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Chinese Soldier trapped in India goes home after 50 years

Why didn't China ask for him for these years? I am sure he would have liked to visit the country of his birth.

Here is the video of him arriving there
Why didn't China ask for him for these years? I am sure he would have liked to visit the country of his birth.

Here is the video of him arriving there
Chinese government was informed in 2012 by him. In 2013, he was issued a Chinese passport. Since then, he had been struggling to get Indian side of documents, probably for his family members.

In 2003, there was another similar return of 62' POW back to China.

Why dont u attach a few videos of his homecoming with translation. Its a nice human interest story.
because I am still lying in bed and typing with my right thumb.
Chinese government was informed in 2012 by him. In 2013, he was issued a Chinese passport. Since then, he had been struggling to get Indian side of documents, probably for his family members.

In 2003, there was another similar return of 62' POW back to China.

because I am still lying in bed and typing with my right thumb.
It seems highly unlikely that a Chinese national who has been a free man since the 1970s did not even bother informing the Chinese Embassy of his existence till 2012.
It seems highly unlikely that a Chinese national who has been a free man since the 1970s did not even bother informing the Chinese Embassy of his existence till 2012.

A free man but was denied official document or citizenship.

"It's still not clear whether Mr Wang is a prisoner of war. But he has been denied official Indian documents or citizenship and also been denied permission to travel back. His family says Mr Wang needs a document to exit India."

Five decades and counting: A Chinese POW in MP still waits for permit to go home

The Chinese man trapped in India for half a century

Sorry but you don't have access to free media. It was the BBC which first broke the news that mentioned ex military man wanted to meet his extended family in China but Chinese government had neglected till this news article, once it came in mainstream media, then only CPC requested Indian government to clear the visit which ?Indian government never rejected . I know its difficult for you people to get any non Chinese free news in side PRC but I hope you get it.

Might be true mate but BBC broke the story if you knew that already.

Chinese soldier Wang Qi will return to China sometime on Saturday, the Indian embassy informed on Friday.


I have access to the same media as you, So spare me your BS. The news was broken by Indian media several years ago. He was given a Chinese passport and monthly stipend in 2013, yet unable to leave.

"China had been "pushing India" to complete procedures to return the veteran. In 2013, the Chinese embassy in India issued him a 10-year Chinese passport and a living allowance every year since then, Lu said. "
Indians here defending their own country as if India did all its best to make sure he could leave that place ASAP :rolleyes:

welcome home, nothing like home sweet home. The Air, the food, the sanitation now that's paradise
Chinese man trapped in India goes home after 50 years
  • 8 hours ago
  • From the sectionIndia

Media captionWang Qi was happy to be reunited with family members.
A Chinese man who was trapped in India for more than 50 years has finally been reunited with his family.

The BBC had reported how Wang Qi, an army surveyor who says he accidentally crossed into India in 1963, had not been given the necessary documents to leave the country.

Following the report, he was visited by Chinese diplomats, who told him efforts were being made to take him back.

Mr Wang was met by family members when his flight landed in Beijing.

Later, in his home city of Xianyang, crowds met him with banners reading "Welcome home, soldier, it's been a rough journey".

Mr Wang flew out from Delhi on Friday night accompanied by his adult children.

Chinese officials took him and his family shopping in a Delhi mall before they boarded the flight.

Mr Wang had been given a document by the Indian Foreign Ministry stating that he was cleared to leave. His family were given Indian passports so that they could leave with him if they wished.

His wife, an Indian citizen, was sick and did not accompany him.


Image captionIt is not clear if Mr Wang will return to his Indian family

Image captionMr Wang's mother died in 2006 before he could go back to see her
It is not clear if Mr Wang plans to return to India. He was never granted citizenship and was given a Chinese passport in 2013.

Mr Wang says he was "tasked with building roads for the Chinese army" and was captured when he "strayed erroneously" into India's territory in January 1963.

"I had gone out of my camp for a stroll but lost my way. I was tired and hungry. I saw a Red Cross vehicle and asked them to help me. They handed me over to the Indian army," he said.

He spent the next seven years in a number of different jails before a court ordered his release in 1969.

Police took him to Tirodi, a far-flung village in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. He had not been allowed to leave the country since.

Instead he worked at a flour mill, eventually marrying a local woman and raising a family. Neighbours said they lived in "utter poverty".


Image captionWang Qi joined China's People's Liberation Army in 1960

Will be interesting to see what his decision will be after a couple of month or so.
Leave behind a family of 50 years in India or go back to old family in China.
Getting a visa for India will not be a issue but tourist visa is only 6 months , so under what visa will he stay in India . Some sort of humanitarian long stay visa like the hindus from Pakistan maybe ?

His family can always be given citizenship in China. They will have a much comfortable and modern lifestyle in China. It's better then to stay in that festering place on the other side of the Himalayas.

Don't know why Chinese are abusing india in comment section of all these YouTube videos..even though he himself says he has been treated well.

Video stated his son Vishnu Wang- is earning 500rupees/mth equivalent to 800RMB as an accountant in 'a small company'. How would could he earn in Xianyang City in the same line?

@AndrewJin @TaiShang @wanglaokan @lonelyman

Will be interesting to see what his decision will be after a couple of month or so.
Leave behind a family of 50 years in India or go back to old family in China.
Getting a visa for India will not be a issue but tourist visa is only 6 months , so under what visa will he stay in India . Some sort of humanitarian long stay visa like the hindus from Pakistan maybe ?

@ 02:32

I'm translating directly based on the reporter's speech:

Wang Qi's wife and son stated that they are willing to leave and follow him back to China because where ever the old man is- their stable home would be at where he is.
his wife and son wants to get out of that place they are in now and strive for a better life in a modern society.
Video stated his son Vishnu Wang- is earning 500rupees/mth equivalent to 800RMB as an accountant in 'a small company'. How would could he earn in Xianyang City in the same line?

@AndrewJin @TaiShang @wanglaokan @lonelyman

@ 02:32

I'm translating directly based on the reporter's speech:
500 rupees is what he get from the government because of schemes..we don't have pension schemes so this is only what he get from the government ...he earn by himself too being a registrar.
500 rupees is something which a labor earn in one day...
His family can always be given citizenship in China. They will have a much comforatble and modern lifestyle in CHina. It's better then to stay in that festering shithole on the other side of the Himalayas

Video stated his son Vishnu Wang- is earning 500rupees/mth equivalent to 800RMB as an accountant in 'a small company'. How would could he earn in Xianyang City in the same line?

@AndrewJin @TaiShang @wanglaokan @lonelyman

@ 02:32

I'm translating directly based on the reporter's speech:

Wang Qi's wife and son stated that they are willing to leave and follow him back to China because where ever the old man is- their stable home would be at where he is.
his wife and son wants to get out of that primitive shithole they are in now and strive for a better life in a modern society

Now it's important to help his entire family settle in China free from the very poor lifestyle.
I'm pretty sure his entire family will have a much better life here, respected and honoured.
He will get pension, housing, medical treatment, like all other veterans.

His children will have a much brighter future here, full of opportunities.
His grandchildren will be better equipped with the social skills to cope with the new technological revolution, learn how to use smart phone to pay a bowl of Xi'an noodle, have DJI drones as their toys, as opposed to being stuck in a society of no social change.

Xianyang is the second largest city in Shannxi Province, in the same city agglomeration as the ancient capital Xi'an.
Xi'an's international airport is located in Xianyang.
Xianyang is also served by Xi'an-Baoji High-speed Railway (silk road HSR), only 30km (10min) from Xi'an.
The subway from Xi'an to Xianyang is to be opened in 2019.

10:40-11:10 Yangling Agricultural Hi-tech Industries Demonstration Zone, Xianyang City
Shannxi Province in 2008

Chinese soldier returns home after 54 years in India
(Xinhua) 09 February 12, 2017


At around 6 p.m. Saturday, Wang Qi set his feet on his homeland again in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province, after spending 54 years in a life drift in India.

"I'm finally home!" a sobbing Wang hugged his tearful brothers and sisters at Xi'an Xianyang International Airport.

Wang, a Chinese solider, got lost in a forest on the China-India border in 1963. He was rescued by India's Red Cross Society and later handed over to Indian military. The military sentenced him in jail for seven years after regarding him as an "espionage."

Wang settled and married in a rural area in India after serving his sentence, but he always wanted to go home. During the past years, Wang sent many letters to his family members in Xuezhainan Village in Shaanxi's Qianxian County, expressing his homesickness and the desire to go back.

To help Wang return home, the Chinese embassy in India made every effort to get him an exit permit. In 2013, he received a Chinese passport and financial support from the government, which made it possible for him to return.

In Wang's home village, groups of people lined outside the house of Wang's younger brother Wang Shun on Saturday, which happens to be China's Lantern Festival, a day that traditionally represents reunion.

"After all these years, he is finally coming back," Wang Shun said as he prepared a quilt for Wang Qi. "We bought the furniture in this room many years ago."

"He has not changed much, I can still recognize him," said local villager Wang Ming. "All of us in the village have been waiting for his return, and we are just happy that he made it."
Now it's important to help his entire family settle in China free from the extremely primitive lifestyle.
I'm pretty sure his entire family will have a much better life here, respected and honoured.
He will get pension, housing, medical treatment, like all other veterans.

His children will have a much brighter future here, full of opportunities.
His grandchildren will be better equipped with the social skills to cope with the new technological revolution, learn how to use smart phone to pay a bowl of Xi'an noodle, have DJI drones as their toys, as opposed to being stuck in a society of no social change.

Xianyang is the second largest city in Shannxi Province, in the same city agglomeration as the ancient capital Xi'an.
Xi'an's international airport is located in Xianyang.
Xianyang is also served by Xi'an-Baoji High-speed Railway (silk road HSR), only 30km (10min) from Xi'an.
The subway from Xi'an to Xianyang is to be opened in 2019.

10:40-11:10 Yangling Agricultural Hi-tech Industries Demonstration Zone, Xianyang City
Shannxi Province in 2008
View attachment 376370
Wang told reporters he was happy to be home. he will be even happier when he found out his China home has a modern sanitation and clean water by turning the tap

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