to his long-missed hometown of Xianyang, Shaanxi Province.

His son, one of his daughters, daughter-in-law and granddaughter also came with him. His Indian wife and other daughter were delayed in India because of visa issues.

More than 40 of his Chinese family members and former army comrades waited to greet them at Xi'an Xianyang International Airport. Wang Zuguo, one of Wang Qi's comrades, said he had brought a gift for Wang.

"Though all those years have passed, we've not forgotten him," he said.

Wang Qi was a soldier dispatched to the China-India border in the 1960s to work as a surveyor building roads. He wandered into Indian territory by mistake one day and wound up behind bars for several years. After his release, he was not allowed to leave India and ended up marrying and having children. After years of efforts by his family, the media and the Chinese government, he finally came home this week.

Sudden disappearance

Wang Zhiyuan, the 84-year-old eldest brother of Wang Qi, told the Xi'an-based Chinese Business View that they are two of seven siblings from Xuezhainan village, Xianyang.

Wang Qi was the third child of the family. He was born in 1937, attended a local elementary school and went to Xianyang for middle and high school with Wang Zhiyuan.

After graduating from high school, he played basketball for the Shaanxi provincial team. Then, in 1960, Wang Qi asked a mutual friend to tell Wang Zhiyuan that he was going to join the army in Northwest China's Qinghai Province.

After signing up, Wang Qi was only able to keep in touch with his family through letters.

In 1961, their mother told Wang Zhiyuan she missed Wang Qi. So he took her to Qinghai to see him. When they arrived, the commander said Wang Qi would soon be dispatched to another place, and granted Wang Qi a week's vacation to see his mother.

The three of them took a photo that week which turned out to be the last photo all three of them would ever take together.

Years later, Wang Zhiyuan realized that they visited just before his brother was sent to the China-India border, which was why the director granted his brother a week's leave to be with his family.

After this meeting, the family lost contact with Wang Qi. After the Cultural Revolution (1966-76) started, Wang Zhiyuan asked the army for news of his brother, and was told he had gone missing near the border. The army said it had looked for him without success.

In 1983, their mother died without ever finding out what had happened to her missing son.

A strange letter

In the summer of 1986, Wang Zhiyuan, who was back working in Xianyang at that time, received a phone call from one of his other brothers, saying they had received a letter with some strange foreign writing on it. Wang immediately rushed home, hoping this letter might have something to do with his missing brother.

When he saw the writing on the envelope, his eyes immediately filled with tears, because he recognized his brother's handwriting.

Since nobody could recognize where the letter came from, Wang Zhiyuan asked around in Xianyang. Finally he was able to discover that the address was located in an Indian village.

The letter read, "Dear mother, dear brothers and sisters, how are you? It's been decades, now I've finally got the chance to write and tell you how I'm doing."

The letter was only one page long. Wang Qi told his family he had gotten married and had two sons and two daughters. He said that his children were in school and that he has a business which supports his family.

But his eldest son died from disease in 2007 as his family could not afford to pay for medical treatment.

The first thing Wang Zhiyuan did after receiving the letter was to burn incense at his mother's tomb and read the letter aloud there, he told the Chinese Business View. Then all of the siblings started writing to Wang Qi in India, updating him on their lives.

Stuck in India

In 1963, several weeks after India's defeat in the 1962 Sino-Indian war, 23-year-old Wang Qi accidentally strayed into Indian territory during the New Year's Day holiday.

Wang recalled to the Global Times that he got lost in a forest, and when he saw a car which belonged to the Indian Red Cross Society, he called out for help.

The Indian Red Cross Society, however, handed him over to a Indian military base in Assam. Over the six years that followed, Wang was moved between jails in Rajasthan, Delhi and Punjab, where he was interrogated by the Indian Army, who suspected that he was a spy. A 1968 document issued by the Punjab state authorities which Wang showed the Global Times says that he was arrested for "illegally entering Indian territory, threatening India's State security."

Wang was finally released in 1969, and was sent to a small village called Tirodi in Madhya Pradesh, Central India. At that time, the village, surrounded by lakes and forests, was the place where the Indian government sent domestic dissidents and refugees.

After the Indian police told Wang that he could neither return to China nor get Indian citizenship, Wang realized that he would probably have to spend the rest of his life in Tirodi. His legal identity was unclear, as he lacked documents proving he was a Chinese citizen, such as a passport, meaning he was unable to travel internationally.

He made a living by working at a local mill, built his own house in around 1970 using his savings, and eventually opened a shop. In 1975, Wang married a local woman, Sushila.

Despite starting his own family, he never stopped trying to get back to China. According to the Times of India, in the 1980s, Wang petitioned an Indian court, seeking a visa. He hoped that he could return to China at least once in his lifetime. But the petition failed.

Wang is not the only veteran that was trapped in India in the aftermath of the Sino-Indian War. Another soldier Liu Shurong, a Chongqing native that also lives in Tirodi, had a similar experience. But unlike Wang, who wants to return to China, Liu can no longer speak fluent Chinese, and said he is not willing to return to China as he no longer has any relatives in the country.

Getting home

Wang Zhiyuan's son Wang Yingjun grew up listening to others in his family telling stories about his uncle Wang Qi. After the family finally got in touch with Wang Qi, he expressed desire to come back home, come back to Shaanxi, hoping his family can help.

In 2009, Wang Yingjun decided to visit his uncle in India with his family's support. They finally met in a hotel in New Delhi.

Wang Qi told his nephew about what had happened over the years, filling in the details about how he went missing and what he had done to survive. He said he has always been a foreigner in India. Because his legal identity was unclear, he was often been bullied by locals and he said his biggest wish is to return home.

Wang Yingjun then started helping his uncle get together the documents needed to apply for a passport and visa. After returning to China, he continued to help his uncle. In 2012, the army division Wang Qi used to be in sent someone to Xianyang to investigate his case.

The Chinese Embassy in India has been in contact with Wang over the past few years, making great efforts in smoothing the way for him to return and visit China which included communicating with the Indian side to process his exit and entry permits. The Chinese Embassy in India issued a 10-year Chinese passport to him in 2013 and has been providing him with a certain amount of money per annum since then.

His son Vishnu told the Hindustan Times in October last year that they were informed that "the Indian authorities might grant his father permission to travel to China provided he is ready to stay back there and not return to India."

On January 31, his story was picked up by the BBC, who ran a feature detailing his life and ongoing struggle to return home, bringing international attention to his case.

Finally, Wang Qi flew back to Xi'an Saturday after receiving an exit permit from the Indian government. He then visited his village, saying that he hopes he can spend his final years there.

Wang told Global Times early this month that he is prepared to stay in China for good. His wife and son also said that they will follow Wang wherever he goes.

Wang's village committee in Xianyang has decided that they will give him a piece of land and ensure he has a good life in his hometown.

But according to a Legal Mirror report on Sunday, due to cultural differences, Wang's children have met with some difficulties in adjusting to local dining and toilet habits on their trip.
It seems that only his son is married. Maybe he can’t afford to marry his two daughters away? Is there any info in India‘s news coverage?
daughters are required to pay a huge dowry on India. it's different everywhere else in the modern world. it's beneficial for his daughter to be in China

Very typical breakfast, Xi'an style

You can find sharp differences between him and his relatives, completely different levels of living standards. I hope he could get accustomed to his new life soon.
it could be a little difficult first but I'm sure he will enjoy the modern lifestyle with Chinese characteristic
Now it's important to help his entire family settle in China free from the very poor lifestyle.
I'm pretty sure his entire family will have a much better life here, respected and honoured.
He will get pension, housing, medical treatment, like all other veterans.

His children will have a much brighter future here, full of opportunities.
His grandchildren will be better equipped with the social skills to cope with the new technological revolution, learn how to use smart phone to pay a bowl of Xi'an noodle, have DJI drones as their toys, as opposed to being stuck in a society of no social change.

Xianyang is the second largest city in Shannxi Province, in the same city agglomeration as the ancient capital Xi'an.
Xi'an's international airport is located in Xianyang.
Xianyang is also served by Xi'an-Baoji High-speed Railway (silk road HSR), only 30km (10min) from Xi'an.
The subway from Xi'an to Xianyang is to be opened in 2019.

10:40-11:10 Yangling Agricultural Hi-tech Industries Demonstration Zone, Xianyang City
Shannxi Province in 2008

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Absolutely. If the family wants to return to China, they should be given citizenship.

Lol... Self delusion. China cities are ten times better than anything India can throw. And if she has a daughter. I bet she feels more safer and more rights living in China than India. :enjoy:

I agree. See, I am fair. And I know and accept that:

1. China is extremely developed compared to India.
2. China is extremely safe and equitable compared to most countries.
LOL. Sure, let's see - how many Indian citizens have applied as refugees to China and how many Chinese citizens how applies as refugees to India. The answer is in the numbers - not in what Mao's Little Red Book says.

Most Chinese refugee were tibetans who went over in the 60s and 70s. Since then, Tibetans who really care about their family would not go to a country like India.

As for Indians, they generally immigrate to US, Europe or Australia.
LOL. Sure, let's see - how many Indian citizens have applied as refugees to China and how many Chinese citizens how applies as refugees to India. The answer is in the numbers - not in what Mao's Little Red Book says.

I have personally talked to many Indians in China, and they all attest that China has an amazingly better infrastructure compared to India.

So, instead of fighting here, please focus on positivities.

Also, @Beast @AndrewJin , I literally cried when the old man cried when visiting his family. Somehow I can feel their pain.
Can everybody please shut up!

If you want to fight among yourselves, go to some other thread.

I really want to just follow what Wang qi is doing there.

Can the Chinese members here please post stuff in Chinese with translations, so that we can know what Wang qi is doing.


Clean this thread of anything apart from solely Wang qi related stuff.
Finally , he will be in the lap of his mother land , meet his friends and his siblings and their families .... oh what a ocean of feelings :) . He has his kids and grand kids in India so may be one day they also visit their father's home....his story deserve a book or a film :)
54 years later, Wang Qi returns to homeland in China; mulls return to India


Wang Qi, the 77-year-old Chinese army veteran who returned to China on Saturday after 54 years in India, has not yet decided whether he will eventually settle in China or return to his home in Madhya Pradesh, his family has said.

Since his emotional reunion on Saturday in Xian with his brothers and sister, Wang has been swept up in a whirl of media attention and feted by the government. His return has been celebrated by the Chinese media and has received non-stop coverage for the past few days.

While Wang's wife Sushila, whom he married in the village of Tirodi in Madhya Pradesh where he has lived since 1969, and daughter Anita did not accompany him on the long journey to China because of health reasons and remain in India, he was accompanied by his son Vishnu Wang, his daughter-in-law Neha and grandson.

As Wang in the coming days reunites with long-lost relatives here, the family will also in weeks ahead have to decide on his future. The 77-year-old is thought to be keen "on spending the last years of life in China" as one acquaintance said, but his wife remains in India, where his son and daughter and their families reside.


"This is a decision the family has to sit together and decide, whether my father and us stay or go back, and when we go back," Vishnu Wang told India Today, speaking at the hotel where the Wang family has been residing since their arrival. They have been hosted by the local government in the town of Xiangyang, near Xian, which is an hour away from the remote and difficult-to-reach family village of Xuezhai where Wang Qi's brothers live.

Wang is expected to travel to the remote village on Monday and pay respects at the grave of his mother, whom he never had the chance to see since his jailing in 1963. She passed away seven years ago.

Also read: Exclusive: As soldier returns from India, China village offers him a new home

Also read: Chinese media urges India to return 1962 war prisoner

Vishnu spoke of his father's joy at reuniting with his brothers, who last saw him as a young 20-year-old.

"My father met with his family for the first time after 54 years, his older and younger brother, and sister. He couldn't stop crying," Vishnu said. "We are thankful to both India and China governments for taking the good decision of allowing him to come to China. I'm also so happy, that for the first time he has been able to come here."

The family's only regret was Wang being unable to see his mother. "The only thing I'm sad about is he was waiting for so long to see his mother, but its a source of sadness for our family that she was not alive to see this," Vishnu said.


The family faces a difficult decision in the weeks ahead, as Wang Qi decides whether to return to his family in India, or relocate with his wife, even as his children live in India.

Wang is a Chinese citizen, and was issued a passport by China in 2003. He has been granted a one-year visa by India, relatives said, which would allow him to return to his home in Madhya Pradesh.

China has unusually given his son Vishnu and his family a two-year visa that is rarely granted to foreign citizens, underlining the significance Beijing has attached to the case. But under Chinese laws, Wang's children, who are Indian citizens, will not be able to reside permanently in China unless they find employment here.

It is clear that China would like Wang to stay, given how the government has hailed his return. The local government has said they would make land and a home available for Wang in his home village and given the widespread coverage that Wang Qi has received from media outlets in China, there is unlikely to be any shortage of help and support should he return.

For the government, Wang's story has also served propaganda value, with media highlighting the government's efforts to bring back a forgotten veteran - few questions have been asked as to why it took the authorities so long to do so, including several decades before he was even issued a Chinese passport - and also stressing good relations between India and China amid recent strains.

While officials told media outlets on Saturday they would be barred from witnessing Wang's long awaited reunion with his brothers at Xian airport to allow "a private moment" for the family, the State broadcaster CCTV and the Xinhua news agency were somehow on hand to capture the moment in a restricted area in Xian airport. CCTV and XInhua have covered Wang's every move since his feted arrival.

For the Chinese government, Wang Qi's long-awaited return to China presents the perfect ending to a complex story that has received wide attention. For the Wang family however, after a joyous and delayed reunion with their loved ones, the task of resolving difficult questions surrounding their future is only just beginning

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