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Chinese Minister Ling Jihua under investigation

That's unstable, especially for the Party. Such problem will hurt Chinese from one generatons to next generations.

I dont see the "especially" part, in truth the corruption problem has been dragging down all aspect of chinese society for generations already, for as long as the decadence has been accumulated (which was also one of the main reasons for breakdown of roman society).

反腐光是盯住官场是治标不治本,哪怕所有官员都像明初拨皮或建国初政治洗脑一样。首先法制要完善,无论官员还是民众领导的人治都要避免(如果非要二选一的话还是要官僚人治,起码社会秩序以及阶层断裂问题相对能好些),其中更重要的是要改变传统社会观念(送礼搞关系,法不责众等等), 不然法制会永远充满漏洞。
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It is a power struggle between the princelings vs commie youth vs Jiang Zemin clique.

The princelings are not clean either.

Corruption is not the main reason for Soviet collapse. Too much militarization and non workable economy system are the main culprit.
LOL ...

  1. Senior officiers isolated from the masses.
  2. Senior officiers corruption & enjoy money and women.
  3. Senior officiers abandoned belief, betrayed the people.
  4. Senior officers appointed people by favouritism.
  5. Senior officiers worked for their interests & family, not the government.
  6. Senior officiers lost political propaganda & popular feelings.
There all lead to militarization and non-workable economy system, and ruin the USSR.

I dont see the "especially" part, in truth the corruption problem has been dragging down all aspect of chinese society for generations already, for as long as the decadence has been accumulated (which was also one of the main reasons for breakdown of roman society).

反腐光是盯住官场是治标不治本,哪怕所有官员都像明初拨皮或建国初政治洗脑一样。首先法制要完善,无论官员还是民众领导的人治都要避免(如果非要二选一的话还是要官僚人治,起码社会秩序以及阶层断裂问题相对能好些),其中更重要的是要改变传统社会观念(送礼搞关系,法不责众等等), 不然法制会永远充满漏洞。
Yes, if Xi is smart as we thought ... today China need a reform to RULE OF LAW, but it will also weak CPC power.

Is Xi == Mao ? I don't think so, right now Xi only try to clean the Party.
Yes, if Xi is smart as we thought ... today China need a reform to RULE OF LAW, but it will also weak CPC power.

Is Xi == Mao ? I don't think so, Xi only try to clean CPC.

习总看样子也是玩很多女人。当年老婆3年玩完,然后借口说性格不合, 你相信吗?而且他家除他与老婆,全移民外国。
Yes, if Xi is smart as we thought ... today China need a reform to RULE OF LAW, but it will also weak CPC power.

Is Xi == Mao ? I don't think so, Xi only try to clean CPC.

Actually It would be bad if Xi = Mao, chaiman Mao was still a great idealist, fortunately not as much as Karl Max himself (which is why he was commited in ideological adaption to eastern asia society and consequently lead to the breakup with USSR) Still for a task of such magnitute rationalism and pragmatism would be essential, for both I believe XI got far more than Chairman Mao did, also you gotta be careful and start small in such cases (I am actually worried Xi is doing things too fast and forcefully). At the same time we need education reform which I hope to see once things in the party is settled down a bit.
If Xi promotes independent judiciary + rule of law, that means Xi wants to remove corruption from CCP.

If Xi is hunting for corrupt officials but don't promote independent judiciary, that means Xi is only removing his rivals from the CCP.
If Xi promotes independent judiciary + rule of law, that means Xi wants to remove corruption from CCP.

If Xi is hunting for corrupt officials but don't promote independent judiciary, that means Xi is only removing his rivals from the CCP.

1) nothing is absolute
2) Xi or anyone who doesnt hunt for corrupt officials in key position first will never get as far as to promote independent judiciary + rule of law
1) nothing is absolute
2) Xi or anyone who doesnt hunt for corrupt officials in key position first will never get as far as to promote independent judiciary + rule of law

Then you'll have to wait and see if an independent judiciary will be introduced or not. Otherwise, the hunting game will just go on into the next cycle.
According to the report of the Xinhua News Agency, Ling Jihua, the minister of the Central United Front Work Department and the vice chairman of the CPPCC,is under investigation for suspected "serious discipline violations”.

Good to hear. Internal audit is a sign of maturation of any governmental system. China has still a long way to go, but its going in the right direction.
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I dont think corruption is not as serious as compare to other developed countries. Its incredible China can developed so much if its really so corrupted.
I agree with you, corruption in China probably would rank around Malaysian level and significantly better than Indonesia.
I dont see the "especially" part, in truth the corruption problem has been dragging down all aspect of chinese society for generations already, for as long as the decadence has been accumulated (which was also one of the main reasons for breakdown of roman society).

反腐光是盯住官场是治标不治本,哪怕所有官员都像明初拨皮或建国初政治洗脑一样。首先法制要完善,无论官员还是民众领导的人治都要避免(如果非要二选一的话还是要官僚人治,起码社会秩序以及阶层断裂问题相对能好些),其中更重要的是要改变传统社会观念(送礼搞关系,法不责众等等), 不然法制会永远充满漏洞。

Xi said"腐败会亡党亡国""依法治国"。
Wang Qishan said“反腐只是治标的手段,只是为治本赢得时间和减少阻力”
Ling's fall sends strong signal to the public
Source:Global Times Published: 2014-12-23 1:23:01

Ling Jihua, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and head of The United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), has been put under investigation for serious disciplinary violations, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

The news, while sensational, did not come as a surprise to many. For quite a while, rumors have swirled since he was moved from his post as the director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee before the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012. Suspicions about Ling have increased among the public since allegations that a close relative was involved in a fatal Ferrari crash in 2012 became public knowledge. Earlier this year, two of his brothers, one a senior local government official and the other a businessman, were investigated and arrested.

Ling's fall sends a strong signal to the public that the anti-graft endeavor will be a long-running undertaking. No matter how powerful or high-ranking a government official is, there is no chance they will find immunity from the punishment they deserve. This line of thinking has been embedded in the minds of the public since former security chief Zhou Yongkang was snared this year.

China's new leaders are exerting unprecedented efforts to crack down on corruption. The central government has decided to face its problems directly. Such an attitude gives hope and confidence to Chinese society.

That "all are equal before the law" has been a tenet among the Chinese public for decades, but it was not until recently that it became a faith. Ling counted among the most powerful in elite government circles, but the discipline of the Party and the law won't afford him any leniency for his violations.

His authority and position cannot serve as a talisman. Every "tiger" that is exposed during the process of advancing the rule of law will further consolidate the endeavor.

We can tell from these rumors that Ling's family was consumed by the power he possessed and abused it for ill-gotten gains. They have lost any basic respect for the law. It is very likely that Ling also used his power to help his family cover up their dirty deeds.

As a former high-level official, his misdeeds have tainted the image of the Party and the country. He owes an apology to all Party members as well as to the public.

All government officials should take heed of the lengthening list of negative examples. Along with the development of the investigation, more details of Ling's case will be revealed.

We believe Chinese law enforcement organs will deal with this case fairly and squarely on a legal basis. This will make another milestone in China's rule of law.
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