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Chinese Muslims linked to Games bombings

Half truths?

Why? Are you Mr Truth-o-Meter?

Rather facetious of you!

you mean to say that only you can speak of the truth and all the rest ( Chinese, Pakistanis) speak lies. If that is what you call truth, we'll be better of with lies.:disagree:

Mind your business?

Ask the US and Afghanistan or even Mehsood!

I know it hurts when one has so many problems that they cannot solve and is on the receiving end of everyone, including Afghansitan, and others comment.

You didn't get it do you, Afghanistan is not even a country we need to be bothered about, As for the US well go and read different threads about the Pakistani response to them. Mehsud what about him? He's just a foreign sponsored terrorist and will be taken out. Does his opinion matters to you this much i wonder why? But you should be looking into your own problems instead of telling us or the Chinese about theirs. So yes better mind your own business and look whats going into your own territory before poking your nose else where.

Let us not discuss Islamic history or who did what and how horrendous will spill out of the cupboard!

Really, a moment ago you were singing a song about some Muslim leader and how you guys cherish that in an another thread and now all that sudden you have started to remember horrendous spill out. Quit hypocrisy. Don't change your statements to suit your flavor of argument.

If Islam was a complete system and perfect, then Islamic people would not kill each other and instead Paradise would have been on Earth. Why should you follow the West? What does it prove?

Indeed Islam is a complete system, but you are too bigot to understand what i just told you above. Let me try this one for time. Have we implemented Sharia Law in Pakistan, well the answer is No. So unless and until we don't adopt a system, how can we start highlighting its failures according to you. We have been running after the democracy for after 60 years and in those sixty years it has proven to be a failure, but instead of evaluating it and finding a better system something that has been provided in the holy Quran we are ready to keep on experimenting with the same system at the cost of the country.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall! What does it tell you?

Does snow white fascinates you. I can understand.

Does one's station demand that one has to become mute? Is that how it is in the PA?

No however there's a huge gap in becoming mute and ranting. Yours is nothing more then a pure rant and trolling on your part.
Even though, you have tried to prove unsuccessfully that the "base" of Pakistanis after partition was higher than Indians, this is also not a true statement.

I said no such thing. I said it just about Indian Muslims base being lower than Pakistani Muslims. I agree it is an assumption as it is often mentioned that the Muslim middle class was disproportionately represented in the migrants. So the remaining Muslims must have been poorer and more illiterate.

Indian Muslims were more educated than Pakistani Muslims, and most Indian Muslims remained behind in India. Now 59.1% might be literate within India, but until you have provided a statistic to show that Indian Muslim literacy in 1947 was less than 6.8%, your guess (it is one) is just a hunch without any proof.

Prove this part about Indian Muslims being more educated. Especially after the migration. Even if it was true the difference in Indian Muslim's and Pakistani Muslim's literacy has only increased over a period of 60 years.

Pakistani Muslims might only have a 52% literacy and Indian Muslims, a 59% literacy, but this does not imply that Indian Muslims are not discriminated against, when one looks at government spending on primary schools in Muslim majority areas in India.

So are you saying that Indian Muslims are more literate than the Pakistani Muslims (and increasing the lead) despite the discrimination in India and the best efforts in Pakistan!

Reflects Pakistan in a poorer light than it does India, I think!
Well, genius. When Pakistan crosses the 50% mark (which it 3 or 4 years ago), India should have been at 100%, if the ratio at 1947 were to be preserved. So, I think Pakistan has done a good job in this area in fact.

Also no developed country in the world can have the same ratio as Pakistan, because they already were at 100% in 1947. The comparison can only be done with India, or other countries that are within the same percentage range as Pakistan. I thought this was obvious too. Obviously i was wrong :rolleyes:

So you think Pakistan has done well if it's literacy rate is more than half of India even if the absolute difference in literacy is increasing.

Well, good for you. I can't argue with such logic.

Aim low and achieve lower!
you sound a bit confused yourself salim :undecided:

No, I am not confused,.

Your love for the Chinese for your own survival confuses your love with Islam.

You do not know which one to chose!

I am awaiting my ban from Blain since he.too, cannot argue on facts,but will use his muscle power since he owns this forum or is a part of the ownership.

It is time that you all have the moral courage to face the truth and not use extra constitutional authority to gag people.

People who have always been under martial law inherits this legacy at the drop oif a hat!

If Blain has guts let him face it out in an open forum!

Does show the Pakistani mentality!
I said no such thing. I said it just about Indian Muslims base being lower than Pakistani Muslims. I agree it is an assumption as it is often mentioned that the Muslim middle class was disproportionately represented in the migrants. So the remaining Muslims must have been poorer and more illiterate.

Prove this part about Indian Muslims being more educated. Especially after the migration. Even if it was true the difference in Indian Muslim's and Pakistani Muslim's literacy has only increased over a period of 60 years.

So are you saying that Indian Muslims are more literate than the Pakistani Muslims (and increasing the lead) despite the discrimination in India and the best efforts in Pakistan!

Reflects Pakistan in a poorer light than it does India, I think!

Look, you're logic is absurd throughout this thread.

Indian Muslims have the lowest literacy of any group in India. Right or wrong?

Pakistani Hindus do not have the lowest literacy of all the groups in Pakistan. Right or wrong?
So you think Pakistan has done well if it's literacy rate is more than half of India even if the absolute difference in literacy is increasing.

Well, good for you. I can't argue with such logic.

Aim low and achieve lower!

The absolute GDP difference is increasing also. But that's irrelevant. Percentages or proportions are what is important.
No, I am not confused,.

Your love for the Chinese for your own survival confuses your love with Islam.

You do not know which one to chose!

I am awaiting my ban from Blain since he.too, cannot argue on facts,but will use his muscle power since he owns this forum or is a part of the ownership.

It is time that you all have the moral courage to face the truth and not use extra constitutional authority to gag people.

People who have always been under martial law inherits this legacy at the drop oif a hat!

If Blain has guts let him face it out in an open forum!

Does show the Pakistani mentality!

Which fact did you present, other than "Pakistan is a state"?
Look, you're logic is absurd throughout this thread.

Indian Muslims have the lowest literacy of any group in India. Right or wrong?

Pakistani Hindus do not have the lowest literacy of all the groups in Pakistan. Right or wrong?

My logic may be absurd but beats your logic hands down. ;)

Yes, Indian Muslims have the lowest literacy rates but the reasons need to be clearly understood. Their starting from a lower base and their social conditions is the reason for this, same as it is for Pakistan as you admitted earlier. They are more literate than Pakistani Muslims and increasing the lead every year.

The gap with the average Indian literacy rates is also not increasing. Every other minority in India has a higher literacy than the majority community and the average!

Anyway if they can educate themselves more than the majority in Gujarat as pointed out earlier in this thread, they can do it anywhere. They have to give more priority to education.

Anyway I am not going to go round in circles if your gramophone needle is stuck on the same record. :cheers:

Pakistani Hindus! Where are they? How many are left? You didn't leave any minorities at all in Pakistan. 3%-4% is all that is left now after decades of persecution and blasphemy laws. The condition of Pakistani minorities (?) is a separate topic.
The absolute GDP difference is increasing also. But that's irrelevant. Percentages or proportions are what is important.

GDP and literacy rates are separate! The literacy rates don't increase in geometric progression like the GDP. It does not work on proportions. Unlike GDP there is an upper limit (100%) on the literacy rate in any country.

I tried to make this post as clear as possible. Let me know if it got through it's intended target.
Yes, Indian Muslims have the lowest literacy rates but the reasons need to be clearly understood. Their starting from a lower base and their social conditions is the reason for this, same as it is for Pakistan as you admitted earlier.

I presented solid evidence that Pakistan's 1947 literacy "base" was much lower than India's. That explains the current position nicely.

You did not present any evidence that Indian Muslims had a lower 1947 literacy base than the Indian Hindus. It could equally be that Indian Muslims were more educated than Indian Hindus in 1947, but that discrimination against Muslims in India has caused their literacy rates to become the worst in the country.....lower than the Untouchables.

If you have evidence to support your theory that Indian Muslims had a lower 1947 literacy base, then present it. I have proven that Muslim areas of India do not get the same primary school funding as Hindu dominant areas. This would suggest that Indian Muslims were once more educated than the other groups, but that discrimination based on their religion has caused them to fall behind.
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