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Chinese Official Threatens Myanmar

1. If you didn't attack us on the North and East side, so who knows what would happen to Thailand when she tried to protect your butcher Pol Pot:whistle:

Fact is, Vietnam was not and haven't been strong since French was in charge. Heck China was weak after world war 2, after the civil war, the Korean war and after helping you guys in Vietnam. We hardly recovered yet we managed just fine against your country in skirmishes. Says a lot about strength doesn't it?

2. hehe, our spies are good enough to ruin all CIA plot, when your spies are death meat, what all you can do to stop Jasmine revolution is just Tanks , and we will take advantage to take those islands back during uprising in China:P

Nope, your spies failed to even make it to their door, let alone ruin any CIA plot.
We stopped Jasmine Revolution with tanks? :rofl:
Sure. I wonder what your government is feeding you guys seriously.
Yes you can dream about those 3 days revolution with about one thousand or less attendees. China has 1.3 billion people :azn:

3. As I said: Unify a seperated ASEAN will be the way we go , we will not let any one to stab our back like Pol Pot if war happen again with China, we will need Uncle Sam to cedes his power in ASEAN and he seems agree with it :P

No ASEAN will stab your back. Can't say the same about Vietnam though. Already someone is trying to claim to be the leader and sole protector of ASEAN. :lol:
Why are you saying that US would cede any power. If it does, it won't cede it to Vietnam if its Southeast Asia. US has better friends in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Vietnam is not a friend of the US. If anything, Vietnam would need US protection against someone like China. Also, trying to bring in India would not do as India is barely able to protect itself, it won't be able to project power help Vietnam. So the only hope of dealing with China is for Vietnam to start thinking about working with the US instead of usurping US influence in the region.

Ok, just give them a color revolution, then the Vietcong would come there and beg us to save their a$$ in exchange of their occupied Nansha Islands.
Why are you saying that US would cede any power. If it does, it won't cede it to Vietnam if its Southeast Asia. US has better friends in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Vietnam is not a friend of the US. If anything, Vietnam would need US protection against someone like China. Also, trying to bring in India would not do as India is barely able to protect itself, it won't be able to project power help Vietnam. So the only hope of dealing with China is for Vietnam to start thinking about working with the US instead of usurping US influence in the region.
If he refuse to cede, so we will beat him up in ASEAN , and uncle Sam seems doesn't wanna die in vain again, so, his best choice will be ceding power in ASEAN and he can go home and sleep well.:kiss3:

Why do we need US protection when we have all kind of powerful weapon to fight against you ??We just need him to stay in our side instead of CHina's side like during 80s :P
If he refuse to cede, so we will beat him up in ASEAN , and uncle Sam seems doesn't wanna die in vain again, so, his best choice will be ceding power in ASEAN and he can go home and sleep well.:kiss3:

Why do we need US protection when we have all kind of powerful weapon to fight against you ??We just need him to stay in our side instead of CHina's side like during 80s :P

You are aware that majority of ASEAN are on America's side right? America also has the strongest Navy in the world. There is nothing Vietnam can do if they want to turn against you. It would be like Paracel but ten times worse. Instead, Vietnam should be a good boy in ASEAN, be respectful and let everyone look after and teach you how to run and maintain a successful economy. Then you can think about being strong and challege everyone in the world :lol:
Obambam said:
Fact is, Vietnam was not and haven't been strong since French was in charge. Heck China was weak after world war 2, after the civil war, the Korean war and after helping you guys in Vietnam. We hardly recovered yet we managed just fine against your country in skirmishes. Says a lot about strength doesn't it?
WHy must you 'help' VN ??bcz USSR order VN to restrain CHina from the South, so he could totaly destroy CHina by Nuke , you should say Thanks to VN bcz we refuse USSR's order instead of keep remind VNese about your 'help' :P
Obambam said:
Nope, your spies failed to even make it to their door, let alone ruin any CIA plot.
We stopped Jasmine Revolution with tanks?
Sure. I wonder what your government is feeding you guys seriously.
Yes you can dream about those 3 days revolution with about one thousand or less attendees. China has 1.3 billion people
Hehe, we have perfect spy who can cheat CIA, how about you ??you don't have even one to ruin CIA plot in Tienanmen square :P

IF you don't use Tank again, so how could you stop your angry citizen raise up against your Evil Govt. ??they're damn poor, they can not have enough girl to get married ??Just like the old time, they will gather in Tienanmen square and demand for better life again :woot:

Obambam said:
No ASEAN will stab your back. Can't say the same about Vietnam though. Already someone is trying to claim to be the leader and sole protector of ASEAN
Hehe, but Myanmar is stabing your back now :P

---------- Post added at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

You are aware that majority of ASEAN are on America's side right? America also has the strongest Navy in the world. There is nothing Vietnam can do if they want to turn against you. It would be like Paracel but ten times worse. Instead, Vietnam should be a good boy in ASEAN, be respectful and let everyone look after and teach you how to run and maintain a successful economy. Then you can think about being strong and challege everyone in the world :lol:
Oh, so Uncle Sam have to sacrifice alot of Young American in bloody battle to stop Vn again , and of course Young American will refuse to die in vain :P
Oh, so Uncle Sam have to sacrifice alot of Young American in bloody battle to stop Vn again , and of course Young American will refuse to die in vain :P

There is no such sacrifice, they could annihilate you completely just like they did in Iraq.

This ain't 1960s anymore.
WHy must you 'help' VN ??bcz USSR order VN to restrain CHina from the South, so he could totaly destroy CHina by Nuke , you should say Thanks to VN bcz we refuse USSR's order instead of keep remind VNese about your 'help'

Well Ho Chi Minh did come asking for help and the fact that China did help was not something new to the military experts and historians.
You are also getting the time line mixed up. Russia and China both helped and we didn't fallout until afterwards. Russia wouldn't be able to support Vietnam so freely without China's assistance and that's common sense since we are inbetween the two of you.

Hehe, we have perfect spy who can cheat CIA, how about you ??you don't have even one to ruin CIA plot in Tienanmen square

That is not the way it should be looked at. Otherwise same can be said about Chinese spies causing the American protests that is happening in America now :azn:
Your spies certainly did your country no favour though. They should have helped get investments into your country sooner, help lift the embargoes then your country wouldn't have to suffer and remain poor for so long. ;)

IF you don't use Tank again, so how could you stop your angry citizen raise up again your Evil Govt. ??they're damn poor, they can not have enough girl to get married ??Just like the old time, they will gather in Tienanmen square and demand for better life again

The fact that you are still talking about tanks and Tienanmen is telling of your ignorance to modern policies and handling tactics. Yes we did not use tanks to solve Jasmine and it was solved and hardly anyone turn out to voice their support. That's some effective Chinese spy and government at work for you there. :lol:

Hehe, but Myanmar is stabing your back now

They are not stabbing our back, but it is simply an energy project being put on hold due to conflicting party support. Not like the way Vietnam back stabbed its neighbours and America.:P

Oh, so Uncle Sam have to sacrifice alot of Young American in bloody battle to stop Vn again , and of course Young American will refuse to die in vain

This time Vietnam will be the one sacrificing young men and the refugees will not be able to travel to America by boats the way they did in the past. America will simply bomb Vietnam and not commit soldiers on the ground. The times have changed and war doesn't necessarily have to be fought on the ground my friend. Vietnam is not know to be strong in naval warfare. :D
There is no such sacrifice, they could annihilate you completely just like they did in Iraq.

This ain't 1960s anymore.
Oh, really ??they failed when using mordern wafare during VN war ,so pls tell me what kind of weapon he used in Iraq is more powerful than in Vn war ??
Oh, really ??they failed when using mordern wafare during VN war ,so pls tell me what kind of weapon he used in Iraq is more powerful than in Vn war ??

Let me ask you a question. If 100 years ago bows and arrows were thought to be the most hi tech infantry weapon you can get your hands on, would you still use the same 100 years later when you already have guns? Technologies changes a great deal over time. Just like how bombs get to become more destructive, planes flying faster and higher as well as being stealthy, they don't have to send troops into your country to destroy you militarily anymore. When Vietnam loses its capability to fight and get further embargo and restrictions, they would be many times worse than North Korea is now my friend.
Obambam said:
Well Ho Chi Minh did come asking for help and the fact that China did help was not something new to the military experts and historians.
You are also getting the time line mixed up. Russia and China both helped and we didn't fallout until afterwards. Russia wouldn't be able to support Vietnam so freely without China's assistance and that's common sense since we are inbetween the two of you.
USSR could use ship to ship everything to Vn , see what happen when you betrayed Communist block, we still got full support from USSR without China's assitance:P

Obambam said:
That is not the way it should be looked at. Otherwise same can be said about Chinese spies causing the American protests that is happening in America now
Your spies certainly did your country no favour though. They should have helped get investments into your country sooner, help lift the embargoes then your country wouldn't have to suffer and remain poor for so long
Yep, that was our mistake, we thought we never need USA help, with USSR's support, we can paint all ASEAN countries in RED color -a symbol of Communist block .We didn't know how to made money so our spies had No order about making friendship with USA.

Any way Jasmine revolution will happen in China sooner than VN bcz CHina have so many domestic problem , and we can wait untill it happen to take all islands back :P
Obambam said:
They are not stabbing our back, but it is simply an energy project being put on hold due to conflicting party support. Not like the way Vietnam back stabbed its neighbours and America
hehe, Myanmar share the border with Laos, so she will have VN's protection if she keep backstabing CHina, let wait and see some more bad news to CHina in ASEAN :P

Obambam said:
This time Vietnam will be the one sacrificing young men and the refugees will not be able to travel to America by boats the way they did in the past. America will simply bomb Vietnam and not commit soldiers on the ground. The times have changed and war doesn't necessarily have to be fought on the ground my friend. Vietnam is not know to be strong in naval warfare
Oh, let him bomb again, but at the end, we still win the war , and Uncles Sam know that, that why, he allows us to enrich Uranium that can make Nuke bomb :D

---------- Post added at 12:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------

Let me ask you a question. If 100 years ago bows and arrows were thought to be the most hi tech infantry weapon you can get your hands on, would you still use the same 100 years later when you already have guns? Technologies changes a great deal over time. Just like how bombs get to become more destructive, planes flying faster and higher as well as being stealthy, they don't have to send troops into your country to destroy you militarily anymore. When Vietnam loses its capability to fight and get further embargo and restrictions, they would be many times worse than North Korea is now my friend.
Hehe, US have more destrutive bomd, so we got more S-300 to deal with him, he can embargo Vn again, but no use bcz we still got full support from Russia :D

He can destroy every thing in VN, but he can not stop Russia's support, so, he will got same result again like VN war
USSR could use ship to ship everything to Vn , see what happen when you betrayed Communist block, we still got full support from USSR without China's assitance

The word to pay attention here is "could". Which was not the case. Vietnam got full support but failed to stop the border skirmishes and paracel incident must be something worth talking about.

Yep, that was our mistake, we thought we never need USA help, with USSR's support, we can paint all ASEAN countries in RED color -a symbol of Communist block .We didn't know how to made money so our spies had No order about making friendship with USA.

It was not Vietnam mistake. It was simply the politics at the time. Vietnam no longer had the options to choose sides after the Vietnam war. Things were already decided and America and China stood together against USSR and enjoyed a brief moment of friendship, if you can even call it that.

Any way Jasmine revolution will happen in China sooner than VN bcz CHina have so many domestic problem , and we can wait untill it happen to take all islands back

Sure you can wait. Don't hold your breath though. Starting a war with anyone will only mean a longer wait since your country will have to rebuild from stone age and Cambodia might come and take you "back in one piece". ;)

hehe, Myanmar share the border with Laos, so she will have VN's protection if she keep backstabing CHina, let wait and see some more bad news to CHina in ASEAN

Bad news comes and goes. Just don't be too upset when you see countries cooperating with China. In fact I think your general is coming over for tea soon :lol:

Oh, let him bomb again, but at the end, we still win the war , and Uncles Sam know that, that why, he allows us to enrich Uranium that can make Nuke bomb

They don't need to occupy Vietnam to win this time. All depends on the goals and objectives. They never said they allowed you to enrich uranium for nuclear bomb did they? besides what makes you think you can threaten them with it when Vietnam doesn't even have the capability to deliver it to America? common now Viva, You can do better than this! :D

Hehe, US have more destrutive bomd, so we got more S-300 to deal with him, he can embargo Vn again, but no use bcz we still got full support from Russia

Yes but America got stealth bombers and they also have more missiles than the little collection of s300 that you have. Don't even bother with Brahmos or Yakhont either. It is America you are talking about here :azn:

He can destroy every thing in VN, but he can not stop Russia's support, so, he will got same result again like VN war

If you think Russia will step in and fight America when China is not supporting then you can carry on dreaming. Of course, you can always dream of having more friends, but when those friends are majority in support of America, then Vietnam is going to be alone.
Obambam said:
The word to pay attention here is "could". Which was not the case. Vietnam got full support but failed to stop the border skirmishes and paracel incident must be something worth talking about.
We failed bcz we had to defeat Pol Pot -Thailand with China-US support on the West border , and West broder is insafe now, we're ready for war on North and East sea , let fight against if you can don't just let your warship stay inside your dock :P
Obambam said:
It was not Vietnam mistake. It was simply the politics at the time. Vietnam no longer had the options to choose sides after the Vietnam war. Things were already decided and America and China stood together against USSR and enjoyed a brief moment of friendship, if you can even call it that.

Sure you can wait. Don't hold your breath though. Starting a war with anyone will only mean a longer wait since your country will have to rebuild from stone age and Cambodia might come and take you "back in one piece"
Yeah, so Vn -US stood together against China and enjoyed a brief moment of friendship now, that why taking back those islands is only the matter of time :P.Of course we have plenty time to wait, we're your neighbour , bro.

Obambam said:
Bad news comes and goes. Just don't be too upset when you see countries cooperating with China. In fact I think your general is coming over for tea soon
Hehe, keep dreaming bro, VNese never allow the Govt. to share anything with you in SCS(east sea), our general can keep blah blah about 'golden friendship' with you, but he will order to shoot your warship if you dare to move inside our EEZ :P
They don't need to occupy Vietnam to win this time. All depends on the goals and objectives. They never said they allowed you to enrich uranium for nuclear bomb did they? besides what makes you think you can threaten them with it when Vietnam doesn't even have the capability to deliver it to America? common now Viva, You can do better than this!
Oh, if Uncle Sam can not occupy VN, so how can he stop our Goal to unify ASEAN at all cost to avoid being backstabed ?We can send soldiers to paint Thailand in Red color, US can not stop us with jsut few air strike :P.
As I said: making Nuke is quite easy with Laser tech inside nuclear plant now, even Iran can do it, so we can do it also , but no one can detect it bcz no one can monitor our process :P
Obambam said:
Yes but America got stealth bombers and they also have more missiles than the little collection of s300 that you have. Don't even bother with Brahmos or Yakhont either. It is America you are talking about here
Oh so tell him to use F-22 to fly over Vn sky to test our S-300 now, we will see if it can be detect by our radar or not. We could resist US jammer without USSR help, so, it will not an impossoble mission for us to know how to detect F-22 now :P .
Obambam said:
If you think Russia will step in and fight America when China is not supporting then you can carry on dreaming. Of course, you can always dream of having more friends, but when those friends are majority in support of America, then Vietnam is going to be alone.
hehe, Russia will not let US defeat VN bcz ASEAN is big weapon market for Russia. every one will try to buy US weapon if we're defeated,, Russia will go broke , so, Russia will never let it happen :P
That's the reason I like this forum. You hear the strangest things here :lol:

I feel bad for Vietnam, they've been through alot all these years, but I can't understand why Viva_viet (who apparently is not even in Vietnam) is trying to convince everyone that Vietnam is capable of protecting the region :P

The answer is simple his brain doesnt function normally like the rest of us LOL
Something strange has been happening with Burma lately, its actually starting to listen to its people. I think. From what I can see the junta is worried about more military desertions (hardly reported on) and more protests. The last yellow revolution saw a lot of people killed and I think the junta is worried about all out civil decent.

Its pretty simple really, the dam was approved without any public submissions or consultation. The dam is good for China but bad for Burma and its people. Burma was right to stop it.

Hopefully its the start of more responsible governance by its self appointed leaders.

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