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Chinese professor calls Hong Kong people 'dogs'

Can't believe this guy is making a living off reputation of someone living over 2000 years ago.

But I digress.

Can Chinese members expand on this issue? How big of a problem is this?
Can't believe this guy is making a living off reputation of someone living over 2000 years ago.

But I digress.

Can Chinese members expand on this issue? How big of a problem is this?
About as likely as people in Hawaii kicking out non-islanders and declaring independence.
Hong kong people would abandon mainlanders and kiss upto the white man. Their roads and habours are named after British, their legal system is British, their education system is british.
Being ruled by the British dogs and listening to British media propaganda have brainwashed these guys.

Let's hope hong kong people turn out like Chinese-dragon by showing love to the mainland.
But im not holding my breath.

The whites are the biggest threat to the human species.
They have brainwashed so many millions.

It's really a huge cultural clash and i believe part the problem is Hong Kong people do feel their culture is being encroach upon with all the playing up of sentiments and mutual lack of respect for each other, don't just play it up to sucking up to others, alot of the Chinese mainlanders really are not well behaved when they travel abroad and acting like they own the place, they really do talk loud and have rather bad manners, but that is the least of the problems, because most Chinese expatriates has always been not that sophisticated before but at least they were humble and respect the rules and the people where ever they go. Today the new generation of mainland Chinese especially the current generation are getting more and more arrogant and self centered and ignorant, and openly talking about racial superiority when in reality they are nothing but spoiled little bastards who got a little drunk on success and progress and a more comfortable path to their respective careers, we see this phenomenon even in many other places where the new generation of staffers replacing the old and working for certain companies in certain countries, show utter lack of respect and a look down mentality for the locals, this is a new phenomena where even 10 years ago hardly exist and this problem is beginning to manifest today very regretfully, and I can tell you speaking from personal experience interacting with these trashes, it brings shame on all Chinese people and i am saying this because it's a dangerous new phenomena. I am speaking very vaguely but i believe many other people who are well traveled will know what i mean from their own personal experience with these type of people some of which carries the same attitude as some of the trashy Chinese posters on this forum.
About as likely as people in Hawaii kicking out non-islanders and declaring independence.

I'm talking about the rift between China and Hong Kong.

BTW, I just read some comments from this video:

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

There seems to be a lot of hatred between both sides, even people saying that Chinese people all over the world look down on mainland chinese people.
Let's hope hong kong people turn out like Chinese-dragon by showing love to the mainland.
Chinese-Dragon is a fellow mainlander, not Hong Kongese.

No Hong Kongese refer to themselves as Chinese(中國人) because Chinese(中國人) in Hon Kong context means mainlander, and being called a mainlander is an insult in Hong Kong.
Chinese-Dragon is a fellow mainlander, not Hong Kongese.

No Hong Kongese refer to themselves as Chinese(中國人) because Chinese(中國人) in Hon Kong context means mainlander, and being called a mainlander is an insult in Hong Kong.

haha,are you HongKonger?in China the only insulting word is 高丽棒子
haha,you can take it as a comliment,高丽棒子

If I were Chinese, I wouldn't use the term "高丽棒子" because it was a word of "fear" and "brutality" when coined and triggered such an image of brutality against Chinese. The modern day Chinese are using the word without knowing its historical context.

Indeed, the negative slang for Chinese in China's neighboring countries is stuff like "dirty" and "ballless", but Chinese negative slang for its neighbors are words of fear, like "Little Devils"(Japanese) and "Club Man"(Korean).
If I were Chinese, I wouldn't use the term "高丽棒子" because it was a word of "fear" and "brutality" when coined and triggered such an image of brutality against Chinese. The modern day Chinese are using the word without knowing its historical context.

Indeed, the negative slang for Chinese in China's neighboring countries is stuff like "dirty" and "ballless", but Chinese negative slang for its neighbors are words of fear, like "Little Devils"(Japanese) and "Club Man"(Korean).

haha,Speaking of fear,you tiny S.Korea lives in fear every minute,can be wiped off the face of the earth if we unleash N.Korea and command it sick on you.

---------- Post added at 01:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 AM ----------

haha,I know Chinese better than you do,it's called Chinese.
your president hurried to China right after Kim Jong Il's death,and begged China for protection and assurance,haha,how pathetic a nation.
haha,are you HongKonger?in China the only insulting word is 高丽棒子
I think the cultures are quite different between Hong Kong and mainland China. Hong Kong people have more exposure to western cultures and they tend to live it that way. Hong Kong people tend to look down mainland chinese people.
On the other hand, mainland Chinese are more patriotic and don't like the west. Ironically, those Hong Kongers don't know that their elegant lifestyles are depended on the chinese central government.
One thing for sure, the British are gone now, but its influence stay there forever.
It's really a huge cultural clash and i believe part the problem is Hong Kong people do feel their culture is being encroach upon with all the playing up of sentiments and mutual lack of respect for each other, don't just play it up to sucking up to others, alot of the Chinese mainlanders really are not well behaved when they travel abroad and acting like they own the place, they really do talk loud and have rather bad manners, but that is the least of the problems, because most Chinese expatriates has always been not that sophisticated before but at least they were humble and respect the rules and the people where ever they go. Today the new generation of mainland Chinese especially the current generation are getting more and more arrogant and self centered and ignorant, and openly talking about racial superiority when in reality they are nothing but spoiled little bastards who got a little drunk on success and progress and a more comfortable path to their respective careers, we see this phenomenon even in many other places where the new generation of staffers replacing the old and working for certain companies in certain countries, show utter lack of respect and a look down mentality for the locals, this is a new phenomena where even 10 years ago hardly exist and this problem is beginning to manifest today very regretfully, and I can tell you speaking from personal experience interacting with these trashes, it brings shame on all Chinese people and i am saying this because it's a dangerous new phenomena. I am speaking very vaguely but i believe many other people who are well traveled will know what i mean from their own personal experience with these type of people some of which carries the same attitude as some of the trashy Chinese posters on this forum.

no what the hell are you smoking, have you ever been on the Los Angeles Subway or the San Francisco Metro? They do things much worse than that. If my kid was eating and some stranger yells at him to stop I will tell that guy to fk off. On the other hand, if that stranger politely tells him to stop, then I will make him stop.

A kid eating isn't an emergency, doesn't warrant stopping the train, doesn't warrant the yelling and doesn't warrant this sort of outburst.

LMAO like they own the place, seriously, do I need to show the video of a Hong Konger yelling at the German and getting punked? Do you really think mainlanders have a monopoly on lack of sophistication and riding a high horse?

---------- Post added at 04:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 AM ----------


棒 = Club, Stick
子 = Person

棒子 = Club Yielding Person.

子 isn't person, otherwise 瓜子 is "melon person" lmao. 子 means something small, unimportant and tiny, can refer to son but adding it to another term denotes its insignificance and weakness.

so Korean = tiny stick, and we all know Koreans have tiny sticks.
so Korean = tiny stick, and we all know Koreans have tiny sticks.

孔子 = Great Person. Aka Confucius.
孟子 = First Person. Aka Mencius
天子 = Sky Person. Aka Emperor
棒子 = Club/Stick Person. Aka Person who yield a club/stick
棒術 = Club/Stick Technique. Aka the stick technique in Kung Fu.

棒術 - Google Search
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