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Chinese Minister Ling Jihua under investigation

China is doing agood job arresting corrupt people in fact not much developed countries can achieve such feats in ashort time when did a western country arrest a polittician last? China just needs to change its audit and check system strenghten the media against corruption.
China is doing agood job arresting corrupt people in fact not much developed countries can achieve such feats in ashort time when did a western country arrest a polittician last? China just needs to change its audit and check system strenghten the media against corruption.
Indonesia under its anti corruption body has put into jail many high ranking officials like Central Bank Governor, Chairman of Constitution Court, Chairman of many political parties including the biggest one like democrat party, many ministers, President family and politicians. This post is for @powastick

Good news for China if their justice system really works ....:-)
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Two pilots are confirmed dead after an aircraft crashed in Weinan city, Shaanxi on Mon. The plane was a trainer aircraft belonging to the air force in Yanliang District of Xi’an city.





Indonesia under its anti corruption body has put into jail many high ranking officials like Central Bank Governor, Chairman of Constitution Court, Chairman of many political parties including the biggest one like democrat party, many ministers, President family and politicians. This post is for @powastick

Good news for China if their justice system really works ....:-)
I'm quite familiar on how corruption works in Indonesia and Malaysia. I know someone who works there.
If Xi promotes independent judiciary + rule of law, that means Xi wants to remove corruption from CCP.

If Xi is hunting for corrupt officials but don't promote independent judiciary, that means Xi is only removing his rivals from the CCP.

Well said, i already said it on similar threads on here. If China doesnt establish an indepndent corruption supervision organization akin to the one in Hong Kong(who to many is the best of its kind in the world), then im afraid all Xi's 'anti corruption' fight will remain just a political witch hunt to be honest, and wont change anything at all, as corruption wll continue to thrive but under new officials .lol The system needs a complete overhaul since it has proven to be totally corrupt to the core in its current form, so they need to try something new. As einstein said: Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.:lol: Its rather baffling to see that China under Mao was one of the least corrupt(in fact there ws almost no corruption as far i red) country in the world, compared to today where the corruption there is so rampant and runs into billions by senior officials.:cheesy: Im still surprised the CCP doesnt want to learn from their little more prosperous Hong Kong's independent commision against corruption (ICAC) which has helped clean Hong Kong from such rampant official corruption/reduce it to a minimum. Guess it because if they did over 70% of the CCP top leadership will be behind bars.lol But still they have to start somewhere before things gets too worse, and put the whole system in jeopardy akin to the past KMT most chinese members here used to criticised.:D

Forty years since its creation, how the ICAC cleaned up corruption in Hong Kong | South China Morning Post


Two pilots are confirmed dead after an aircraft crashed in Weinan city, Shaanxi on Mon. The plane was a trainer aircraft belonging to the air force in Yanliang District of Xi’an city.






RIP to the death

Without Belief, without Effective Supervision ... it will like KMT. 不赚钱没福利,你来当公务员吗?


You do make some good/relaistic points.:cheers:

Two pilots are confirmed dead after an aircraft crashed in Weinan city, Shaanxi on Mon. The plane was a trainer aircraft belonging to the air force in Yanliang District of Xi’an city.






May they rest in peace! Prayers for their family and loved ones....
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