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Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

You're right, that was another clear message.

A message that China should not support India for a UNSC permanent seat, in fact we should use the veto on the resolution.

Also Wen Jiabao did not say that, the headline is wrong, as I have pointed out before.
Who asked china not to veto...:rofl:
U can surely do that..

As u did in NSG waiver for India..Finally we now how to get it..
That's wat i'm saying,when india attended Peace prize ceremony China should have cancelled the visit..
But why visiting india...
Why didn't u get that clear message..?
Thanks. :cheers:

Also, who were you before on this forum? I'm always getting "fresh" posters (with only around 10-20 posts) come up to me and talk to me about posts that I made ages ago on this forum.

been following :pdf: for a while but created an ID just recently. im not someone who would return with a different ID, if that was what you meant. Mostly interested in reading news about the region i have my roots from. also follow some posts just for the laugh. I noticed you cos you were the only chinese here not completly biased.

among all the trolls, many sensible indians here, and many sensible pakistanis. and, before you went over to "the dark side" i thought there was a least one sensible chinese here as well...No offence!!
i only got one chinese friend here, hope he never explores this forum, cos i would hate to loose him as a friend!
Who asked china not to veto...:rofl:
U can surely do that..

As u did in NSG waiver for India..Finally we now how to get it..
That's wat i'm saying,when india attended Peace prize ceremony China should have cancelled the visit..
But why visiting india...
Why did u get that clear message..?

Because the trade relationship favours China, we have a trade surplus with India, and India has a trade deficit with us.

More China/India trade = Better for China, worse for India.

Your leaders are giving us money, I should thank them. :azn:
among all the trolls, many sensible indians here, and many sensible pakistanis. and, before you went over to "the dark side" i thought there was a least one sensible chinese here as well...No offence!!
i only got one chinese friend here, hope he never explores this forum, cos i would hate to loose him as a friend!

You misunderstand me, I'm not going to just turn someone away just because they're an Indian. Individuals should be judged on an individual basis.

If an Indian came up to me tomorrow and wanted to talk to me, I would treat him just the same as anyone else. Don't confuse nation with individual.
Because the trade relationship favours China, we have a trade surplus with India, and India has a trade deficit with us.

More China/India trade = Better for China, worse for India.

Your leaders are giving us money, I should thank them. :azn:
Dude wat should i say for ur ignorant post..
Are we giving u money for no returns...
Don't be stupid..
We get things cheap from u and we are making effective use of our money....
If u think India/china trade only help china,then u must be in some wet dream..
Don't loose ur sensibility u have shown till now here..
Dude wat should i say for ur ignorant post..
Are we giving u money for no returns...
Don't be stupid..
We get things cheap from u and we are making effective use of our money....

Yes, China imports raw materials from India, and sells back finished products. That is where the value-added is.

If you have a trade deficit with us, that means money is flowing out of your economy, into ours.

So I hope your leaders sign more deals. More is better... :azn:
,when india attended Peace prize ceremony China should have cancelled the visit..
But why visiting india...
Why did u get that clear message..?
U didn't answer this Question CD
U didn't answer this Question CD

I did answer it. :)

Because more trade between China and India, will benefit China the most. We're the ones with the trade surplus.

So in fact, when Wen Jiabao signs more deals with India, he is increasing India's deficit. That means that there is more money flowing into China. :tup:

It would be even funnier if we managed to get an FTA with India...
been following :pdf: for a while but created an ID just recently. im not someone who would return with a different ID, if that was what you meant. Mostly interested in reading news about the region i have my roots from. also follow some posts just for the laugh. I noticed you cos you were the only chinese here not completly biased.

among all the trolls, many sensible indians here, and many sensible pakistanis. and, before you went over to "the dark side" i thought there was a least one sensible chinese here as well...No offence!!
i only got one chinese friend here, hope he never explores this forum, cos i would hate to loose him as a friend!

The Chinese people are ok, its their Communist dictators that are shrewd.
They suppress the voice of common people. Haven't you seen the Noble peace ceremony. It was a Chinese who was to get it, but their dictators did their best to stop.

Most of the Chinese I meet here are very critical of their government, its only those who have connections to politburo, that have business or are rich. There is no freedom nor any rites in China.
It is in dark ages of suppression and oppression, it has been covertly active in nuclear proliferation to rogue states.

So please don't blame the ordinary Chinese, they are just oppressed people with out a voice.

And finally most Chinese posters here are their Government sponsored, or people under false flags.

Till China leaves this double talk policy, there can be no meaningful progress in relations.

Keep remembering their back stabbing and how India gave them UNSC seat on a platter...

It isn't with out a reason that China has also been labelled as "Axis of Evil" I would say its in the center of Evil.
I did answer it. :)

Because more trade between China and India, will benefit China the most. We're the ones with the trade surplus.

So in fact, when Wen Jiabao signs more deals with India, he is increasing India's deficit. That means that there is more money flowing into China. :tup:

It would be even funnier if we managed to get an FTA with India...
FTA with china..
Some of ur companies are blacklisted....
Get up from ur dream...We are not paksiatan to sign FTA wid u...
I did answer it. :)

Because more trade between China and India, will benefit China the most. We're the ones with the trade surplus.

So in fact, when Wen Jiabao signs more deals with India, he is increasing India's deficit. That means that there is more money flowing into China. :tup:

It would be even funnier if we managed to get an FTA with India...
So for money u'll even go to enemy's door step.:woot:
You misunderstand me, I'm not going to just turn someone away just because they're an Indian. Individuals should be judged on an individual basis.

If an Indian came up to me tomorrow and wanted to talk to me, I would treat him just the same as anyone else. Don't confuse nation with individual.

i hope so:cheers:

but remember, just in a couple of months you went from "if europe after WW1&2 still can be freinds, why cant china-india?"(not your words excactly, just trying to make a pont) to "china and india cant have any other relationship but trade. we are geopolitical rivals". what will happen after a couple of months, years?
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