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Chinese rocket fell on residential area

What have we done in Kashmir? Have we kill Muslims like you do to Uighurs? Have we kept them in reeducation camps or do we send our men to slip with Kashimiri women like China does?
You are thick faced. Muslim mass murdered and even got cheek to talk big.


In Kashmir, you turn the whole area into concentration camp. No journalist no Internet and total restrict of freedom. That is worst. Most Muslim are subject to intimidation or murdered.
What have we done in Kashmir? Have we kill Muslims like you do to Uighurs? Have we kept them in reeducation camps or do we send our men to slip with Kashimiri women like China does?
Actually you do that in Kashmir and China doesn’t murders civilians and force coverts them to another religion.
Again a very very low IQ thread. Indian pot calling the Chinese kettle black!

And no surprise, when a more substantiated analysis is published on this most important and pivotal topic, it get deleted with a ban issued within minutes, on most spaceflight dedicated forums!

Here an uncensored repost of a deleted 2014 space forum reply:

To point an accusing finger at China, only shows how ill-intentioned one could be, as the problem of rocket stages falling and space debris reentry is far from being exclusive to China, but a common practice of most spacefaring nations!

Due to ignorance, this OP did not even mention that Chinese rocket also fall on houses in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, and this to the point that the Tatmadaw has even started the work on reverse engineering the Chinese rocket engines for its own space (ballistic) program!

European rocket stages on SSO flight, launched from French Guyana regularly fall over Brazil.

Russian rockets launched from Baikonour even fall as far as over China's Xinjiang territories.

French authorities have even taken the bad habit of simply not report in the metropolitan media the year long reentries of space debris over the French South Pacific Departments, a magnet for such incidents as it surrounds the Point Nemo known as the space graveyard.

But the worse of all, is the thousands of casualties caused by the U.S. space launches, since the start of its most secretive space program in 1945!

And to whitewash all responsibilities, the Pentagon has even craftily invented for this purpose its most infamous Bermuda Triangle smokescreen, a precursor to its other most successful Apollhoax!


Notice the triangle, familiar to any space modelist, as the flight path for all space/ballistic launches from Cap Canaveral, Florida!

Similar triangles can be associated with every spaceports: Baikonur, Kasputin Yar, Plesetsk, Vostochny, Sriarikota, Kourou, etc..


https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/X...ss_times_248/cf917c1e8f5db2ca080fe1a2488293b6 ; https://cdn2.img.sputniknews.com/images/101740/17/1017401748.png ; https://in.news.yahoo.com/bermuda-triangle-mystery-finally-solved-121904823.html ; https://sputniknews.com/infographics/201410221017402572/
1. The Death Triangles can be associated with every spaceports: here Cap Canaveral, Florida.

European rocket stages on SSO flight, launched from French Guyana regularly fall over Brazil.

But the worse of all, is the thousands of casualties caused by the U.S. space launches, since the start of its most secretive space program in 1945!

Are you on drugs or something? Go look at a map as to where Kourou is in French Guiana. Nothing is going to land in Brazil. @Vergennes
See how these salty Indian desperate move after their DSRO chief their moon lander crushed like a pancake.
Did your Mars attempt also not fail? Sixty years behind ours and you are picking on the Indian space program? What temerity and gall. Even earlier this year, they failed at launch itself with Long March 4C.
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What have we done in Kashmir? Have we kill Muslims like you do to Uighurs? Have we kept them in reeducation camps or do we send our men to slip with Kashimiri women like China does?
wow you're genocide Kashmiris at least since 90s more then 100,00 killed by by your terrorist army in IOK, you lock down the whole valley after the annexation of IOK (August 5) there is no internet there is no food there is no medical facilities after annexation, your terrorist security forces abducted 30,000 men after annexation according to Indian and international medias, you rape their women, and yourself innocent, how brutal/barbaric you're. currently worst human tragedy in making in IOK, i can assure you you can beat Hitler and Stalin for killing millions of innocent peoples:blah::blah::blah:
Are you on drugs or something? Go look at a map as to where Kourou is in French Guiana. Nothing is going to land in Brazil. @Vergennes

Playing stupid again? Invoking @Vergennes will not help, as he knows nothing about spaceflight (or pretends not to).

• Here an example of ESA's fragments fallout literally raining over the rainforest! [Warning: graphic]

1. Flight 501 of Ariane 5 rocket launch explosion

On 4 June 1996, the maiden flight of the Ariane 5 launcher ended in a failure at an altitude of about 3700 m, the launcher veered off its flight path, broke up and exploded.


• Here an other example of ESA's junk over Brazil, from Vega flight VV02 of 7th May 2013:


https://archive.ph/H4GM8/f46f320bbc73ec2d971f83adcc8630ef9bbb107a.jpg ; https://archive.ph/H4GM8/f114c0e50f8853749762b5b82591cc1875cc6945/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191129...om/static/infocus/week050214/w24_RTR3N4VB.jpg ; http://archive.ph/N1VMW#selection-1105.96-1105.173 ; https://en.tengrinews.kz/emergencies/ariane-space-ship-wreckage-confirmed-to-come-from-july-253315/
2. Rocket debris from Vega flight VV02 fallen over Brazil.

• Here an example of French state censorship, news largely ignored in metropolitan Europe!

Official 1st April 2018 report from the French Polynesia TV channel Polynésie la 1ère:

Debris of Tiangong-1 have crashed west of Maupiti, seen by several eyewitnesses describing the reentry as a meteor shower.

A fisherman told Woullingson Raufauore, the Maupiti Mayor, by radio that debris have crashed near his boat, close to Maupelia [also known as Maupihaa], as he saw the impacts on the sea.

This was the scariest experience he has ever been through, but unharmed, he tried nonetheless to retrieve parts the debris from the ocean "without success". He returned to the island in the same afternoon.

At 08:15, 2 April 2018, Beijing time, it was 0:15 UTC, and 12:15, 1 April 2018 French Polynesia Time.

▲ Le satellite Tiangong-1 s’est écrasé au large de Maupiti. Published on Apr 1, 2018

• Here an India ISRO junk from Ariane VA221 flight, launched on 6th December 2014, over Brazil:

Shame on India for recklessly smearing China while showering impudently the poor innocent Brazilian civilians with its space debris!


https://archive.is/ct7nY/381e8c2eac117d0d8cc5d411c9bd1a734cb790c3.jpg ; https://archive.is/ct7nY/57ad921016c33961b6c29ba1ce768954bc820e39/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191129...north/v1448987689/debris-spatiaux_5474506.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20151203...lution-invisible-mais-dangereuse_1741408.html ; http://archive.ph/oZ3wi
3. India's ISRO junk from Ariane VA221 flight over Brazil.

India better keeps its space trash from falling over poor civilians of Brazil before finding fault in others' space activities!

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The shitty OP is is from Chinese media translated in English. It is not at all published in India because Indian media has no time in covering shitty Chinese space program.

Never in our history, we have run tank on our students nor we have execution Quota.

Only one month left. How is Indian's manned moon mission going right now?


India's manned moon mission by 2020: ISRO

The ISRO proposed to undertake the country's first manned moon mission by 2020 following the success of Chandrayaan-I, project director of Chandrayaan-I M Annadurai has said.

The successful launch of Chandrayaan-I in October last year has given space scientists the confidence to undertake manned mission to moon, Annadurai told reporters in Tamil Nadu on Sunday.

The Chandrayaan-II mission is expected to be undertaken within a couple of years followed by Chandrayaan-III, he said. The Chandrayaan-I mission has been sending considerable amount of data and scientists are busy analysing it, he said.

Several countries have approached India to set up a common lunar research centre for conducting various studies, the director added.
Did your Mars attempt also not fail? Sixty years behind ours and you are picking on the Indian space program? What temerity and gall. Even earlier this year, they failed at launch itself with Long March 4C.
See properly, the salty Indian pick on Chinese for this kind of matters. The Mars failure is many years ago and failure is becos of Russia rocket , not Chinese. The recent rocket launch is a private start-up failure while india failure is DSRO, government organisation. Do more research on topic before you make noise to avoid more humiliation. :enjoy:
Did your Mars attempt also not fail? Sixty years behind ours and you are picking on the Indian space program? What temerity and gall. Even earlier this year, they failed at launch itself with Long March 4C.

funny. sixty years behind yours? Are you involved in any those projects or what? When you are talking about who is behind who. You'd better specify which species you belong to.
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Playing stupid again? I

Did you even bother reading about that part from the Vega launch??? It's the payload fairing. You do know what they are...right? It landed in the Atlantic somewhere during the satellite deploy and floated in MONTHS later.

Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at 7.50.40 PM.jpg

Yes, rockets do explode sometimes but it didn't rain down on Brazil. It rained down near the launch site on the coast of Guiana
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Playing stupid again? Invoking @Vergennes will not help, as he knows nothing about spaceflight (or pretends not to).

• Here an example of ESA's fragments fallout literally raining over the rainforest! [Warning: graphic]

1. Flight 501 of Ariane 5 rocket launch explosion

On 4 June 1996, the maiden flight of the Ariane 5 launcher ended in a failure at an altitude of about 3700 m, the launcher veered off its flight path, broke up and exploded.


• Here an other example of ESA's junk over Brazil, from Vega flight VV02 of 7th May 2013:


https://archive.ph/H4GM8/f46f320bbc73ec2d971f83adcc8630ef9bbb107a.jpg ; https://archive.ph/H4GM8/f114c0e50f8853749762b5b82591cc1875cc6945/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191129...om/static/infocus/week050214/w24_RTR3N4VB.jpg ; http://archive.ph/N1VMW#selection-1105.96-1105.173 ; https://en.tengrinews.kz/emergencies/ariane-space-ship-wreckage-confirmed-to-come-from-july-253315/
2. Rocket debris from Vega flight VV02 fallen over Brazil.

• Here an example of French state censorship, news largely ignored in metropolitan Europe!

Official 1st April 2018 report from the French Polynesia TV channel Polynésie la 1ère:

Debris of Tiangong-1 have crashed west of Maupiti, seen by several eyewitnesses describing the reentry as a meteor shower.

A fisherman told Woullingson Raufauore, the Maupiti Mayor, by radio that debris have crashed near his boat, close to Maupelia [also known as Maupihaa], as he saw the impacts on the sea.

This was the scariest experience he has ever been through, but unharmed, he tried nonetheless to retrieve parts the debris from the ocean "without success". He returned to the island in the same afternoon.

At 08:15, 2 April 2018, Beijing time, it was 0:15 UTC, and 12:15, 1 April 2018 French Polynesia Time.

▲ Le satellite Tiangong-1 s’est écrasé au large de Maupiti. Published on Apr 1, 2018

• Here an India ISRO junk from Ariane VA221 flight, launched on 6th December 2014, over Brazil:

Shame on India for recklessly smearing China while showering impudently the poor innocent Brazilian civilians with its space debris!


https://archive.is/ct7nY/381e8c2eac117d0d8cc5d411c9bd1a734cb790c3.jpg ; https://archive.is/ct7nY/57ad921016c33961b6c29ba1ce768954bc820e39/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191129...north/v1448987689/debris-spatiaux_5474506.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20151203...lution-invisible-mais-dangereuse_1741408.html ; http://archive.ph/oZ3wi
3. India's ISRO junk from Ariane VA221 flight over Brazil.

India better keeps its space trash from falling over poor civilians of Brazil before finding fault in others' space activities!

Most of Arian-5 and other rockets fired toward equator bro that is opposite from Brazil, some accidents are exception though
Did you even bother reading about that part from the Vega launch??? It's the payload faring. You do know what they are...right? It landed in the Atlantic somewhere during the satellite deploy and floated in MONTHS later.

Yes, rockets do explode sometimes but it didn't rain down on Brazil.

Not playing stupid, but sadly effectively stupid!:cry:

From official report, the European space junk was found in a remote Amazonian river.

Meaning that if it floats it will always go downward toward the Ocean. It can not go upward from the Ocean an float to an remote part of the Amazonian river!

First published on Thu 1 May 2014 18.06 BST

A Brazilian fisherman has landed a wall-sized slab of space junk emblazoned with the union jack while fishing in a remote Amazonian river.

The fisherman, named in local reports as Manoel Alves dos Santos, 73, found the debris, which is believed to be from the launch of Europe's most sophisticated satellite, in the river Uriandeua.


Also reported here:

Not playing stupid, but sadly effectively stupid!:cry:

From official report, the European space junk was found in a remote Amazonian river.

Meaning that if it floats it will always go downward toward the Ocean. It can not go upward from the Ocean an float to an remote part of the Amazonian river!

First published on Thu 1 May 2014 18.06 BST

A Brazilian fisherman has landed a wall-sized slab of space junk emblazoned with the union jack while fishing in a remote Amazonian river.

The fisherman, named in local reports as Manoel Alves dos Santos, 73, found the debris, which is believed to be from the launch of Europe's most sophisticated satellite, in the river Uriandeua.


Also reported here:

bro all rockets from french Guiana could go toward equator opposites to Brazil to save fuel, few accidents is exception bro

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