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Chinese paper accuses Indian media of engaging in war rhetoric

India has long been forgotten by the Chinese, as it has never been their main concern.

India is making noise to remind the Chinese, now on daily basis, of their ZangNan, or Southern Tibet.

Now, there are lots of discussions on Chinese forums/media how China should get back the un-recovered land from India, and how to protect their Monpa brothers.

How foolish those Indian alarmists are! They simply “lift the rock to hit their own feet.”

The Indian Orange media is war monger there is no doubt. This unfortunate that media goons there every time pressurise the government to go for war earlier against Pakistan and now they have started this practice against China too.

Its a bad choice they are straining Indo-China relations just for boosting their ego.
The Indian Orange media is war monger there is no doubt. This unfortunate that media goons there every time pressurise the government to go for war earlier against Pakistan and now they have started this practice against China too.

Its a bad choice they are straining Indo-China relations just for boosting their ego.

Kia yar.... Bas thora na Nasha hai uncle sam se friendship ka will fade away eventually... Let them feel little confident :) and Uncle is happly patting their back for some good reason now who can out play each other it must be an intresting show in future between China and US ;)
Indian free media are rigidly controlled by extremists, dominated by terrorists and supported by interest groups. War rhetoric is probably coined and published according to how Brahminsts’ internal struggle requires.

I don't mind having a discussion but with a statement like this, it only points to the complete and perhaps willful ignorance of the poster.

PRC is one of the worst countries in the world in its media track record, and you accuse us who are a thousand times better than the PRC in this regard?

In China, CPC controls only major plane media, ...

Which one? Newspapers? TV? Radio? Perhaps all?

China's government has complete control over its media; you expect us to believe the 'only'?

...but let Internet media roughly free roll where hundreds of millions of literate Chinese can hear and view various voices.

Internet media freely rolls does it? That's utterly wrong.

The Golden Shield project. Heard of it? The one that blocks online access.

Heard of Yang Zili? Here goes:

Cyber-dissidents Yang Zili and Zhang Honghai released after eight years in prison - IFEX

Is there a reason that Amnesty International has said that China “has the largest recorded number of imprisoned journalists and cyber-dissidents in the world.” ? Here:

.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :.

I guess now you'll claim that Amnesty is a Jewish, capitalist, propaganda tool of imperialists?
Every country has its weaknesses; there's a thread on India in this regard.

But having seen what I see here, the one glaring weakness of the PRC is its inability to recognize internal dissent, foster the contrary point of view in an environment of open public dialogue, and recognize and publicize internal failures. In short, ruthless propaganda driven censorship.

The PRC has pulled off some amazing achievements that can only make the rest of the world sit back in envy.

There's not likely to be many external challenges to the PRC's rise to a true super power status. But their greatest challenge is internal - there will come a time when the communist government will no longer be able to neutralize internal dissent, the vox populi so effectively.

And when that happens, watch out!
Every country has its weaknesses; there's a thread on India in this regard.

But having seen what I see here, the one glaring weakness of the PRC is its inability to recognize internal dissent, foster the contrary point of view in an environment of open public dialogue, and recognize and publicize internal failures. In short, ruthless propaganda driven censorship.

The PRC has pulled off some amazing achievements that can only make the rest of the world sit back in envy.

There's not likely to be many external challenges to the PRC's rise to a true super power status. But their greatest challenge is internal - there will come a time when the communist government will no longer be able to neutralize internal dissent, the vox populi so effectively.

And when that happens, watch out!

The Taipeng rebellion will look like a nursery drama
Chinese paper accuses Indian media of engaging in war rhetoric

PTI 10 September 2009, 09:33pm IST

BEIJING: Amid reports of Chinese military intrusions into India, a leading state-run Chinese newspaper accused the Indian media of trying to present
a "bleak picture" of the Sino-India relations by raising "war rhetoric" and sowing "seeds of enmity" between the two countries.

"If you are a regular reader of reports in the Indian media, you can be excused for thinking a war is imminent between India and China. For the past few months, the Indian media have been trying to fan passions on both sides," the 'China Daily' said in a editorial.

"Instead of informing, inspiring and trying to find the truth, it is trying to throttle professional ethics to raise the war rhetoric and sow seeds of enmity between the two peoples," the paper said.

The editorial came two days after Beijing officially denied reports that its border guards had intruded into Ladakh in India and painted boulders and rocks red there.

"A bleak picture of Sino-India relations - which is farthest from reality - is what a section of the Indian media wants to present to its readers," the paper charged noting that some "alarmists even predicted China will attack India by 2012" to divert the attention of its people from "unprecedented" internal dissent, growing unemployment and financial problems.
At the same time, the leading English-language daily also acknowledged that a section of the Chinese media has also behaved irresponsibly.

Chinese paper accuses Indian media of engaging in war rhetoric - China - World - NEWS - The Times of India

Mam chinese media too not far behind. They accused india for moving 60,000 troops inside our own border. They provoked goverment to threat india. While indian media said what's truth. China the one provoking india and wrote china on stone. China adviced indian goverment to not let indian media give freedom speech. That wasn't good advice because that's interfearence in india's intternal matters mam. India democrasy.
Please appreciate the slap on your very face: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-defence/16289-crossovers-china-worry-arunachal.html

Exodus to other states in India and China because of economic reasons mean nothing. After all, you seem to be a supporter of PRC, then why live in the US instead of China?

I don't need media reports to tell me anything, My grandmother is from Arunachal and believe me (or don't) that there is no separatist sentiment in the state. As i've stated numerous times on this board, the only separatist sentiment in the north- east is in Nagaland and Manipur. Even there in the minority. Moreover, these separatists want to be independent of both India and China. They seem to consider themselves as ethnically similar to Koreans (I have no idea why).

BTW, 62 is a real thing. Face the fact to avoid another slap!

Yes you beat us in 62. But appreciate that this is the year 2009, not 62. We won't make the same mistake twice. We will never again be fooled by the Panchsheel rhetoric.

The fact is, the chances of the PRC occupying Indian states such as Sikkim and AP is next to zilch in the present situation, if it wasnt, we would have already been invaded.

You may outnumber our army, but that matters little in the Himalayas.
Mam chinese media too not far behind. They accused india for moving 60,000 troops inside our own border. They provoked goverment to threat india. While indian media said what's truth. China the one provoking india and wrote china on stone. China adviced indian goverment to not let indian media give freedom speech. That wasn't good advice because that's interfearence in india's intternal matters mam. India democrasy.

Chinese media is not as much war monger as Indian one.

China has denied painting the stons. But that is another issue. The one with Indian media is always there. This attitude to create some panic is not going to help rather it is going to strain Indo-Chian relations which is not in favour of India more than China
Indian media is worse than Fox news , hope they will change for better:hitwall:
Chinese media is not as much war monger as Indian one.

China has denied painting the stons. But that is another issue. The one with Indian media is always there. This attitude to create some panic is not going to help rather it is going to strain Indo-Chian relations which is not in favour of India more than China

Mam be honest do you believe what china says? Do you believe any country would say yes we did incrusion? Mam china provoking india and our media telling our goverment to open eyes before its too late. i agree chinese media and pakistani media dont have that freedom mam. Geo reporter told in indian media what happened when they shown kasab's village and family. Mam i dont think india would loose much in war compare to china. Defending country always have the edge. China will loose more as they the offensive one while india defender. It was stupid from china to advice india to control our media but thats obvious that china said that. China dont know democrasy. There is no chinese media who would say anything against chinese goverment. That would be suicidable to them mam.
I don't mind having a discussion but with a statement like this, it only points to the complete and perhaps willful ignorance of the poster.

PRC is one of the worst countries in the world in its media track record, and you accuse us who are a thousand times better than the PRC in this regard?

Which one? Newspapers? TV? Radio? Perhaps all?

China's government has complete control over its media; you expect us to believe the 'only'?

Internet media freely rolls does it? That's utterly wrong.

The Golden Shield project. Heard of it? The one that blocks online access.

Heard of Yang Zili? Here goes:

Cyber-dissidents Yang Zili and Zhang Honghai released after eight years in prison - IFEX

Is there a reason that Amnesty International has said that China “has the largest recorded number of imprisoned journalists and cyber-dissidents in the world.” ? Here:

.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :.

I guess now you'll claim that Amnesty is a Jewish, capitalist, propaganda tool of imperialists?

China has lots potential enemies. Those enemies are supported by Western countries, as well as India. People are perhaps PAID by foreign agents to subvert Chinese civilization - a unique civilization second to none. Those people spread rumors and lies all over the place, in Chinese language! :tdown:

For instance, one person told everybody that India is light year ahead of China in development, and he desperately wanted to migrate into India from China. He worked diligently for prolonged time (for RAW?).

I don't know the particular dissidents you mentioned, bur many of them are found to be financed by foreign organizations.

Those projects are also against pornos and illegal gambles.

You never mentioned the fact that thousands of corrupted officials are brought to jail every so often due to internet exposure in China. How convenient!
Chinese civilization - a unique civilization second to none.

That's what the Germans said about themselves before they started 2 world wars. And engaged in systematic genocide of the Jews.

when people start thinking that they are better than everyone else. They will want all those who they see as inferior. Under their power.

You should consider the kind of ideology you are spouting.
That's what the Germans said about themselves before they started 2 world wars. And engaged in systematic genocide of the Jews.

when people start thinking that they are better than everyone else. They will want all those who they see as inferior. Under their power.

You should consider the kind of ideology you are spouting.

This coming from a Hindvuta? It is you with your Aryan-Dravidian Supremacy Ideology that belittles "Mongoloids". Who is occupying whose territory and ethnic cleansing its people?!!

"A thief must sleep with one eye open. And that thief is India!" :sniper:

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