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Chinese-Russian Alliance Possible?

China is also surrounded by NATO and pals. Japan, South Korea, Australia, Afghanistan, and if india decides to join NATO, even worse.

Which NATO countries in your esteemed knowledge surround China? Did the geography suddenly change? Do you even know or understand what NATO stands for? how does India come into the picture?

all countries that threaten China can also threaten Russia.
You have absolutely no idea, whatsoever, about world politics, do you? Btw, Russia has an observer status in NATO.
NATO–Russia Council

Lame thread, lame assumptions. LAME.
You don't know what i or any other Russian thinks, so don't make such gerneral accusations, nor do you speek for the average Russian. And don't bring up Russian skin heads because most Russians hate those bastards. I also want to say that i'm from eastern Russia and my town has many Chinese and Koreans and they are treated no differently than anyone else, infact it's not uncommon to see a Russian married to an ethnic Chinese or Korean.

Well, oversea Russians look quite friendly no doubt, but I am skeptical about the Russians from Russia.

And I doubt most Russians would like to marry with any East Asian people, since most of them want to keep their racial purity. Any Russian citizen with visible Asiatic features would usually despise by the rest.

Anyway, I don't care if Russians want to preserve their racial purity, since it is the same for most of Chinese people. As long as you guys don't make any racial violence against the foreign people who visit Moscow and St-Peterburg.
Well, oversea Russians look quite friendly no doubt, but I am skeptical about the Russians from Russia.

And I doubt most Russians would like to marry with any East Asian people, since most of them want to keep their racial purity. Any Russian citizen with visible Asiatic features would usually despise by the rest.

Again, you're generalizing most Russian buy the acts of some skinheads, we have family friends that are Asian and they're treated like family.

Anyway, I don't care if Russians want to preserve their racial purity, since it is the same for most of Chinese people. As long as you guys don't make any racial violence against the foreign people who visit Moscow and St-Peterburg.

Skinheads are not us "guys" they dont represent us, nor do we beleive in their life styles. The US has the most gangs in the world, so does this mean that every one in the US is a gang member or partial to their ways?
You know all heads of state who are Jewish must visit the "Wailing Wall" in Juruselum (Barak Obama, Stephen Harper, Vladimir Putin) ---- there are photos of him with the skull cap doing obiesence to some Rabbis.

The photos (many of them) seem authentic, so check it out.

Well, related conspiracy theories are everywhere about Putin's ethnicity.

Apart from what you just mentioned, the ones who argue that he is Jewish, go with

1. Putin hasn't put anit-semitism as a state's policy - the first USSR - Russia leader since Lenin

2. Putin has been very suportive of Jewish issues during his presidency

3. his mother Maria Ivanovna Shelomova shares a similar surname as some Jewish surnames such as Shelomo and Shelomov; Putin was baptized into the Russian Orthodox faith at birth

4. His puppet Medvedev is likely Jewish

5. His nose shape ...

etc, etc...

However, I would go by the following logic:

1. For her mother's surname, Russian "shelom" шелом means курган, so Shelomova alone doesn't provide a clearcut proof. Baptization story lacks solid evidence as well.

2. We all know that Zionists control world media. World Media loved Boris Yetsin who, together with his Jewish Harvard friends/ International & Russian Jewish oligarchs, looted Russia to the last penny during privatisation era. On the contrary, it seems to me that world media dislike Putin. Times Megazien, NYT and Hollywood etc. (Jewish -controlled) repeatedly slanted Putin. This means something.

3. Zionist-controlled puppets dislike Putin: e.g. Jewish-controlled Obama doesn't like him, at all; during the latest US election campaign, McCain (Jewish-controlled) threateded to kick Russia out of G-8 ; Sarah Palin (a Jewish-controlled Nuclear-button admirer and nutter ) "can see Russia from her house":lol: ... This all mean something.

4. Not all Russian oligarchs are Jewish, but int'l oligarchs mostly are. Yeltsin -era Int'l oligarchs operating in Russia got largely halted by Putin when he came into power.

5. KGB, where Putin came from, has been the bastion of anti-Semitism since 1930s to today. If Putin were Jewish, how could he has had survived there?

6. Russians in general are not fools. What the idiot Yetsin has brought down, Putin has put it up. Russia becomes much stronger under Putin than under Yelstin and Russians in general love Putin. This means something. Typical Jewish behaviours would be bringing down their host state to its knees. Hardly I can see that happending during Putin era.

7. Again, his nose, I've seen many Russians with the same shape of nose as Putin's.

Therefore, regardless conspiracy theories, by purely observing what actually Putin has been doing for Russia and Russians, I would say that Putin is not Jewish, :tup: Whether Medvedev is or not isn't important.
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Well, related conspiracy theories are everywhere about Putin's ethnicity.

Apart from what you just mentioned, the ones who argue that he is Jewish, go with

1. Putin hasn't put anit-semitism as a state's policy - the first USSR - Russia leader since Lenin

2. Putin has been very suportive of Jewish issues during his presidency

3. his mother Maria Ivanovna Shelomova shares a similar surname as some Jewish surnames such as Shelomo and Shelomov; Putin was baptized into the Russian Orthodox faith at birth

4. His puppet Medvedev is likely Jewish

5. His nose shape ...

etc, etc...

However, I would go by the following logic:

1. For her mother's surname, Russian "shelom" шелом means курган, so Shelomova alone doesn't provide a clearcut proof. Baptization story lacks solid evidence as well.

2. We all know that Zionists control world media. World Media loved Boris Yetsin who, together with his Jewish Harvard friends/ International & Russian Jewish oligarchs, looted Russia to the last penny during privatisation era. On the contrary, it seems to me that world media dislike Putin. Times Megazien, NYT and Hollywood etc. (Jewish -controlled) repeatedly slanted Putin. This means something.

3. Zionist-controlled puppets dislike Putin: e.g. Jewish-controlled Obama doesn't like him, at all; during the latest US election campaign, McCain (Jewish-controlled) threateded to kick Russia out of G-8 ; Sarah Palin (a Jewish-controlled Nuclear-button admirer and nutter ) "can see Russia from her house":lol: ... This all mean something.

4. Not all Russian oligarchs are Jewish, but int'l oligarchs mostly are. Yeltsin -era Int'l oligarchs operating in Russia got largely halted by Putin when he came into power.

5. KGB, where Putin came from, has been the bastion of anti-Semitism since 1930s to today. If Putin were Jewish, how could he has had survived there?

6. Russians in general are not fools. What the idiot Yetsin has brought down, Putin has put it up. Russia becomes much stronger under Putin than under Yelstin and Russians in general love Putin. This means something. Typical Jewish behaviours would be bringing down their host state to its knees. Hardly I can see that happending during Putin era.

7. Again, his nose, I've seen many Russians with the same shape of nose as Putin's.

Therefore, regardless conspiracy theories, by purely observing what actually Putin has been doing for Russia and Russians, I would say that Putin is not Jewish, :tup: Whether Medvedev is or not isn't important.

Good critical thinking. The jewish-controlled Western Media may be sowing seeds of doubt by suggesting Putin is a closet Zionist. This is also a possibility. However, can you please explain the photos of him in the skull cap and kneeling before Rabbi???
Russia and China have a loose strategic alliance which is based on SCO. When Russia faces Nato aggression she would expect China's support, vice versa when China faces US military aggression. The basic idea is that we should not let US to hunt down just one of us.
Which NATO countries in your esteemed knowledge surround China? Did the geography suddenly change? Do you even know or understand what NATO stands for? how does India come into the picture?

You have absolutely no idea, whatsoever, about world politics, do you? Btw, Russia has an observer status in NATO.

Lame thread, lame assumptions. LAME.

What are you ranting about? Do you have a clue on what NATO is all about and what's its strategic objectives?

Russia has an observer status in NATO? :rofl: Your point is?

India has an observer status in SCO as well, and?

gazelles have an observer status on cheetahs too, and vice versus, what's your lame id on that?
Good critical thinking. The jewish-controlled Western Media may be sowing seeds of doubt by suggesting Putin is a closet Zionist. This is also a possibility. However, can you please explain the photos of him in the skull cap and kneeling before Rabbi???

Thank you.

I don't know the photos and can't explain them either. I think they are likely fanarts. If it were real, there wouldn't have been any speculations left in internet anymore other than 1-sided argument long ago, would it?

The media is controlled by zionists, hence what we read /see there are most likely false whenever Zinoists' vested interests are concerned, to weaken/discredit/confuse their opponents, right?:azn:

I judge whom Putin is by observing what he does in real life rather than believing what some internet "photos" were supposed to reveal.
I don't think there would be any "Russia-China alliance" with a perceived threat from NATO anymore. The reason; cold war politics has drastically changed after USSR's collapse. Even though China and Russia have claimed to solve all their mutual disputes; how many times are we seeing this in the past two-three centuries? Many times.

Not just the border issue but an 'alliance' in today' world simply has no meaning. Despite its strong confidence, NATO's members have started acting more independently as compared to yesteryears. The only reason why NATO still officially exists is because with the exception of United States, Britain and France, other countries are very small and vulnerable targets. This forces them to pool their resources against a common enemy and therefore underlines the foundation of NATO. On the other hand, both Russia and China are extremely powerful countries and have no such compulsions.

Russia has in recent years despite its on-off relationship with United States, has had better relations with the West. The new threat emerges not from military alliances today but militant organizations that operate loosely and independent of each other while simultaneously working to achieve a common goal, example: Al Qaeda and Taliban. A similar threat of militancy exists in China where there's a strong possibility of these militants entering China through its vast and barren borders in the Tibet/Sinkiang border with Central Asian states who's security policy isn't as comprehensive as that of either Beijing or Moscow.

Strategic relations is one thing but no; there isn't going to be an extensive military alliance between the two.
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