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Chinese rocket fell on residential area

We didn't have any accidents when China only launched 7 rockets a year like India in the 1990's.

The full launch list from SpaceLaunchReport from 2018 shows which country, in terms of who manufactured the core or first stage, achieved the most launches:

    1. China — 39 (one failure)
    1. United States — 29
    1. Russia — 20 (one failure)
    1. Europe — 8 (one failure)
    1. India — 7
    1. Japan — 6
    1. New Zealand — 3
    1. Ukraine — 2
Meaning that if it floats it will always go downward toward the Ocean. It can not go upward from the Ocean an float to an remote part of the Amazonian river!

First published on Thu 1 May 2014 18.06 BST

A Brazilian fisherman has landed a wall-sized slab of space junk emblazoned with the union jack while fishing in a remote Amazonian river.

The fisherman, named in local reports as Manoel Alves dos Santos, 73, found the debris, which is believed to be from the launch of Europe's most sophisticated satellite, in the river Uriandeua.



"The object found in #Brazil was fairing from the Ariane 5 rocket that launched AlphaSat #lostandfound," the agency tweeted. "It probably landed in the Atlantic and then floated inland," Julia Short, a spokeswoman for the UK Space Agency, told the BBC."

Do you really believe the rocket went straight up and the fairing came straight down and landed in Brazil???

Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at 8.28.43 PM.jpg

This is where the fairing was found
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bro all rockets from french Guiana could go toward equator opposites to Brazil to save fuel, few accidents is exception bro
Bro, the Kourou launchpad is located 5°14'21.98" North, the equator is thus southward. Brazil is ...well not north of Kourou but south. Check google earth again if you can't believe!


"The object found in #Brazil was fairing from the Ariane 5 rocket that launched AlphaSat #lostandfound," the agency tweeted. "It probably landed in the Atlantic and then floated inland," Julia Short, a spokeswoman for the UK Space Agency, told the BBC."

Do you really believe the rocket went straight up and the fairing came straight down and landed in Brazil???

Do you believe a payload fairing can swim upstream a river to a far remote place?:disagree:

The map was cooked up obviously, as it was in a river far inland, not in the Ocean.
To Indians, not letting a normal human being of their population to have a basic dignity to live with enough food, life basic necessity is not a guide line in value human life.

Just by ensure rocket parts not landing in residential area is the real guideline in valuing human life. No wonder, India is so fast to claim they are superpower in 2012 with such bogus landmark. :rofl:
India is far from being a developed country. But Chinese claim that they are developed. So not caring where your rocket parts fall in a developed country, can be a freaking guideline. Hope that gives you some perspective.
Bro, the Kourou launchpad is located 5°14'21.98" North, the equator is thus southward. Brazil is ...well not north of Kourou but south. Check google earth again if you can't believe!

No, launching near the equator has nothing to do with launching towards the equator. They actually launch in the other direction. Notice for European coverage they launch away from the equator.
Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at 8.34.31 PM.jpg

Of course you knew that already...
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India is far from being a developed country. But Chinese claim that they are developed. So not caring where your rocket parts fall in a developed country, can be a freaking guideline. Hope that gives you some perspective.

Hey bro, don't be modest. India's glory day is approaching. I've been waiting for this exciting moment since 2009. Good luck.


India's manned moon mission by 2020: ISRO

The ISRO proposed to undertake the country's first manned moon mission by 2020 following the success of Chandrayaan-I, project director of Chandrayaan-I M Annadurai has said.

The successful launch of Chandrayaan-I in October last year has given space scientists the confidence to undertake manned mission to moon, Annadurai told reporters in Tamil Nadu on Sunday.

The Chandrayaan-II mission is expected to be undertaken within a couple of years followed by Chandrayaan-III, he said. The Chandrayaan-I mission has been sending considerable amount of data and scientists are busy analysing it, he said.

Several countries have approached India to set up a common lunar research centre for conducting various studies, the director added.
No, launching near the equator has nothing to do with launching towards the equator. They actually launch in the other direction.
View attachment 592039

It depends of the type of orbit, the inclination changes widely, thus the Death Triangle!

The map you posted might be related to the ISS, and in order to dock the spacecraft with it, the launch inclination is dictated by the inclination of the ISS.

Here an other example with the new Russian Vostochny Space Center, spreading widely depending on the orbits inclination: from 51 to 98 degrees!


http://www.russianspaceweb.com/images/centers/vostochny/general_satellite_info_1.jpg ; http://www.russianspaceweb.com/vostochny.html
1. Vostochny Triangle of Death

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Hey bro, don't be modest. India's glory day is approaching. I've been waiting for this exciting moment since 2009. Good luck.


India's manned moon mission by 2020: ISRO

The ISRO proposed to undertake the country's first manned moon mission by 2020 following the success of Chandrayaan-I, project director of Chandrayaan-I M Annadurai has said.

The successful launch of Chandrayaan-I in October last year has given space scientists the confidence to undertake manned mission to moon, Annadurai told reporters in Tamil Nadu on Sunday.

The Chandrayaan-II mission is expected to be undertaken within a couple of years followed by Chandrayaan-III, he said. The Chandrayaan-I mission has been sending considerable amount of data and scientists are busy analysing it, he said.

Several countries have approached India to set up a common lunar research centre for conducting various studies, the director added.
How is that relevant here? Didn't I already say India is far from a developed country. There will be delays, failures and problems. If you don't understand English, use google translate instead of writing gibberish that makes no sense or has relevance to my prior comment.
How is that relevant here? Didn't I already say India is far from a developed country. There will be delays, failures and problems. If you don't understand English, use google translate instead of writing gibberish that makes no sense or has relevance to my prior comment.

delays, failures and problems ≠ daydream
Don't engage in a gun battle with a knife. Don't engage in a spaceflight discussion as a dilettante.

You should take your own advice so people like me don't have to debunk your posts as stupid.

It depends of the type of orbit, the inclination changes widely, thus the Death Triangle!

The map you posted might be related to the ISS, and in order to dock the spacecraft with it, the launch inclination is dictated by the inclination of the ISS.


Hey genius did you even notice the pic of the satellite in the top right corner of that flight path pic? Why would they send a satellite to the ISS?

The more you post the bigger the hole you fall into.
typical indian fake news. not surprised.

China's genocide in Tiananmen Square and genocide of Mao is real or fake?

Only one month left. How is Indian's manned moon mission going right now?


India's manned moon mission by 2020: ISRO

The ISRO proposed to undertake the country's first manned moon mission by 2020 following the success of Chandrayaan-I, project director of Chandrayaan-I M Annadurai has said.

The successful launch of Chandrayaan-I in October last year has given space scientists the confidence to undertake manned mission to moon, Annadurai told reporters in Tamil Nadu on Sunday.

The Chandrayaan-II mission is expected to be undertaken within a couple of years followed by Chandrayaan-III, he said. The Chandrayaan-I mission has been sending considerable amount of data and scientists are busy analysing it, he said.

Several countries have approached India to set up a common lunar research centre for conducting various studies, the director added.

China was supposed to carry out Mission to Mars in 2017. What Happened to that? Or it fell on Public area with chinese booster killing civilians?

Actually you do that in Kashmir and China doesn’t murders civilians and force coverts them to another religion.

China has execution Quota of Uighur Muslims. China sends its men to Sleep with Uighur Women in Concentration camps.

You are thick faced. Muslim mass murdered and even got cheek to talk big.


In Kashmir, you turn the whole area into concentration camp. No journalist no Internet and total restrict of freedom. That is worst. Most Muslim are subject to intimidation or murdered.

50 Cent propagandist, Kashmir is full of tourist right now. Kashmiris can opposes because they have the right to that. We are not compelled to see Xi's propaganda movie. Xi's slave are working overtime to prove their Loyalty. Now take care that your rockets do not fall on civilian area. Ohh, I forgot that dictator Xi do not care about Chinese people's life.
We didn't have any accidents when China only launched 7 rockets a year in the 1990's like what India does today.

The full launch list from SpaceLaunchReport from 2018 shows which country, in terms of who manufactured the core or first stage, achieved the most launches:

    1. China — 39 (one failure)
    1. United States — 29
    1. Russia — 20 (one failure)
    1. Europe — 8 (one failure)
    1. India — 7
    1. Japan — 6
    1. New Zealand — 3
    1. Ukraine — 2

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