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Chinese nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S.


Mar 29, 2013
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Chinese state-run media revealed for the first time that Beijing’s nuclear submarines can attack American cities to counterbalance U.S. nuclear deterrence in the Pacific.

Leading media outlets including China Central TV, the People’s Daily, the Global Times, the PLA Daily, the China Youth Daily and the Guangmin Daily ran identical, top-headlined reports about the “awesomeness” of the People’s Liberation Army navy’s strategic submarine force.

“This is the first time in 42 years since the establishment of our navy’s strategic submarine force that we reveal on such a large scale the secrets of our first-generation underwater nuclear force,”

the Global Times said in a lengthy article titled “China for the First Time Possesses Effective Underwater Nuclear Deterrence against the United States.”

The article features 30 photos and graphics detailing, among other things, damage projections for Seattle and Los Angeles after being hit by Chinese nuclear warheads and the deadly radiation that would spread all the way to Chicago.

China’s sub fleet is reportedly the world’s second-largest, with about 70 vessels. About 10 are nuclear-powered, and four or more of those are nuclear ballistic submarines capable of launching missiles.

Heavily influenced by Soviet naval models that stressed underwater forces, China’s nuclear submarine development began with the reverse-engineering of a Soviet Golf-class conventional-powered sub in the 1950s.

In the 1980s, China developed its first ballistic missile sub, the Type 092 Xia-class, which has 12 launch tubes for the Julang (Giant Wave)-1 missiles. The JL-1 had a limited range and failed multiple test launches.

In 2010, a new class of missile sub, the Type 094 Jin class, entered the service. It is capable of launching 12 to 16 JL-2 missiles with a range of about 8,700 miles, covering much of the continental U.S. with single or multiple, independently targetable re-entry vehicle warheads.

Chinese calculations for nuclear attacks on the U.S. are chillingly macabre.

“Because the Midwest states of the U.S. are sparsely populated, in order to increase the lethality, [our] nuclear attacks should mainly target the key cities on the West Coast of the United States, such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego,”

the Global Times said.

“The 12 JL-2 nuclear warheads carried by one single Type 094 SSBN can kill and wound 5 million to 12 million Americans.”

China also has developed land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles — notably the DF-31A, which has a range of 7,000 to 7,500 miles.

“If we launch our DF 31A ICBMs over the North Pole, we can easily destroy a whole list of metropolises on the East Coast and the New England region of the U.S., including Annapolis, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Portland, Baltimore and Norfolk, whose population accounts for about one-eighth of America’s total residents.”

All the state-run press reports stressed the point that the PLA’s missile submarines are now on routine strategic patrol,

“which means that China for the first time has acquired the strategic deterrence and second strike capability against the United States.”

“Our JL-2 SLBMs have become the fourth type of Chinese nuclear missiles that threaten the continental United States, after our DF-31A, DF-5A and DF-5B ICBMs.”
Not likely at all.

US Navy tails each and every nuclear tipped submarine in Pacific and Indian Ocean almost constantly. One of the reasons why they have so many SSN's. One of the reasons why they need to have so many assets.

At the declaration of war, it is highly likely that they would sink each and every nuclear submarine deployed by China long before they come anywhere close to deploying their BM's.

As soon as the Indian boomer joins IN, US would also start deploying assets to monitor the Indian vessel almost constantly.
So the New Cold war is about to start or in same ways already started :suicide:Hope every One Nukes Each other gal e khatam 
No more wars No more fight peace with a little radiation and little fallout :-):devil:
Not likely at all.

US Navy tails each and every nuclear tipped submarine in Pacific and Indian Ocean almost constantly. One of the reasons why they have so many SSN's. One of the reasons why they need to have so many assets.

At the declaration of war, it is highly likely that they would sink each and every nuclear submarine deployed by China long before they come anywhere close to deploying their BM's.

You're exactly right. Which is why China's true nuclear deterrent is protected by a 5,000 km underground network called the Underground Great Wall, confirmed by the Pentagon in its 2011 report.


Title of thread says "Chinese nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S." What the thread doesn't seem to mention is that American subs are also more then capable of widespread attack on China.
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I don't mind seeing a few China SSBN 30 miles off the coast of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LA, San Diego. And may be a couple off NYC and Washington DC. Just come up for some fresh air once in awhile to make the Yankees nervous. Give the American Navy a run for their money.

China sub stalked U.S. fleet
A Chinese submarine stalked a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group in the Pacific last month and surfaced within firing range of its torpedoes and missiles before being detected, The Washington Times has learned.

The surprise encounter highlights China’s continuing efforts to prepare for a future conflict with the U.S., despite Pentagon efforts to try to boost relations with Beijing’s communist-ruled military.

The submarine encounter with the USS Kitty Hawk and its accompanying warships also is an embarrassment to the commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific, Adm. William J. Fallon, who is engaged in an ambitious military exchange program with China aimed at improving relations between the two nations’ militaries.

Disclosure of the incident comes as Adm. Gary Roughead, commander of the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Fleet, is making his first visit to China. The four-star admiral was scheduled to meet senior Chinese military leaders during the weeklong visit, which began over the weekend.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2006/nov/13/20061113-121539-3317r/#ixzz2jiXkonIt
Type 093 is only comparable to Improved Los Angeles. Type 095 would be amongst the best SSN in the world.
Title of thread says "Chinese nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S." What the thread doesn't seem to mention is that American subs are also more then capable of widespread attack on China.

we know this and hence it doesnt need to be said. otoh lots of people doubt chinese capabilities of attacking the US with SLBMs, the US even said china apparently doesnt conduct SSBM patrols and the JL-2 wont enter service until 2014 or so. the recent CCTV segments essentially said, they conduct patrols all the time and the the JL-2 is in service (sticking the middle finger to Us intelligence which it oddly does a lot with the likes of the j-20 and j-31 and others project in which american estimates are off)
Not likely at all.

US Navy tails each and every nuclear tipped submarine in Pacific and Indian Ocean almost constantly. One of the reasons why they have so many SSN's. One of the reasons why they need to have so many assets.

At the declaration of war, it is highly likely that they would sink each and every nuclear submarine deployed by China long before they come anywhere close to deploying their BM's.

As soon as the Indian boomer joins IN, US would also start deploying assets to monitor the Indian vessel almost constantly.

But no one has proof that they do.

The US military is the best at propaganda and doing psychological warfare. It's to put the fear into the opponents by exaggerating American capabilities.

Remember how everyone said the stealth F-117 was untouchable. Well it got shot down in Serbia.

The US hypes a lot of the capabilities more than it actually deserves. It's a deterrence factor.

The US has the greatest propaganda machine in world history.

The US military is not as great as most people think they are. It's just that using psychological tactics they have made people believe the US military cannot be defeated.
But no one has proof that they do.

The US military is the best at propaganda and doing psychological warfare. It's to put the fear into the opponents by exaggerating American capabilities.

Remember how everyone said the stealth F-117 was untouchable. Well it got shot down in Serbia.

The US hypes a lot of the capabilities more than it actually deserves. It's a deterrence factor.

The US has the greatest propaganda machine in world history.

The US military is not as great as most people think they are. It's just that using psychological tactics they have made people believe the US military cannot be defeated.

Still waiting for them to engage in war "alone" with a reputable opponent. Until then, we can only say they are strong as a "coalition".


Chinese state-run media revealed for the first time that Beijing’s nuclear submarines can attack American cities to counterbalance U.S. nuclear deterrence in the Pacific.

Leading media outlets including China Central TV, the People’s Daily, the Global Times, the PLA Daily, the China Youth Daily and the Guangmin Daily ran identical, top-headlined reports about the “awesomeness” of the People’s Liberation Army navy’s strategic submarine force.

“This is the first time in 42 years since the establishment of our navy’s strategic submarine force that we reveal on such a large scale the secrets of our first-generation underwater nuclear force,”

the Global Times said in a lengthy article titled “China for the First Time Possesses Effective Underwater Nuclear Deterrence against the United States.”

The article features 30 photos and graphics detailing, among other things, damage projections for Seattle and Los Angeles after being hit by Chinese nuclear warheads and the deadly radiation that would spread all the way to Chicago.

China’s sub fleet is reportedly the world’s second-largest, with about 70 vessels. About 10 are nuclear-powered, and four or more of those are nuclear ballistic submarines capable of launching missiles.

Heavily influenced by Soviet naval models that stressed underwater forces, China’s nuclear submarine development began with the reverse-engineering of a Soviet Golf-class conventional-powered sub in the 1950s.

In the 1980s, China developed its first ballistic missile sub, the Type 092 Xia-class, which has 12 launch tubes for the Julang (Giant Wave)-1 missiles. The JL-1 had a limited range and failed multiple test launches.

In 2010, a new class of missile sub, the Type 094 Jin class, entered the service. It is capable of launching 12 to 16 JL-2 missiles with a range of about 8,700 miles, covering much of the continental U.S. with single or multiple, independently targetable re-entry vehicle warheads.

Chinese calculations for nuclear attacks on the U.S. are chillingly macabre.

“Because the Midwest states of the U.S. are sparsely populated, in order to increase the lethality, [our] nuclear attacks should mainly target the key cities on the West Coast of the United States, such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego,”

the Global Times said.

“The 12 JL-2 nuclear warheads carried by one single Type 094 SSBN can kill and wound 5 million to 12 million Americans.”

China also has developed land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles — notably the DF-31A, which has a range of 7,000 to 7,500 miles.

“If we launch our DF 31A ICBMs over the North Pole, we can easily destroy a whole list of metropolises on the East Coast and the New England region of the U.S., including Annapolis, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Portland, Baltimore and Norfolk, whose population accounts for about one-eighth of America’s total residents.”

All the state-run press reports stressed the point that the PLA’s missile submarines are now on routine strategic patrol,

“which means that China for the first time has acquired the strategic deterrence and second strike capability against the United States.”

“Our JL-2 SLBMs have become the fourth type of Chinese nuclear missiles that threaten the continental United States, after our DF-31A, DF-5A and DF-5B ICBMs.”

Hello, can you provide a direct link to your Washington Post article?
A successful nuclear delivery system is the triad system, where you have mobile missile launches (mobile SLBM, MLBM), Airborne delivery (by strategic Bomber) and fix launch

The three different launches will diffuse and confuse the enemy when you did the launch

It is deflective to account for one or two launch system only, but 3, it make you a lot harder to predict.

Land based silo are permanent position, that means they are almost certain to be the first to go after in case of a war, and for that reason alone, if a war has been esclated into an all out nuclear war, Ground based silo would be the first to launch.

However, since it is the first to launch, you would also quite easy to guess where it will land, and try to intercept it where possible (Not many target made the first hit list anyway)

Then comes the mobile launch platform. Subs and mobile launch is better hidden, however, they still do have 1 dead givaway. Both needs resupply.

While nuke powered sub can stay in water for 20-50 years, organic sailor cannot stay alive without 3 days worth of clearn water and 40 days for food, and in order to make a sub untrackable, you need to make it as small as possible, so there are limited resupply onboard.

Although you don't need to go back to port for resupply, you still need ships connection and most coastal city are monitored so the enemy would have made out what's what and simply follow the resupply ships and it can reach your hidden subs, unless there are stealth supply ship in the world, subs launch cannot be depended upon.

So does Mobile Launcher, as launcher and launch vehicle need fuel, again, simply just track the supply of fuel, follow the money, and you will find your mobile launcher

Airborne launch is mobile, yet it can also be detected and shot down,target is predictiable. Where you can always expect which way the bomber is going to come in.

Problem is, all 3 stand alone would have their respective shortcoming, when you put either 2 of them together, you can still fend them off with limited resource, when when you put 3, your need of resource will be impolde exponentially.

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