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Chinese progress provokes aggression amongst Indians

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Pema Gyalpo, official representative of the Dalai Lama in Japan from 1975 to 1990, in an interview with Inter Press Service notes that “The Chinese are putting money into Tibet, but it’s … only being used to bring in more Chinese. Even the railroad was built to transport these settlers.… Bringing in more Chinese is a tool to exploit the Tibetan economy. Unless the Chinese change their past policies there will no solution to the Tibet problem.”

The policies of China, of trying to modernize Tibet, but excluding Tibetans in the process, is undermining the situation. At the moment, it seems most people are angry and frustrated because they are not receiving the benefits of economic growth while their cultural, personal and religious freedoms are restricted
. . .
Our Chinese friend here loves to talk about Indian Social Structures ....and loves throwing Crap by highlighting that India has a cast system that has existed for ages....but he fails to read Chinese History...I guess....

I think he should take time to learn about his Country and his Society before crapping about other countries and Cultures....

Here is a good piece of Information about China Social Structure and its evil....

The four occupations or "four categories of the people"

The four occupations or "four categories of the people"(Chinese: 仕農工商) was a hierarchic social class structure developed in ancient China by either Confucian or Legalist scholars(Similar to Indian Brahmins)as far back as the late Zhou Dynasty and is considered a central part of the Fengjian social structure (c. 1046–256 BCE). In descending order, these were the shi (gentry scholars),the nong (peasant farmers), the gong (artisans and craftsmen), and the shang (merchants and traders).

In modern Chinese culture, a similar concept remains called the Four Shi (四師), since each of the occupations ends with the Chinese character 師, meaning "master", here used in the sense of a master specialist. This shi however is unrelated to the shi of the four occupations. The four are doctors (醫師), lawyers (律師), engineers (工程師) and accountants (會計師). Often the engineer is replaced with the architect (建築師).

There were many social groups that were precariously excluded from the four broad categories in the social hierarchy. These included soldiers and guards, religious clergy and diviners, eunuchs and concubines, entertainers and courtiers, domestic servants and slaves, prostitutes, and low class laborers other than farmers and artisans. The emperor — embodying a heavenly mandate to judicial and executive authority — was on a social and legal tier above the gentry and the exam-drafted scholar-officials. Although his royal family and noble extended family were also highly respected, they did not command the same level of authority.
There were motives behind the aristocratic officials and later scholar-officials' classifying of certain groups in the hierarchy and leaving others out. The scholar-officials placed farmers as the second most prestigious group because the aristocratic officials and scholar-officials were landholders themselves, much like farmers (the ones who weren't tenant farmers or serfs). Both farmers and artisans were placed on a higher tier than merchants because the two former groups produced crops and manufactured goods, essential things needed by the whole of society. The merchants were seen as merely talented at business and trading, and were often seen as greedy and even parasitic to the needs of all other groups.
The social category of the soldier was left out of the social hierarchy due to the gentry scholars' embracing of intellectual cultivation (wen) and detest for violence (wu). The scholars did not want to legitimize those whose professions centered chiefly around violence, so to leave them out of the social hierarchy altogether was a means to keep them in an unrecognized and undistinguished social tier. Entertainers and courtiers were often dependents upon the wealthy or were associated with the often-perceived immoral[citation needed] pleasure grounds of urban entertainment districts. To give them official recognition would have given them more prestige. Although shamans and diviners in Bronze Age China had some authority as religious leaders in society, the scholars did not want religious leaders amassing too much power and influence like military strongmen (one example of this would be Zhang Jiao, who led a Taoist sect into open rebellion against the Han government's authority). There were also multiple persecutions of Buddhism in China, a lot of the contention being over Buddhist monasteries' exemption from government taxation, but also because later Neo-Confucian scholars saw Buddhism as an alien ideology and threat to the moral order of society. The court eunuchs were also viewed with some suspicion by the scholar-officials, since there were several instances in Chinese history where influential eunuchs came to dominate the emperor, his imperial court, and the whole of the central government. In an extreme example, the eunuch Wei Zhongxian (1568–1627) had his critics from the orthodox Confucian 'Donglin Society' tortured and killed while dominating the court of the Tianqi Emperor—Wei was dismissed by the next ruler and committed suicide.

Chinese: Four occupations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look Closely and you will know that similar Structure Exists in the so called India Cast System.

According to the ancient Hindu scriptures, there are four "varnas." The Bhagavad Gita says varnas are decided based on Guna and Karma. Manusmriti and some other shastras mention four varnas: the Brahmins (teachers, scholars and priests), the Kshatriyas (kings and warriors), the Vaishyas (agriculturists and traders), and Shudras (service providers and artisans).

Now if India cast system is bad...what would you call Chinese social Division.
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Our Chinese friend here loves to talk about Indian Social Structures ....and loves throwing Crap by highlighting that India has a cast system that has existed for ages....but he fails to read Chinese History...I guess....

I think he should take time to learn about his Country and his Society before crapping about other countries and Cultures....

Here is a good piece of Information about China Social Structure and its evil....

The four occupations or "four categories of the people"

The four occupations or "four categories of the people"(Chinese: 仕農工商) was a hierarchic social class structure developed in ancient China by either Confucian or Legalist scholars(Similar to Indian Brahmins)as far back as the late Zhou Dynasty and is considered a central part of the Fengjian social structure (c. 1046–256 BCE).[2] In descending order, these were the shi (gentry scholars),the nong (peasant farmers), the gong (artisans and craftsmen), and the shang (merchants and traders).[2]

In modern Chinese culture, a similar concept remains called the Four Shi (四師), since each of the occupations ends with the Chinese character 師, meaning "master", here used in the sense of a master specialist. This shi however is unrelated to the shi of the four occupations. The four are doctors (醫師), lawyers (律師), engineers (工程師) and accountants (會計師).[29] Often the engineer is replaced with the architect (建築師).[30]

Chinese: Four occupations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look Closely and you will know that similar Structure Exists in the so called India Cast System.

According to the ancient Hindu scriptures, there are four "varnas." The Bhagavad Gita says varnas are decided based on Guna and Karma. Manusmriti and some other shastras mention four varnas: the Brahmins (teachers, scholars and priests), the Kshatriyas (kings and warriors), the Vaishyas (agriculturists and traders), and Shudras (service providers and artisans).

Now if India cast system is bad...what would you call Chinese Four Professions based social Division.

Oh, friend, your so-call "four categories of the people"(仕農工商) has been rejected hundreds aftering "Qing" Empire fallened, not existing now.....Before you jump out you should learn more chinese history.

And you so-called In modern Chinese culture a similar concept remains called the Four Shi (四師) is just because these career can earn more money and high-respective. And these kind of thing exist in every country like US, japan aslo india. In japan, they call them "四者",the same as chinese 四師. It is totally different from castle system. If you have capability you can do any job what ever you want. There are no special right, just can earn more money, more respective. But in your castle system, if you are low castle guy, it is hadlly to become a high castle, and hadlly marriage with high castle person, have no right compairing to high castle person.
So, learn more about china and the world, your logic is so ignorant.
What a lame argument ? Does all countries in the world have those

four type of professional class ? please stop comparing some normal

classes with the Shameful discrimination backward Caste-system

which Indians still proudly practicing.

Lets see some insight of the how "Incredible India" Caste-system


Perhaps there is no other nation in the world that is as openly and

Shamelessly as Racial as India. To be born in upper caste is a matter

of pride whether the family to which a person belongs deserves it or

not. A number of Indians who visit foreign countries often complain

about being treated differently on account of their Skin Colour or

Accent. They overlook the fact that a vast number of people in

their own country exhibit a far greater Obsession with accent, skin

colour and Caste. Indians film stars put on White Makeup, on the

screen and off the screen, even if they are black, to look accectable

and desirable.

The country's Democracy is Not a True Democracy, but

"CASTOCRACY" Wher people Vote and Leaders are Elected on Caste

Lines. The Indian Political Parties Thrive and Succeed by Appealing to

this Base Emotion of people.
Priceless, HaHaHa
What a lame argument ?......................[/url]

Is this all you could come up with....after spending Half an hour...digesting the facts....
Typical loser....got nothing else...so throw crap and run....

Go home now......:wave:
Oh, friend, your so-call "four categories of the people"(仕農工商) has been rejected hundreds aftering "Qing" Empire fallened, not existing now.....Before you jump out you should learn more chinese history.

And d you think India is not changing with time....you took centuries to change your social Structure....but you want India to change in 6 decades.....

So considerate of you...

And you so-called In modern Chinese culture a similar concept remains called the Four Shi (四師) is just because these career can earn more money and high-respective. And these kind of thing exist in every country like US, japan aslo india. In japan, they call them "四者",the same as chinese 四師. It is totally different from castle system. If you have capability you can do any job what ever you want. There are no special right, just can earn more money, more respective. But in your castle system, if you are low castle guy, it is hadlly to become a high castle, and hadlly marriage with high castle person, have no right compairing to high castle person.
So, learn more about china and the world, your logic is so ignorant.

Do you understand when some one says that India caste system was meant to be a social Structure..to help people earn living and lead a happy life.......and who says there no intercast marriage India India .....

You need to learn more about India before Jumping up and down on you Chair....
Is this all you could come up with....after spending Half an hour...digesting the facts....
Typical loser....got nothing else...so throw crap and run....

Go home now......:wave:

Stop acting like a crying baby after losing a debate. Face on fact plz, the fact is your 4 class about china exist in all of the world, it is normal class. but indian castle system exist in your "castle-democracy" society.
I am surprised of your ignorant and innocence, and i even feel you are a little cute to throw out this innocence logic.:rofl::rofl:
And d you think India is not changing with time....you took centuries to change your social Structure....but you want India to change in 6 decades.....

So considerate of you...

No, i think india gvot is going to changing it, but the effect is so tiny.
And you should just accept that castle system existing in your "castle-democracy" society instead of throwing out your innocence logic of so-call 4 class of china which is just 4 normal class existing all over the world.

Do you understand when some one says that India caste system was meant to be a social Structure..to help people earn living and lead a happy life.......and who says there no intercast marriage India India .....

You need to learn more about India before Jumping up and down on you Chair....

Sorry, personally, It is hadly to understand that India caste system was meant to be a social Structure..to help people earn living and lead a happy life. If you wanna tell me i think i would like to hear it.
Stop acting like a crying baby after losing a debate. Face on fact plz, the fact is your 4 class about china exist in all of the world, it is normal class. but indian castle system exist in your "castle-democracy" society.
I am surprised of your ignorant and innocence, and i even feel you are a little cute to throw out this innocence logic.:rofl::rofl:

Well said brother, typical (A3) mentality, we need to be careful with

who we are talking to, make sure they not from the "Untoucables"

Why ? Here are the reasons;

"Dalits are not allowed to drink from the same wells, attend the same temples, wear shoes in the presence of an upper caste, or drink from the same cups in tea stalls," said Smita Narula, a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch, and author of Broken People: Caste Violence Against India's "Untouchables." Human Rights Watch is a worldwide activist organization based in New York.

India's Untouchables are relegated to the lowest jobs, and live in constant fear of being publicly humiliated, paraded naked, beaten, and raped with impunity by upper-caste Hindus seeking to keep them in their place. Merely walking through an upper-caste neighborhood is a life-threatening offense.

India's "Untouchables" Face Violence, Discrimination:smitten::china::cheers::china:
Sorry, personally, It is hadly to understand that India caste system was meant to be a social Structure..to help people earn living and lead a happy life. If you wanna tell me i think i would like to hear it.

Varna and Jati

According to the ancient Hindu scriptures, there are four "varnas." The Bhagavad Gita says varnas are decided based on Guna and Karma. Manusmriti and some other shastras mention four varnas: the Brahmins (teachers, scholars and priests), the Kshatriyas (kings and warriors), the Vaishyas (agriculturists and traders), and Shudras (service providers and artisans). This theoretical system postulated Varna categories as ideals and explained away the reality of thousands of endogamous Jātis actually prevailing in the country as being the historical products of intermarriage among the "pure" Varnas - Varna Sankara.

Although many Hindu scriptures contain passages that can be interpreted to sanction the caste system, they also contain indications that the caste system is not an essential part of Hinduism.

In Early Evidence for Caste in South India, George L. Hart stated that "the earliest Tamil texts show the existence of what seems definitely to be caste, but which antedates the Brahmins and the Hindu orthodoxy". He believes that the origins of the caste system can be seen in the "belief system that developed with the agricultural civilization", and was later profoundly influenced by "the Brahmins and the Brahmanical religion". These early Tamil texts also outline the concept of equality. Saint Valluvar has stated "pirapokkum ella uyirkkum", which means "all are equal at birth". Likewise, Saint Auvaiyaar has stated that there are only two castes in the world: those who contribute positively and those who contribute negatively. From these, it can be inferred that the caste system is more of a socio-economic class system.
Varna and Jati

According to the ancient Hindu scriptures, there are four "varnas." The Bhagavad Gita says varnas are decided based on Guna and Karma. Manusmriti and some other shastras mention four varnas: the Brahmins (teachers, scholars and priests), the Kshatriyas (kings and warriors), the Vaishyas (agriculturists and traders), and Shudras (service providers and artisans). This theoretical system postulated Varna categories as ideals and explained away the reality of thousands of endogamous Jātis actually prevailing in the country as being the historical products of intermarriage among the "pure" Varnas - Varna Sankara.

Although many Hindu scriptures contain passages that can be interpreted to sanction the caste system, they also contain indications that the caste system is not an essential part of Hinduism.

In Early Evidence for Caste in South India, George L. Hart stated that "the earliest Tamil texts show the existence of what seems definitely to be caste, but which antedates the Brahmins and the Hindu orthodoxy". He believes that the origins of the caste system can be seen in the "belief system that developed with the agricultural civilization", and was later profoundly influenced by "the Brahmins and the Brahmanical religion". These early Tamil texts also outline the concept of equality. Saint Valluvar has stated "pirapokkum ella uyirkkum", which means "all are equal at birth". Likewise, Saint Auvaiyaar has stated that there are only two castes in the world: those who contribute positively and those who contribute negatively. From these, it can be inferred that the caste system is more of a socio-economic class system.

You should tell me why that India caste system was meant to be a social Structure..to help people earn living and lead a happy life, not what is castle system and who said castle system that developed with the agricultural civilization".
Pema Gyalpo, official representative of the Dalai Lama in Japan from 1975 to 1990, in an interview with Inter Press Service notes that “The Chinese are putting money into Tibet, but it’s … only being used to bring in more Chinese. Even the railroad was built to transport these settlers.… Bringing in more Chinese is a tool to exploit the Tibetan economy. Unless the Chinese change their past policies there will no solution to the Tibet problem.”

The policies of China, of trying to modernize Tibet, but excluding Tibetans in the process, is undermining the situation. At the moment, it seems most people are angry and frustrated because they are not receiving the benefits of economic growth while their cultural, personal and religious freedoms are restricted

Tibet is territory of China

like Texas is territory of USA, Ryukyu is territory of Japan, Tamil / Sikh area are territory of India.

China doing anything about development in her terrority DOSN'T NEED permission of Western and the World!
You should tell me why that India caste system was meant to be a social Structure..to help people earn living and lead a happy life, not what is castle system and who said castle system that developed with the agricultural civilization".

First you understand Caste:

A caste is a combined social system of occupation, endogamy, culture, social class, and political power. Caste should not be confused with class, in that members of a caste are deemed to be alike in function or culture, whereas not all members of a defined class may be so alike.

The Caste System or varna-ashrama has been one of the most misrepresented, misinformed, misunderstood, misused and the most maligned aspects of Hinduism. If one wants to understand the truth, the original purpose behind the caste system, one must go to antiquity to study the evolution of the caste system. Caste System, which is said to be the mainstay of the Hindu social order, has no sanction in the Vedas. The ancient culture of India was based upon a system of social diversification according to SPIRITUAL development, not by birth, but by his karma. This system became hereditary and over the course of many centuries degenerated as a result of exploitation by some priests, and other socio-economic elements of society.

Socio Economic Structure:

This division of society into four types, the teacher, the warrior, the merchant and the laborer, is based on sound psychology, ethics, biology and economics. Some men are intellectually by temperament, some are active, some acquisitive and others undefined, none of these. To each are assigned the task true to its type, in conformity with its inherent temperament, svadharma.All together formed an organic whole. Under an arrangement such as this, there is conservation of social energies; there is no necessity of trial and error method. All are not equally endowed with equal physical and mental capacities, but every one should be given an opportunity for putting to use the faculties with which he has been endowed. Man should be treated as man, and not as an economic hand. Danger of exploitation of one group by another can be eliminated. Social harmony and conscious co-operation were made the chief characteristics of human association. The ideal was to evolve a functional and not an acquisitive society. It is this varna dharma that has been the bulwark of Indian civilization and saved it from wreckage of time. Each group had its duties and its own rewards or compensation. The laborer had to work, but he was to be looked after as a younger member of a family. The man of desire, the vaishya, was to acquire wealth; power and authority was vested in the kshatriya, while all these were to honor the teacher, to obey his religious and spiritual injunctions and accept his guidance. The teacher was to be supported by the gifts of the other three groups.

In an inter-faith debate, most Hindus can easily be put on the defensive with a single word-caste. Any anti-Hindu polemist can be counted on to allege that "the typically Hindu caste system is the most cruel apartheid, imposed by the barbaric white Aryan invaders on the gentle dark-skinned natives." Here's a more balanced and historical account of this controversial institution. Merits of the Caste System

The caste system is often portrayed as the ultimate horror. Inborn inequality is indeed unacceptable to us moderns, but this does not preclude that the system has also had its merits. Caste is perceived as an "exclusion-from," but first of all it is a form of "belonging-to," a natural structure of solidarity. For this reason, Christian and Muslim missionaries found it very difficult to lure Hindus away from their communities. Sometimes castes were collectively converted to Islam, and Pope Gregory XV (1621-23) decreed that the missionaries could tolerate caste distinction among Christian converts; but by and large, caste remained an effective hurdle to the destruction of Hinduism through conversion. That is why the missionaries started attacking the institution of caste and in particular the Brahmin caste. This propaganda has bloomed into a full-fledged anti-Brahminism, the Indian equivalent of anti-Semitism. Every caste had a large measure of autonomy, with its own judiciary, duties and privileges, and often its own temples. Inter-caste affairs were settled at the village council by consensus; even the lowest caste had veto power. This autonomy of intermediate levels of society is the antithesis of the totalitarian society in which the individual stands helpless before the all-powerful state. This decentralized structure of civil society and of the Hindu religious commonwealth has been crucial to the survival of Hinduism under Muslim rule. Whereas Buddhism was swept away as soon as its monasteries were destroyed, Hinduism retreated into its caste structure and weathered the storm. Caste also provided a framework for integrating immigrant communities: Jews, Zoroastrians and Syrian Christians. They were not only tolerated, but assisted in efforts to preserve their distinctive traditions.
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