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Chinese people should look at the rise of Kpop and korean drama more positively

God dammit,you just don't get it.When did I say Korea is a superior country.This is just ridiculous.Now you start to call other one's names,so low so childish.

I don't care a damn about those so-called "culture export".

I rather see more Chinese young boys to spend more time on education to become the great scientists and soldiers than to become a bunch of celebrities such as actors and singers who literally contribute no real value to our society.

The less people to pursue their career to become a celebrity, the better for us.
I don't care a damn about those so-called "culture export".

I rather see more Chinese young boys to spend more time on education to become the great scientists and soldiers than to become a bunch of celebrities such as actors and singers who literally contribute no real value to our society.

The less people to pursue their career to become a celebrity, the better for us.
In the end of day ,who would cares about your childish opinion.People work for having a decent life,not for your childish wishes.
In the end of day ,who would cares about your childish opinion.People work for having a decent life,not for your childish wishes.

collectivism > individualism

This is the fundamental principle for the East Asian society, and I suggest that you should change your ID name right now.
collectivism > individualism

This is the fundamental principle for the East Asian society, and I suggest that you should change your ID name right now.
What the heck,so now you represent the whole East asian?holly god,nobody works for greater good in your childish head except yourself.

Too many childish nerds here,stop being a nerd please,disgusting.
What the heck,so now you represent the whole East asian?holly god,nobody works for greater good in your childish head expect yourself.

Of course, I represent the superior East Asian value than your degenerate sh1tty K-pop wannabe.

Now just go back to listen your sh1tty K-pop.
Psy在西方人(主要是米国人)眼里就是一个跳梁小丑,对他们的形象毫无威胁,对东亚人的形象也丝毫没有提高作用。在好莱坞电影中东亚男人的角色基本上可以概括为三种:1. 黑社会 2. 书呆子 3. 跳梁小丑。其他角色有,但很少,而其中最少有的角色是英雄主角。好莱坞英雄的形象又是什么?性感,有正义感,有天赋。Psy是那种人吗?而在东亚获得成功的演员,无论是华人李连杰,还是韩国人郑智薰,一旦到了好莱坞就扮演不了英雄角色,这又是什么原因呢?是水平不够,还是根深蒂固的偏见?

照你意思的话,lady gaga 也是跳梁小丑

Its ok, get bck to topic. So why is China actually lacking behind even S.korea and Japan in culutural influence/soft power in its own region?

Japan is just so so
it is only influential in Anime
照你意思的话,lady gaga 也是跳梁小丑

Japan is just so so
it is only influential in Anime

区别在于lady gaga是白人女性而psy是亚洲男性,标准不同形象就自然不同。可惜你根本不懂西方人怎么想。
区别在于lady gaga是白人女性而psy是亚洲男性,标准不同形象就自然不同。可惜你根本不懂西方人怎么想。

照你意思的话,lady gaga 也是跳梁小丑

Japan is just so so
it is only influential in Anime
No, not just in anime(which Japan leads even the world, even me i watch some Japanese anime. Lol), but even in Japanese music is farrrrr more popular in Asia than China's by far.In Asia Only korea poses a challenge to Japan in this field.:bounce:

你还是通过中国人的视角在分析西方问题,有误解情有可原,但在自己错的时候不虚心学习就不对了。女人喜欢男人幽默,但并不是自嘲。可能因为你在欧洲,我在米国,所以对西方文化的认识不同,但在米国,自嘲并非自信的表现,除非自己已经有非常显赫的地位,而是一种示弱的表现。另一方面就是米国文化对男性化特征非常重视,一个没有肌肉,表现过于谦卑的男人就是loser。米国的成功男士就是深沉,性感,有钱的肌肉男。这些男性化特征在米国是不能当作自嘲题材的 - 但亚洲人除外。Ken Jeong就是另一个韩国人,经常拿自己的亚洲面孔,生殖器,身材等开玩笑,触犯了亚洲人的底线,而对白人来说,他就是亚洲人的代表。Psy和Ken Jeong的形象在米国差不多,所以他对米国的主流价值观,审美观根本就构不成威胁。

No, not just in anime(which Japan leads even the world, even me i watch some Japanese anime. Lol), but even in Japanese music is farrrrr more popular in Asia than China's by far.In Asia Only korea poses a challenge to Japan in this field.:bounce:

lmao I don't know a single Japanese singer but there's a few names that most in Southeast Asia have heard of:

Jay Chou
Edison Chen
Chris Li
Angela Baby
JJ Lin
What the heck,so now you represent the whole East asian?holly god,nobody works for greater good in your childish head except yourself.

Too many childish nerds here,stop being a nerd please,disgusting.

Lool LMAO. Bro you dont already know that for Chinese here, even if you are chinese but you dont agree with their predetermine views and opinion that China is superior to all Asians (and huh......and more than equal to the west.lol) then you are not Chinese and you are immediately either a traitor or an idiot. :lol: I know been a big country, it hurts them that its "smaller" peer neighbours like Japan and south korea are so ahead of it in many fields. So its understandable that it hurts and makes them resentful. i will feel the same to some extent if i was in the same position. But i will try and find out where i went wrong and take measures to improve and catch up. So they have only themselves and Mao's radical soviet inspired commie ideology of isolation and state repression/censorship to thank for that and delaying their growth/rise.

So i advice you to take it easy.:pop:
No, not just in anime(which Japan leads even the world, even me i watch some Japanese anime. Lol), but even in Japanese music is farrrrr more popular in Asia than China's by far.In Asia Only korea poses a challenge to Japan in this field.:bounce:
Other than anime, Japanese entertainment is not that popular in Asia. If you want to know how popular a country entertainment is, ask the Vietnamese. They are the master of copy and adopting other country pop culture. They used to love HK pop culture but now Vietnamese is in a K-pop craze. LOL Though, if you ask a Vietnamese, they tell you J-pop is never popular outside of anime.

Lool LMAO. Bro you dont already know that for Chinese here, even if you are chinese but you dont agree with their predetermine views and opinion that China is superior to all Asians (and huh......and more than equal to the west.lol) then you are not Chinese and you are immediately either a traitor or an idiot. :lol: I know been a big country, it hurts them that its "smaller" peer neighbours like Japan and south korea are so ahead of it in many fields. So its understandable that it hurts and makes them resentful. i will feel the same to some extent if i was in the same position. But i will try and find out where i went wrong and take measures to improve and catch up. So they have only themselves and Mao's radical soviet inspired commie ideology of isolation and state repression/censorship to thank for that and delaying their growth/rise.

So i advice you to take it easy.:pop:
LOL You can say that back in the 90s or even early 2000s. I give you that. But today, there isn't a single field and area that SK/JP can accomplished or do that we can't do but I can list many things we can do that both SK/JP can't do.

As far as international acclaimed, I'm afraid Chinese actors like Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen, Chow Yuan Fat and other Chinese actresses are more well known than any Korean/Japanese actor/actresses. The way I see it, we have a bigger film industry and lead in that area while South Korea leads in music, and Japan leads in 2D anime (living off the legacy of the 90s mostly).
Lool LMAO. Bro you dont already know that for Chinese here, even if you are chinese but you dont agree with their predetermine views and opinion that China is superior to all Asians (and huh......and more than equal to the west.lol) then you are not Chinese and you are immediately either a traitor or an idiot. :lol: I know been a big country, it hurts them that its "smaller" peer neighbours like Japan and south korea are so ahead of it in many fields. So its understandable that it hurts and makes them resentful. i will feel the same to some extent if i was in the same position. But i will try and find out where i went wrong and take measures to improve and catch up. So they have only themselves and Mao's radical soviet inspired commie ideology of isolation and state repression/censorship to thank for that and delaying their growth/rise.

So i advice you to take it easy.:pop:

I notice you still like repeating yourself and run away whenever ppl show that you're wrong. That's not how it works around here pal.
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