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Chinese racism and exploitation in Africa

It does not serve expat workers well to physically assault under privileged locals, no matter what the offence was. Locals should be left to deal with locals. This comes across as very arrogant and imperious. Pathetic to see locals as bystanders when this is happening.
There is a bizarre culture among overseas Chinese laborers to wear army fatigues in construction projects overseas, especially ones in Asia and Africa (never happens in Europe)

Most of these morons believe their activity is some sort of overseas military adventure and locals owe them their devotion and respect (More of a Chinese man's burden mindset)

Uniform of Chinese workers eclipsed environmental disaster

dredging of the Tissamaharama tank by highlighting the fact that the Chinese nationals engaged in dredging operations were wearing clothes similar to a military uniform, Sajeewa Chamikara of the Movement for Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR) said.

At a national level they have Chinese "black face" events telecasted to their nation

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Haha kind of stupid.

China will hurt the West where it hurts them the most.

Where the West will lose its influence in the Muslim world.

African envoys: India attacks on Nigerians 'racial'​

Beating of African Students by Mob in India Prompts Soul-Searching on Race​

Attacks on Africans expose India's racist inclinations​

Horrific lynching: Africans brutally attacked in Delhi metro -​

Tension In New Delhi As Nigerians Protest Killing Of Countryman By Indian Police Personnel
Africans face widespread racism in India | DW News
Racism against Africans in India | The Stream
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How popular is China in Africa? New survey sheds light on what ordinary people think​

The study found that 63% of citizens surveyed from 36 countries generally had positive feelings towards China’s assistance. Some things that stood out were China’s infrastructure, development, and investment projects in Africa. On the flip side, perceptions of the quality of Chinese products tarnished the country’s image.

In 2019/20, Afrobarometer conducted another wave of surveys. Data from 18 countriesgathered face-to-face from a randomly selected sample of people in the language of the respondent’s choice – was collected before the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey questions covered how Africans perceive Chinese loans, debt repayments, and Africa’s reliance on China for its development.

Preliminary findings show that the majority of Africans still prefer the US over China as a development model, that China’s influence is still largely considered as positive for Africa, and that Africans who are aware of Chinese loans feel that their countries have borrowed too much.

This is important because – as both African and Chinese leaders reflect on their engagement – these findings should allow them to build a forward-looking relationship that better reflects African citizens’ opinions and needs.


If a Chinese beats an African, I hope he will be severely punished by the law.
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Take a look who's the most racist country in the world: India

Most Racist Countries in the World (WaPo and BT results combined)*:​

  1. India
  2. Lebanon
  3. Bahrain
  4. Libya
  5. Egypt
  6. Philippines
  7. Kuwait
  8. Palestine
  9. South Africa
  10. South Korea

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Crocodile tears for sure, they were fine exploiting Africa for the last 400 years and now they suddenly grow a conscience? Endians, they enslave their own people. They created an entire class in their religion just to exploit.
That doesnt make china innocent
Hideous Hans have mindset that century of humiliation was missed opportunity to copycat European colonial exploitation of African continent

Now China perceived as self-proclaimed Han puwa, belief is that Chinese are entitled to pillage Africa

But given Chinese incompetence they just come across as evil and stupid.
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