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Chinese paper accuses Indian media of engaging in war rhetoric

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Chinese paper accuses Indian media of engaging in war rhetoric

PTI 10 September 2009, 09:33pm IST

BEIJING: Amid reports of Chinese military intrusions into India, a leading state-run Chinese newspaper accused the Indian media of trying to present
a "bleak picture" of the Sino-India relations by raising "war rhetoric" and sowing "seeds of enmity" between the two countries.

"If you are a regular reader of reports in the Indian media, you can be excused for thinking a war is imminent between India and China. For the past few months, the Indian media have been trying to fan passions on both sides," the 'China Daily' said in a editorial.

"Instead of informing, inspiring and trying to find the truth, it is trying to throttle professional ethics to raise the war rhetoric and sow seeds of enmity between the two peoples," the paper said.

The editorial came two days after Beijing officially denied reports that its border guards had intruded into Ladakh in India and painted boulders and rocks red there.

"A bleak picture of Sino-India relations - which is farthest from reality - is what a section of the Indian media wants to present to its readers," the paper charged noting that some "alarmists even predicted China will attack India by 2012" to divert the attention of its people from "unprecedented" internal dissent, growing unemployment and financial problems.
At the same time, the leading English-language daily also acknowledged that a section of the Chinese media has also behaved irresponsibly.

Chinese paper accuses Indian media of engaging in war rhetoric - China - World - NEWS - The Times of India

"A bleak picture of Sino-India relations - which is farthest from reality - is what a section of the Indian media wants to present to its readers," the paper charged noting that some "alarmists even predicted China will attack India by 2012" to divert the attention of its people from "unprecedented" internal dissent, growing unemployment and financial problems.
At the same time, the leading English-language daily also acknowledged that a section of the Chinese media has also behaved irresponsibly.


India has long been forgotten by the Chinese, as it has never been their main concern.

India is making noise to remind the Chinese, now on daily basis, of their ZangNan, or Southern Tibet.

Now, there are lots of discussions on Chinese forums/media how China should get back the un-recovered land from India, and how to protect their Monpa brothers.

How foolish those Indian alarmists are! They simply “lift the rock to hit their own feet.”
Chinese paper accuses Indian media of engaging in war rhetoric

PTI 10 September 2009, 09:33pm IST

Chinese paper accuses Indian media of engaging in war rhetoric - China - World - NEWS - The Times of India

An alleged 'newspaper' in a rigidly controlled, state dominated, apparatchik controlled country is advising the free media of a evolving democratic country on balance.

Accusations of 'war rhetoric' days after a Chinese think tank published a report advising that China should cut India into half.

I rarely use this smiley, but there's a time and place for everything:

India has long been forgotten by the Chinese, as it has never been their main concern.

India is making noise to remind the Chinese, now on daily basis, of their ZangNan, or Southern Tibet.

Now, there are lots of discussions on Chinese forums/media how China should get back the un-recovered land from India, and how to protect their Monpa brothers.

How foolish those Indian alarmists are! They simply “lift the rock to hit their own feet.”

Every action has consequences! Only fools rush ahead without thinking. :eek:
An alleged 'newspaper' in a rigidly controlled, state dominated, apparatchik controlled country is advising the free media of a evolving democratic country on balance.

Accusations of 'war rhetoric' days after a Chinese think tank published a report advising that China should cut India into half.

I rarely use this smiley, but there's a time and place for everything:


Indian free media are rigidly controlled by extremists, dominated by terrorists and supported by interest groups. War rhetoric is probably coined and published according to how Brahminsts’ internal struggle requires.

In China, CPC controls only major plane media, but let Internet media roughly free roll where hundreds of millions of literate Chinese can hear and view various voices.

For instance, from time to time I see fairly amount of RAW/foreign-sponsorship suspected posts run rampant on Chinese forums, and no CPC cares about that.

So I suggest you use this smiley: :lol:
Amusing, and i suppose when a Chinese paper calls for India to be broken up into pieces, they are engaging in peace diplomacy.

Now, there are lots of discussions on Chinese forums/media how China should get back the un-recovered land from India, and how to protect their Monpa brothers.

Sorry, No one from Arunachal Pradesh wants to be with China.

Every action has consequences! Only fools rush ahead without thinking.

As you rarely think before posting, what would that make you?

Indian free media are rigidly controlled by extremists, dominated by terrorists and supported by interest groups. War rhetoric is probably coined and published according to how Brahminsts’ internal struggle requires.

Well in that case, The Chinese state media is controlled by bureaucrats, dominated by pseudo-communists and supported by interests groups, War rhetoric is probably coined and published according to how Han-Chinese dominated PRC's internal struggle requires.

All this crap about how India has pissed off China and now India is "going to pay" rubbish on this forum needs to stop. If China had the capacity, nay the capability to change the status quo, they would have done so already. Truth is China can do nothing militarily. Only Chinese internet fanboys have wet dreams of repeating the 62 lesson.
Sorry, No one from Arunachal Pradesh wants to be with China.

Well in that case, The Chinese state media is controlled by bureaucrats, dominated by pseudo-communists and supported by interests groups, War rhetoric is probably coined and published according to how Han-Chinese dominated PRC's internal struggle requires.

All this crap about how India has pissed off China and now India is "going to pay" rubbish on this forum needs to stop. If China had the capacity, nay the capability to change the status quo, they would have done so already. Truth is China can do nothing militarily. Only Chinese internet fanboys have wet dreams of repeating the 62 lesson.

If you are just a "gunner" of some organization,please forget what i said below,or else:
1.Sorry,you yourself cann't stand for all the Arunachal Pradesh people.
2.Keep console yourself to satisfy your vanity.
3.Watch out your dictions,dogmatic inference only shows childish,whether China has the capability,just let time give the conclusion.:coffee:
Besides,we chinese love peace,but we also don't mind giving the obdurate militant a 2nd lesson.
If you are just a "gunner" of some organization,please forget what i said below,or else:
1.Sorry,you yourself cann't stand for all the Arunachal Pradesh people.
2.Keep console yourself to satisfy your vanity.
3.Watch out your dictions,dogmatic inference only shows childish,whether China has the capability,just let time give the conclusion.:coffee:

Calm down mate...nothing is going to happen...
(1) Please explain what is your point? I am not able to get anything.
(2) Applicable to both sides.
(3) Rant at par best...

We agree that our media behaves nonsense sometimes. But if you are trying to malign entire Indian media then I would be disagree with you. Print media is more mature than live TV news channels.
BTW, Chinese media is no saint either. Remember the theory about breaking India into pieces...:argh::argh::argh:
Hmm frankly India wont challenge China Anytime soon. except to stand its own ground. And besides if China wants to make power plays with border Incursions then let them. if it lets them feel strong.

compared to that Chinese border is peaceful.

India should not keep jumping in front of china , If we stay out of their way long enough to consolidate our power in the region. As China has been doing for the past decade. we might be able to stand on equal footing with the dragon.
If you are just a "gunner" of some organization,please forget what i said below,or else:
1.Sorry,you yourself cann't stand for all the Arunachal Pradesh people.
2.Keep console yourself to satisfy your vanity.
3.Watch out your dictions,dogmatic inference only shows childish,whether China has the capability,just let time give the conclusion.:coffee:

May I know how you stand for the arunachal people
Hmm frankly India wont challenge China Anytime soon. except to stand its own ground. And besides if China wants to make power plays with border Incursions then let them. if it lets them feel strong.

compared to that Chinese border is peaceful.

India should not keep jumping in front of china , If we stay out of their way long enough to consolidate our power in the region. As China has been doing for the past decade. we might be able to stand on equal footing with the dragon.

We do not need to challenge them just holding the ground is enough for us.The CCP Pandas problem is that they did not expect India to do economically well post 2000 and this was not the case.There worst nightmare is India pulling its act together and the economic growth of it.There proxy is also failing in its job and Uncle sam is keeping a tight leash on it
India has long been forgotten by the Chinese, as it has never been their main concern.

India is making noise to remind the Chinese, now on daily basis, of their ZangNan, or Southern Tibet.

Now, there are lots of discussions on Chinese forums/media how China should get back the un-recovered land from India, and how to protect their Monpa brothers.

How foolish those Indian alarmists are! They simply “lift the rock to hit their own feet.”

I thought Indian media is educating Indians.Seriously is PLA that mighty as you hype it.At close quarters it is full of warts
i also somehow feel that the indian is trying to heat up the matter to gain the public attention so their sales revenue will increase...and it is dangerous that they subconsciously sow the seeds of enmity for people of both sides....and yes i think they have been successful since the chinese media started playing with those indian democratic media and chinese people are getting obsessed with india like what india do to pakistan...originally chinese society is not concerned about south asia but now indian started the vicious cycle of hatred, both seemingly cannot stop themselves antagonizing each other , hurtful truth for two neighbours...
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