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Chinese-Russian Alliance Possible?

Again, you're generalizing most Russian buy the acts of some skinheads, we have family friends that are Asian and they're treated like family.

Well, I was not talking about these low life fags, but the Russians in general as I known are mostly "racialist" who wants to preserve the homogenization of their race. The non-violent white nationalists are perfectly fine with me as long as they don't harm other non-white people. I have seen many Russian/Slavic racialists who are rather quite polite and peaceful. Unlike those illiterate skinheads/neo-nazi members, these people seem also to be quite knowledgeable, and I do have my respect for them. It is not shameful to admit that you want to preserve your own race.

Of course, I do not generalize the Russian people. However, the historical facts told me that it is not always the case of not crossing the borderline. You cannot deny that in past the Russia has committed many atrocious acts to the Asiatic people during its territorial expansion which was also connected to their racial motivation. I know it doesn't have to do with most of Russian people, yet the imperialist acts of Tsar and Soviet Union cannot be easily justified and forgiven!!!

I am speaking from a historical point of view that Russia was/is not a friendly nation to China. :sniper::china:

I wonder why you are so desperate to prove us that Russia is a liberal multi-racial society? You said that you were born in Asiatic part of Russia, just curious to know if you are a mixed Russian? If you are, then are you trying to justify that your country having no racial issue with the individual like yourself?

I do understand that the definition of racialism cannot be equate to racism. I was not trying to say that most Russians are racist, but rather racialist which is totally understandable among the homogeneous nations. However, because of many historical reasons, most of Russians subconsciously exhibit a natural fear even bigotry towards the Asian people since the Mongolian Empire has once conquered Russia for over 200 years. Many Russian people are worrying that the Chinese (who shares similar appearance with the Mongol) will do the same to Russia in the future.
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Well explained. I will highlight the relevant parts:

Well, I was not talking about these low life fags, but the Russians in general as I known are mostly "racialist" who wants to preserve the homogenization of their race. The non-violent white nationalists are perfectly fine with me as long as they don't harm other non-white people. I have seen many Russian/Slavic racialists who are rather quite polite and peaceful. Unlike those illiterate skinheads/neo-nazi members, these people seem also to be quite knowledgeable, and I do have my respect for them. It is not shameful to admit that you want to preserve your own race.

Of course, I do not generalize the Russian people. However, the historical facts told me that it is not always the case of not crossing the borderline. You cannot deny that in past the Russia has committed many atrocious acts to the Asiatic people during its territorial expansion which also connected to their racial motivation. I know it doesn't have to do with most of Russian people, yet the imperialist acts of Tsar and Soviet Union cannot be easily justified and forgiven!!!

I am speaking from a historical point of view that Russia was/is not a friendly nation to China. :sniper::china:

I wonder why you are so desperate to prove us that Russia is a liberal multi-racial society? You said that you were born in Asiatic part of Russia, just curious to know if you are a mixed Russian? If you are, then are you trying to justify that your country having no racial issue with the individual like yourself?

I do understand that the definition of racialism cannot be equate to racism. I was not trying to say that most Russians are racist, but rather racialist which is totally understandable among the homogeneous nations. However, because of many historical reasons, most of Russians subconsciously exhibit a natural fear even bigotry towards the Asian people since the Mongolian Empire has once conquered Russia for over 200 years. Many Russian people are worrying that the Chinese (who shares similar appearance with the Mongol) will do the same to Russia in the future.
Russia must trust India!

You think so! Good! :cheers:

And what you do for living, I wonder, comedian?

Who the hell are you to ask me that? Trust me, people like comedian more than communists who are bent on killing their own people.

but why am i explaining to you?

The kind of brain you got, will have no affect on it.
Of course, I do not generalize the Russian people. However, the historical facts told me that it is not always the case of not crossing the borderline. You cannot deny that in past the Russia has committed many atrocious acts to the Asiatic people during its territorial expansion which was also connected to their racial motivation. I know it doesn't have to do with most of Russian people, yet the imperialist acts of Tsar and Soviet Union cannot be easily justified and forgiven!!!

What does imperial Russia have to do with anything related to this thread? Tell me this, what do Russians of today have anything to do with the Tsars or Soviet leaders? Now to address your issuess of not forgiving Russians, look at what the German did to Russia, i know of no Russians that hold a grudge against Germans because we understand it is history and the atrocities that were commited by Germans many decades ago have nothing to do with the Germans of today, nor does the ideoligies of one man have a coorilation to how Germans think.

I wonder why you are so desperate to prove us that Russia is a liberal multi-racial society? You said that you were born in Asiatic part of Russia, just curious to know if you are a mixed Russian? If you are, then are you trying to justify that your country having no racial issue with the individual like yourself?

If someone labeled all Chinese as racists and rapists would you not have a rebutal, or would you sit there and let people degrade your country and your people?

And no i'm not mixed, but plenty of people that live in Russia are. If you go to any large city such as Moscow you will see televison anchors that are black, musicians and actors that are Asian and people from all walks of life that come to live and work in Russia. Again, the acts of skinheads can not reflect the average Russians ideals, and the reason why people always associate skinheads with Russia is because Russian skinheads are brazen and bold where as skinheads in other countries are passive, thus they usually don't make the news, but nevertheless, other countries have skinheads, not to mention other gangs that are all together none related to white supremacy but they may are also be racially motivated, take for example, the Nation of Yahweh or the Black Panthers both are black supremacists. Something to think about, do all Arabs fall under the catagory of 'terrorists' because of the acts of a small minority?

I do understand that the definition of racialism cannot be equate to racism. I was not trying to say that most Russians are racist, but rather racialist which is totally understandable among the homogeneous nations. However, because of many historical reasons, most of Russians subconsciously exhibit a natural fear even bigotry towards the Asian people since the Mongolian Empire has once conquered Russia for over 200 years. Many Russian people are worrying that the Chinese (who shares similar appearance with the Mongol) will do the same to Russia in the future.

This is new to me, Russians don't look at Asians any different than Slavs, look at the Russian military, for example, there are many Asians that volunteer for the special forces or other branches of the military some even hold high ranks. As for Russians worrying about Chinese expansion, i have no idea what your talking about, most Russians don't see China as a threat but rather a mutual partner.
let's not behave like iranians.

currently there are significant mutual interests between china and russia. such as not being locked in by US and friends.
well things are mostly peachy between china and Russia, no boarder disputes, they sell gas we buy, some convergence of strategic interests.
i support a Chinese-Russian alliance. the u.s is a force that must be reckoned with. if they are not stopped, the whole world will suffer
We are in a Sino-Russian alliance.

Why else do you think we signed a defense pact? Why else did you think we engaged in so many military exercises? Why else do you think we have so much gas deals? Why else do you think we have something called the SCO?

You don't know what i or any other Russian thinks, so don't make such gerneral accusations, nor do you speek for the average Russian. And don't bring up Russian skin heads because most Russians hate those bastards. I also want to say that i'm from eastern Russia and my town has many Chinese and Koreans and they are treated no differently than anyone else, infact it's not uncommon to see a Russian married to an ethnic Chinese or Korean.

I am sure that what ChineseTiger1986 said is true, I have met with many students from Russia and they seem very cold to me but very warm to the West or rich Asian such as Japanese or South Korean. However, I am a Cambodian, I am very look like a Chinese (my grandparent were an immigrant from China long time ago) indeed. For most of the time Russian students don't want to say hi or make eye contact to me when we walk bypass each others, some of the students are mid-age but no differ from the young. They are a very closed community in school. One time I stay in a classroom and just see a girl in the corner of the class, she looks at me and I look at her, I star smiling to her with a warm attitude but she just glower back to me using bullet eyes, that is a very ghastly moment I can't forget, I feel like she hate me a long time ago and just wanna kill me right away. Later we have some new students from Bosnia, Serbia, Latvia and some countries in East Europe, they seem not different with the old students.

I don't know what is wrong to me, why East Euro don't like Asians such as Cambodian, Chinese or even Vietnamese, they kill many of us in Russia crudely, they treat us like we are the low class people, are they concern of us becuz we might influence their superior inferior white!? That question has follow me until these days!!!

So all of the reasons make me the feeling of untruthful Russian or any white race in this planet, please excuse me I am not a racist, but at least I don't trick or harm you anyways, I just tell the truth so we can understand each others!!
China has never thought to be alliance with Russia since the relationship broke up in USSR time.
Russia and China both want to be great again, but they are completely different from the original point.
Russia's ultimate hope is to be the strongest role as the western style.
But for China, to be greatest means to change the world's style -- the western style.
This is also why India's or Russia's mistakes or bad news always incur much less criticism than China dose.

Change the Western style? The Chinese copy it as closely as they can.
I am sure that what ChineseTiger1986 said is true, I have met with many students from Russia and they seem very cold to me but very warm to the West or rich Asian such as Japanese or South Korean. However, I am a Cambodian, I am very look like a Chinese (my grandparent were an immigrant from China long time ago) indeed. For most of the time Russian students don't want to say hi or make eye contact to me when we walk bypass each others, some of the students are mid-age but no differ from the young. They are a very closed community in school. One time I stay in a classroom and just see a girl in the corner of the class, she looks at me and I look at her, I star smiling to her with a warm attitude but she just glower back to me using bullet eyes, that is a very ghastly moment I can't forget, I feel like she hate me a lot long time ago and just wanna kill me right away. Later we have some new students from Bosnia, Serbia, Latvia and some countries in East Europe, they seem not different with the old students.

I don't know what is wrong to me, why East Euro don't like Asians such as Cambodian, Chinese or even Vietnamese, they kill many of us in Russia crudely, they treat us like we are the low class people, are they concern of us becuz we might influence their superior inferior white!? That question has follow me until these days!!!

So all of the reasons make me a feeling of untruthful Russian or any white race in this planet, please excuse me I am not a racist, but at least I don't trick or harm you anyways, I just tell the truth so we can understand each others!!

Then just stay away from them. Ironically, the WASP also views the Slavic people as the Untermensch.

Today's Russia is falling apart, they are not our main competition anymore, but WASP and Zionists are still there.

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