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Chinese national insults Indian flag, throws it in dustbin outside Noida Oppo office

I am not defending this guy who destroys the flag, don't get me wrong, whoever did that need to bring it to the law and trial. But I am saying, the definition of law is very tricky things, "public" can be interpolated as public area not "can be seen by other"; if there are three other employees see him do that, why don't these three say something to him? or even report to the company first, resolve the problem within the company? now the cat is out of the bag, do you think this is good for India or Oppo? good for the future company wish to setup manufactory in India?
Sorry, but your posts after posts coming up with logics to somehow brushing the matter under the carpet indicates that you are trying to defend this guy.

Either you are just posting without reading the complete article, in which case you need to post comments after carefully reading the article or you are trying to be real smart.

But let me clarrify few of the points mentioned in the article.
1. The incident happened during the day shift (the exact time is not mentioned). and the revolt started by the employees of the night shift because of non-action by the company. This indicates the company has enough time to look into the matter but they failed to understand the gravity of the situation and didnt act to dispose off the matter quickly.
2. Sometimes people dont report crime to the office staff because they are scared of getting fired.

Anyways, investigation is underway and this will come in open soon.
As I already mentioned that you will see some funny story from the company to justify the guy and try to save him. Already started happening.
from your @rse ? you funny Indian are so sensitive``

Please keep you fantasies limited to your bedroom, this is a public forum.

It was a legit question, where did you get this information that this flag was printed on flyer, and the Chinese fella threw the flyer in the bin?

And yeah clearly its we Indians who are sensitive :rofl:
what is this some new form of punishment in India? lol.....

They lynch people on even a mere "suspicion" of having eaten beef, what else would you expect from a society which has been overtaken by fHindu undamentalists?

Even though burning flags can not be supported and should be fined, but to ask "blacken the face and put him on donkey" to give mob justice just shows you the retarded mentality of these fanatics!
Sorry, but your posts after posts coming up with logics to somehow brushing the matter under the carpet indicates that you are trying to defend this guy.

Either you are just posting without reading the complete article, in which case you need to post comments after carefully reading the article or you are trying to be real smart.

But let me clarrify few of the points mentioned in the article.
1. The incident happened during the day shift (the exact time is not mentioned). and the revolt started by the employees of the night shift because of non-action by the company. This indicates the company has enough time to look into the matter but they failed to understand the gravity of the situation and didnt act to dispose off the matter quickly.
2. Sometimes people dont report crime to the office staff because they are scared of getting fired.

Anyways, investigation is underway and this will come in open soon.
As I already mentioned that you will see some funny story from the company to justify the guy and try to save him. Already started happening.
hmm.... I will not like others did that to my flag, why I will let anyone do that to your flag? I am NOT defending this guy at all, I am just stating the tricky part of law, don't be surprise when the court let this guy go free and those three witnesses get "fired" eventually.
it's very clear how the story ends. OPPO will apologize to Indian, Indian official will announce that the Chinese manager has no intention to insult the FLAG, it's a "misapprehension". Indian worker wage may be promoted a little. India wins. This is a warning from far right organization, something like "This is India! you Chin** stop us from NSG, you dare even name cricket!!, that old monk Lama is our guest! " More soft than Vietnamese. I love Indians... Thank you Indian, you're civilized people at least don't kill Chinese like French, Indian! Let's Gan French together!...
Dont behave like a 2 year old. Dont you understand the difference between the two incidents?
if it is 6 sided star, it means they were not burning chinese flag, then why are you posting the irrelevant pics and trolling?

You want to say in anger, they are burning flags of a country that doesn't exist? OK I can take that.

But if your entire stance is that Indian Flag is insulted than by repeating the same mistake you are already guilty of the same crime. That means you have no reason left to criticise Chinese incident anymore.
hmm.... I will not like others did that to my flag, why I will let anyone do that to your flag? I am NOT defending this guy at all, I am just stating the tricky part of law, don't be surprise when the court let this guy go free and those three witnesses get "fired" eventually.
Tricky part of law is for the tricky people or who are always looking for loopholes. The laws are the guidelines and directives to ensure proper law and order. One cannot frame each and every scenario and put the names of all the places which should be covered by the law. That is why the courts are to interpret the law and give the punishment. We have to wait for the investigation to complete.

You want to say in anger, they are burning flags of a country that doesn't exist? OK I can take that.

But if your entire stance is that Indian Flag is insulted than by repeating the same mistake you are already guilty of the same crime. That means you have no reason left to criticise Chinese incident anymore.
What repetition?
Tricky part of law is for the tricky people or who are always looking for loopholes. The laws are the guidelines and directives to ensure proper law and order. One cannot frame each and every scenario and put the names of all the places which should be covered by the law. That is why the courts are to interpret the law and give the punishment. We have to wait for the investigation to complete.

What repetition?
if go to court, it will be India's Court, the lawyer will be Indian as well, so the tricky people will be Indian as well, if he go free.
Tricky part of law is for the tricky people or who are always looking for loopholes. The laws are the guidelines and directives to ensure proper law and order. One cannot frame each and every scenario and put the names of all the places which should be covered by the law. That is why the courts are to interpret the law and give the punishment. We have to wait for the investigation to complete.

What repetition?

Truth is still as much truth, no matter how many times you read it.
What is wrong with india.. india always propogate about other nation.. indian media, news papers and indian social media should be banned all around the world otherwise india keep on spreading hates
if go to court, it will be India's Court, the lawyer will be Indian as well, so the tricky people will be Indian as well, if he go free.
So, what is your point? obviously society is mix of people. Had there been no trick Indian in the Indian society we would not be needed laws on cheating, robberies, forgery etc. This is true for Chinese society too. Or you are saying you dont have any one and hence you dont have any laws stopping it.

Truth is still as much truth, no matter how many times you read it.
Dont tag or reply to my posts if you cannot support the crap you are writing.
So, what is your point? obviously society is mix of people. Had there been no trick Indian in the Indian society we would not be needed laws on cheating, robberies, forgery etc. This is true for Chinese society too. Or you are saying you dont have any one and hence you dont have any laws stopping it.
I have NO point, today is my rest day, come here to read then write my point of view.
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