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Chinese military advisors held hostage in Pakistan

This is not the first time that S10 has become overly excited about unverified facts in the media.

Pakistan definitely did better than the Philippines "Sorry-We-Aren't-Trained" who gave one guy half a day to slaughter literally the entire bus of Chinese tourists. That incident still angers me till this very day. :angry:
Pakistan definitely did better than the Philippines "Sorry-We-Aren't-Trained" who gave one guy half a day to slaughter literally the entire bus of Chinese tourists. That incident still angers me till this very day. :angry:

Yeah very impressed by the commando's performance. It seems they took out the militants fairly promptly without fatalities to the strike groups. The papers only mention navy casualties (probably initial breach) and a paramilitary ranger (perimeter security maybe?)
Pakistan definitely did better than the Philippines "Sorry-We-Aren't-Trained" who gave one guy half a day to slaughter literally the entire bus of Chinese tourists. That incident still angers me till this very day. :angry:

Yeah, the bus full of Chinese tourists from Hong Kong. The Philipino response team was beyond pathetic.

They had SO many chances to take him out, I lost count when watching the footage.

They should have done it like this:

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I can't agree with you more.

To me, a life is a life. There's no superiority or inferiority to it and the fact that our Pakistani brothers fought bravely to save them deserves our utmost respect. Pakistan was a victim too and they weren't at fault. I can see certain members being clearly emotional and upset, but think about the ones who lost their lives fighting for the freedom of these hostages..It was a shock to the military and unprecedented.
I think we owe Pakistan a big thank you and an apology.

China-Pakistan Zindabad :cheers:

P.S. Rest in Peace to the brave souls who lost their lives fighting the evil of this world. You are gone but never forgotten.

Exactly. According to S10, the US is to be blamed for 9/11 for "incompetence" and China is to be blamed for the Nanking Massacre due to "unpreparedness". That is ridiculous.
Seriously, S10, what makes Chinese advisors so special? It wasn't Pakistan that planned this attack. In fact, their commandos risked their lives to save the Chinese people. You make it sound as if the Chinese have a hereditary right to better safety than other people. In fact, we should be thankful towards the people who saved them.

Pakistan have shown that they will use their military to provide security for us and I thank them for that.

You, on the other hand, act as if Pakistan owes you something, when they do not.[/QUOTE]
When China sends advisors to Pakistan, their safety falls to the Pakistani military. It is the responsibility of the host country to provide a safe environment for them to work in. This is especially true for a large military installation that is supposed to be secure. You are right, I do think Chinese advisors should enjoy a heightened level of security compared to the average Pakistani citizen. When China hosted international events, it took extra safety measures for foreign delegations. It's not about being "superior", but courtesy/responsibility of the host nation. You can't guarentee safety = people stop coming. It's that simple.

While I do appreciate that Pakistan military was able to evacuate Chinese advisors, a large naval base should not be breached by half a dozen men in the first place. That in itself is a security lapse and it's not the first time in Pakistan. They had a string of those recently and need to shape up.

This is not the first time that S10 has become overly excited about unverified facts in the media.
BBC changed their story later.
Exactly. According to S10, the US is to be blamed for 9/11 for "incompetence" and China is to be blamed for the Nanking Massacre due to "unpreparedness". That is ridiculous.
Unless you meant to tell me that World Trade Centre was a secured military installation and the attackers charged into the base from the ground, there is no comparison. Nanjing Massacre was during a total war in which the outnumbered/outgunned defenders surrendered to Japanese forces. Again, unless you want to say Karachi was at war and terrorists had thousands of men attacking there base, don't pull dumb examples.

If six men can go into a secured base and wreck havoc, that's a lapse in security. If you want to compare a similiar event, think Munich 1972 when 5 terrorists went into the Olympic village and took Israeli athletes hostage. German authorities were widely criticised for that event, first for their failure to protect the site and the way they handled the situation. The difference is, a military base should be way more heavily guarded in this case.

Friendship is not about patting each other on the back at all times, but also speaking the truth.
Even though no Chinese national was harmed in this attack, I think Chinese nationals should be very careful in Pakistan.

The incompetent Pakistan government has allowed CIA to establish its own network inside Pakistan, the Pakistan ambassador to the United States has given visas to atleast 7,000 CIA officials without the approval of the ISI so most likely we dont even know where the CIA are roaming around in Pakistan.

Also dont confuse this TTP taliban which was formed only in 2007 (and which targets only Pakistan's interests) with Afghan Taliban who are fighting occupying forces in Afghanistan. Many believe that TTP taliban are the creation of CIA becuase they hardly ever attack the invading forces in Afghanistan, they only target Pakistan and Pakistani Muslims.

Chinese nationals should all be given enhanced security. Also China's ambassador to Pakistan should ask the Pakistan government if China can bring their guards to Pakistan to protect Chinese nationals.
Good to hear that no Chinese was hurt-
but i am sure that there will be an attempt sooner or later on our Chinese brothers in Pakistan-
No Chinese citizens taken hostage at air base in Pakistan

No Chinese nationals were taken hostage in a terrorist attack on an air force base in Pakistan's southern port city of Karachi late Sunday night, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu confirmed in a press release here on Monday.

No Chinese citizens taken hostage at air base in Pakistan

Seems this report was lie

China Admits Its Technicians Were Held in Pakistan Base Attack

BEIJING — A day after denying that any of its citizens had been involved, China confirmed Tuesday that Chinese technicians were taken hostage during a militant attack on a Pakistani naval base.

A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Jiang Yu, said “technical staff of a certain enterprise” had been on the naval base in Karachi and were taken hostage in the 16-hour siege, which began late Sunday and left at least 10 Pakistani security officers dead.
Seems this report was lie

In the original version Jiang Yu said something along the lines of "to her best knowledge". Maybe she really didn't know?

Thought the ministry would be more knowledgeable on such matters.

Another thing does any one know what the technicians were working on?

Any how kudos to the Pakistanis commandos for the quick and prompt action. I am very impressed by the rescue mission.
In the original version Jiang Yu said something along the lines of "to her best knowledge". Maybe she really didn't know?

The original report seems quite clear

BEIJING, May 23 (Xinhua) -- No Chinese nationals were taken hostage in a terrorist attack on an air force base in Pakistan's southern port city of Karachi late Sunday night, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu confirmed in a press release here on Monday.

A total of 13 Pakistani army personnel including 11 navy officers and two rangers were killed in the fight which broke out about 10:30 p.m. local time Sunday night, according to the latest local report.

Jiang said, as a friendly neighbor of Pakistan, China supports the efforts of Pakistani government and people in maintaining the country's social stability.
No Chinese citizens taken hostage at air base in Pakistan

(what's wierd is that the old news is still being displayed)
Yep much better job than say the Mumbai 11/26.

It was easy because those terrorists targeted army installation not any civilian buildings in middle of the city, first learn the operational complexity and the hostage condition between those two and then talk.
Yeah, the bus full of Chinese tourists from Hong Kong. The Philipino response team was beyond pathetic.

They had SO many chances to take him out, I lost count when watching the footage.

They should have done it like this:

That lady is a true warrior, what cool nerves she has, I hope she received a commendation for that swift and decisive action.
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