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Chinese police forces stormed a local mosque, forcefully dragging Hui Muslim worshippers out.

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You lost the point of thread. Hui’s are Han Chinese people and MUSLIM
Wrong. Majory of Hui are the descendants middle Asia and middle east immigrants. Some of them have mixed blood with Han(Their ancestors married Han women). Very few Han men converted to Islam in the history.
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Wrong. Majory of Hui are the descendants middle Asia and middle east immigrants. Some of them have mixed blood with Han(Their ancestors married Han women). There were very few Han men converted to Islam in the history.
Nice information!
Uyghurcha is the language spoken by uyghurs in xinjiang china, it is 99% same as turkish language only turkish people latin (english) style alphabets while uyghurs use persian/arabic/urdu type script. Pakistanis iraniz and arabs can read all sign boards and books in xinjiang because its similar to arabic and persian script. Uyghurs are truly decendants of turkish people there is no doubt about that. Ethnically they are turkish.

Having said this i have to mention kazakhcha (spoken in kazakhistan) national language is 90% similar to turkish and uyghurcha of xinjiang only kazakhs use russian script to write their language, thats why kazakh people learn turkish so fast and also visa for kazakhistan citizens in turkey is free of cost and available on arrival for upto 3 months. I have kazakh friends from kzakhistan i have visited kazakhistan as well thats why i know this. Also kazakh people have two ethnic groups one mongols and other one turkish tatars same genology as uyghur people of xinjiang china.

Moreover Kyrgyzstan has a language i forgot its name they write it in russian script also but its 80% similar to turkish language. Also krgyz people also have huge population of tatars and turks in them.

Having said this the russian federation has turkish tatars living in provinces of Dagestan, chechniya volga river region uptil kazan city. Those all use russian script as well as arabic script to write tatar language which is derived from turkish.

So it would appear that in ottoman empire time caliphate of muslims had its population all the way up to russia, kazakhistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and xinjiang (moghlistan/turkistan)
Tajikiss have persian influcenes becoz of afghanistan and iran. Anyways during the ottoman times there were no borders and these regions were provinces of a huge ottoman empire once upon a time where citizens could move without borders or papers or visa or passports. So yea populations moved into those regions.

Later the western powers destroyed ottoman, german and japanese empires in first world war. Those provinces became small countries. In time soviet union took some countries into its borders, china took xinjiang into its borders, xinjiang has been part of chinese empire since qing dynasty , chinese lay claim to all regions undercontrol of Qing empire. That also includes mongolia taiwan xinjang some parts of russia and a few parts of tajikistan in pamir region also small portions of kashmir in north east.

Now we have united nations since 2nd world war and its purpose is to save human beings from wars like world war 2 etc. Un has given a charter all countries of the world try to follow it. All members of united nations are soverign nations. Only united nations charter allows countries to recognize form new countries to dissolve old countries into new countries.

These days united states has a target on Peoples republic of china, Russian federation and India. Because united states and its alliea see these 3 countries as potential competitors and a thorn in their way of complete global obediance. So they want to divide india furthur dividing it two times was not enough it is still very powerful even without pakistan or bangladesh. China is twice as strong because it was never divided. Russia is the weakest because it had lost a war cold war with usa and pakistan and was sliced into pirces yet its size and its military and influence is gaining momentem in global politics again, examples like syria and turkey cases. Also russia has firm control over its ctso central republic which broke away who happen to he turkish decenants as well tatars..

Now do we follow the united nations charter ? Or do we start age of empires and wars all ovsr again? Purpose of united nations is to do solve problems like these without war.

United states has used false propaganda with help of its allies (west) first time against soviet union when it split soviet union into many pieces 1990s to make united nations endorse it war. Saying this is a good war make it united nations chartered war.

Later it used false propaganda again against iraq saying it has nukes etc we know it all turned out to be false and they destroyed iraq and now want to split it into 3 nations. All under United nations charter of human rights.

Then they said syria did chemical atracks against its citizens and for the sake of innocent muslim civilians of syria they want to imterviene and change the government... Cuz its bad they chemical their own people give em horrible death worst crime ever.

God knows what happened with 9-11 2001 and afghanistan 3000 united states people killed and united states killed at least a million in afghanistan. Anyways afghanistan war is shady we have no proof if it was legit or not for sake of united states citizens lets say afghan taliban and usa are equally responsible.

Now its 2018 and the great united states with help of its allies want to make a case of human rights violation against china. They say chinese are puttikg them in jail killikg them, puttimg them in God knows what type of concentration camps . those muslims need help china is evil. Now usa has never fought its own wars fairly . they used pakistan to break soviet union in 1990s and gave propaganda that soviet union wanted to take afghanistan and pakistan into its borders sovereignty no more bye bye. Pakistan enraged the muslim world against soviet union and usa didnt even have to fight the soviets. Soviets faught an invisible enemy and broke down under economic pressure without knowing what hit them infact pakistan and islamic world hit them but muslims were used against soviet union.

Now in 2018 since china is 4 times as poweful as sovietunion ever was they wanted to use pakistan against china and tried to convince pakistaniz that chinese are bad. Propaganda in pakistani media and forums like this internet forums still continues every day, they want pakistan to be enraged against china for evils it is doing against chinese muslims aka uyghur sometimes huizu as well.... These are pure lies as pakistani government has itself investigated and common pakistaniz who live in china know this very well chinese muslims are happy to be chinese and are livimg lives better than 10 times better than indian muslims or pakistani muslims or bangladeshi muslims or indonesians go see for urself isee them everyday.

Anyways this is getting long. United states wants bangladesh, turkey, saudiz iranians or even indian muslims to get raged and make the propaganda successful build a case against china. May be convince russia to not interfear while proxies of muslim fighters or alliamce of muslims with turkey and india fight against chinese and break away chinese xinjiang and possibly tibet too.

What china will do we dont know but pakistani givernment has investigated pakistani people have been told authentically by ministery of religious affairs that there is no emergency or problem within china that pakistan needs to solve. If there are a few 40 cases etc those can be sorted out by chinese public security police force. Therr are no concentration camps its a pure propaganda. Also pakistan has brotherly relations with china we will always asvise Chinese on muslim population issues. Pakistan is 2nd biggest muslim nation and the most powerful one . pakistanz voice holds ground. Centrap asians indonesians arabs even turks respect and love pakistan. Pakistan has said we don't see a problem and pakistan can't and will never interfear in the internal matters of china.

Now its upto rest of the muslim populations ariund the world how they react. My learned advise? Use ur brain learn from history don't be used against china too. United states and its allies are users. They know only war. China is a very peaceful country its people very kind and hardworking muslims, christians budhists athiests all types of human beings are present in china many ethnjc groups livimg peacefully and turning china into number 1 country of the world.

Allah the Almighty creator of the universe will not forgive Muslims who transgress against other nations and spread Fitna (courption) on earth. Muslims should wise up china is open for dialouge always they are most peace loving and diplomacy oriented people. Talk to them dont turn chinese into ur enemy.

Allah teaches his followers be it jews christians or Muslims in their books don't cause courption dont sued blood and dont fight among each other.

Pakistani muslims and pakistani government have used logic and mind and undersranding They habe chosen a peaceful way. Allah loves those who talk about peace and plan for peace.

Muslims of the world should never allow themselves to be used as a tool for spreading wrong deeds and bloodshed.

East turkistan movement is designed to spilit china and make a homeland for turk nationals ethnically turk people it has nothing to do with islam. Chinese were muslims long before turkish were muslims. Chinese were muslims even before indians or pakistani became muslims. Read the history do some research dont take beautiful religion of islam away from china. One day whole of china will be muslim if we use kindness u want one xinjiang province? Muslims will have all of china one day. Why u say? Because i have seen it , chinese follow the truth they are good people they use science and look for logic and understanding if islam is truth and peaceful china will be muslim one day as turks accepted islam and indians accepted islam and persians accepted islam. Without bloodshed.

However if muslims play into american and wesntern propaganda and create trouble in chinese land, then Allah's wraith will be upon the muslims and do remember wraith of Allah on Muslims because of knowledge we have would be double then Any other human group. Those muslims will fail against china thats how i feel. Soviets were opressive people chinese don't care unless u threaten their government u can do whatever u want in china. Stay away from poltics thats all chinese government says.

Lets see what happens in time i had to say this. All the haters can start replying to this with hate now if u wish. All i ask is think before u act o Muslims or are you really Muslims??

Great synopsis.
spreading bs all day long .

First it dosen't look like a mosque, no any Islamic symbols anywhere to been seen, second, all Hui Muslims wear a white hat, how come those people don't?

maybe they forget their hat at home?:rofl:

some Turks wild dream to be the leader of all Turkic nations and restore the Ottoman empire is very obvious.
dont use the.name of Islam to cover your wild ambition. still remember who hate the Ottoman the most? Saud, from which the religion of Islam originates.

Wrong. Majory of Hui are the descendants middle Asia and middle east immigrants. Some of them have mixed blood with Han(Their ancestors married Han women). Very few Han men converted to Islam in the history.
basically they are mix of Semu male and Han female.

in the history, China was not ruled once by emperors who believe Islam.
Nobody is above the law in China. Respect it and obey. Thank you for your cooperation.
:tup: 100% correct

Many people in Turkey believe Xinjiang needs to become a separate Turkish nation called East Turkestan. This is to promote Pan-Turkism/Turanism.
No, there's no such thing. The way you think about means that you don't have enough knowledge about Turkish history or that you have been seriously manipulated.

Ofc, we would like to have good relations with other Turkic peoples. However, we have never adopted a Pan-Turkist policy in any period of history. Find out why the Oghuzs came from the Seyhun region. I can give you hundreds of examples.

Turks are a nation that knows how to live in harmony with other peoples in their regions. In the Balkans, North Africa and even in the history of your country there is no black spot.

But the Russians were so frightened by the fact that the Turks had become a whole, and for almost 200 years, they tried to eliminate the Turkish cultural unity in Central Asia. The political infrastructure of the Fergana valley is one of the clear indications. Meskhetian Turks, Crimean Turks and many other Turkish tribes have been subjected to genocide or deported. Everyone speaks of 5 million Jews killed in the Second World War. Did you see anyone speak the 5 million Turks killed by the Soviets?

Our fear is that the same thing happens to Turkistan today. By killing or systematic assimilation, what's the difference?

Approximately 30% of Oghuz Turks are Shiites. Around 5% is Christian. For example, the Gagauz people are Christians as a whole. which are deported from their lands by Christian Bulgars ( another ancient Turkic-root nation ) . The claim that the Turks were a secret religious agenda was also unfounded. There are still millions of Turks who continue their traditional beliefs.

I'm sorry, but the way you formulate the Uighur problem is very wrong.

Today most of the Turkish people favor the territorial integrity of the Chinese state. We are aware that US channels want to use Uighurs to weaken China, which is a rising power. Our sadness is that in this imperial war hitting these people, who only troubled to protect their culture and religion, are paying the heaviest price. That price is the disappearance of a nation.

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People trying to create rift between Pakistan and Islamic Republic of China.
Information warfare at its best, what is the proof they are Chinese, what is the proof it is a mosque. For strange reason as soon as US trade war with China Starts, So does Chinese atrocities on Muslims.

Tell me how may of the PDFians provide this so called "PROOF" w.r.t some random Tweet, especially when it is used for mudsling and trollfest irrespective of the nation??? LOL :crazy::crazy::crazy:
No, there's no such thing. The way you think about means that you don't have enough knowledge about Turkish history or that you have been seriously manipulated.

Ofc, we would like to have good relations with other Turkic peoples. However, we have never adopted a Pan-Turkist policy in any period of history. Find out why the Oghuzs came from the Seyhun region. I can give you hundreds of examples.

Turks are a nation that knows how to live in harmony with other peoples in their regions. In the Balkans, North Africa and even in the history of your country there is no black spot.

But the Russians were so frightened by the fact that the Turks had become a whole, and for almost 200 years, they tried to eliminate the Turkish cultural unity in Central Asia. The political infrastructure of the Fergana valley is one of the clear indications. Meskhetian Turks, Crimean Turks and many other Turkish tribes have been subjected to genocide or deported. Everyone speaks of 5 million Jews killed in the Second World War. Did you see anyone speak the 5 million Turks killed by the Soviets?

Our fear is that the same thing happens to Turkistan today. By killing or systematic assimilation, what's the difference?

Approximately 30% of Oghuz Turks are Shiites. Around 5% is Christian. For example, the Gagauz people are Christians as a whole. which are deported from their lands by Christian Bulgars ( another ancient Turkic-root nation ) . The claim that the Turks were a secret religious agenda was also unfounded. There are still millions of Turks who continue their traditional beliefs.

I'm sorry, but the way you formulate the Uighur problem is very wrong.

Today most of the Turkish people favor the territorial integrity of the Chinese state. We are aware that US channels want to use Uighurs to weaken China, which is a rising power. Our sadness is that in this imperial war hitting these people, who only troubled to protect their culture and religion, are paying the heaviest price. That price is the disappearance of a nation.

Chinese will never forget 75!
What a joke... Do you have the least idea of what the Chinese police uniform is??? Now some ones just post a random brutality video taken from whatever country and claim that is Chinia without any basic knowledge of what China is like and what uniform we wear.

Are you crazy??? Every muslim hime in china, uyghur or other muslum homes have quran . they offer prayers at homes and mosques like we pakistaniz do. Thst video looks like a military uniform not police unit. And military only goes after terrorists who ate sepetatists. I highly doubt the guy being beated is cuz of keeping quran. Chinese have English,arabic and Chinese manadrin Quran, quran is called Qulan jin, Allah is called Zhen zhu, mihammad is called ma. Oridinary outsider would never know a person is muslim or non muslim in china, unless one is an old man with a traditional prayer cap, or one is a female who covers her her chest and head.

I am sick of seeing so many people jealous of china and trying to spread wrong informstion about china. In pakistan and all over the world.

Yeah, we all didn't undestand anything until Islam brought us the light of Allah. I see the high techs and high human development level in Muslim majority countries ... not! :omghaha:

So, the Chinese will destroy their 5000 year culture just to be replaced with a primitive fairy tale.


Thats the problem, u think of islam as a replacement of culture and traditions..

Why would anyone need to destroy their culture for islam.... Islam is a faith not a cult, organization, political system or a law book.

I see chinese muslims , i see american Muslims , i see turkish muslims, i see russian muslims, i see pakistani muslims and i see others. Each have distinct languages, clothes, dress code, tradutions. Totally different from each other, food , perceptions , ideals totally different, skin color, language, building archetecute, city planning, countries totally different.

Islam doesnt change anything except makes people better and nearer to the creator of universe. Everything else like culture u say is man made... Islam is just an understanding nothing more.
Tons of them on Taobao, Alibaba, Will the so called "police" beat Jack Ma for having and selling so many copies of Quran??

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