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Chinese military advisors held hostage in Pakistan

To S10. I really feel sorry actually and its a feeling from my heart that chinese have been attacked in pakistan in past.chinese have always risked their lives for us. Whether it was Gomal zam dam near Waziristan or Shangla when Swat was nearly under taliban control. No pakistani can forget all this. But just wanted to tell you that we pakistanis care for our friends and specially when they are our guest. but i agree with you that this was clearly security failure, but let me also tell you that we cared more for our friends and their security was our first priority. Chinese were in a compound and navy commando's did every thing they could to stop terrorists getting anywhere close to that compound. And thankfully chinese friends are safe.
Pakistani forces were able to make a high impact and save whoever was working there. From what i heard no Chinese were present there only the Americans.
China Admits Its Technicians Were Held in Pakistan Base Attack

BEIJING — A day after denying that any of its citizens had been involved, China confirmed Tuesday that Chinese technicians were taken hostage during a militant attack on a Pakistani naval base.

A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Jiang Yu, said “technical staff of a certain enterprise” had been on the naval base in Karachi and were taken hostage in the 16-hour siege, which began late Sunday and left at least 10 Pakistani security officers dead.

Speaking at a regularly scheduled news briefing, Ms. Jiang said she had no report that any Chinese had been injured. She did not say how many had been taken hostage.

The presence of Chinese technical staff members at the naval base, in Karachi, is another sign of China’s growing involvement in Pakistan. Last week, Pakistan’s defense minister, Ahmad Mukhtar, said that China would take over management of the port of Gwadar, a Pakistani city, and that he would welcome having China build a naval port there.

Mr. Mukhtar made the statement after visiting Beijing with the Pakistani prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani. Pakistani officials said Beijing had agreed to speed up delivery of jointly developed fighters.

China has been walking a careful line with Pakistan. It does not want to antagonize India, but it is eager to present itself to Pakistan as a more reliable and understanding ally than the United States, which in recent years has been stepping up criticism of Pakistan for harboring Islamist militants.

On Tuesday, for example, the government-run Xinhua news agency issued an analysis of the attack on the Karachi base. The article largely blamed the United States for the attack, saying Pakistan was paying the price for the recent American raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

Li Bibo contributed research.

To S10. I really feel sorry actually and its a feeling from my heart that chinese have been attacked in pakistan in past.chinese have always risked their lives for us. Whether it was Gomal zam dam near Waziristan or Shangla when Swat was nearly under taliban control. No pakistani can forget all this. But just wanted to tell you that we pakistanis care for our friends and specially when they are our guest. but i agree with you that this was clearly security failure, but let me also tell you that we cared more for our friends and their security was our first priority. Chinese were in a compound and navy commando's did every thing they could to stop terrorists getting anywhere close to that compound. And thankfully chinese friends are safe.
It's not the fault of Pakistani citizens. However, your government and military need some major reforms. Since 2001, Pakistan has been thrown into a chaotic state while the authorities seem to be unable to cope with it. It's not assuring to allies and sure as hell not assuring to the Pakistan public. Like I said, my frustration wasn't directed at the average Pakistani.
To S10. I really feel sorry actually and its a feeling from my heart that chinese have been attacked in pakistan in past.chinese have always risked their lives for us. Whether it was Gomal zam dam near Waziristan or Shangla when Swat was nearly under taliban control. No pakistani can forget all this. But just wanted to tell you that we pakistanis care for our friends and specially when they are our guest. but i agree with you that this was clearly security failure, but let me also tell you that we cared more for our friends and their security was our first priority. Chinese were in a compound and navy commando's did every thing they could to stop terrorists getting anywhere close to that compound. And thankfully chinese friends are safe.

It is not the fault of our Pakistanis brothers that the base was attacked and many valiant soldiers lost their lives. We must solve the problem by its root by hunting down the men responsible for this tragedy.
It's not the fault of Pakistani citizens. However, your government and military need some major reforms. Since 2001, Pakistan has been thrown into a chaotic state while the authorities seem to be unable to cope with it. It's not assuring to allies and sure as hell not assuring to the Pakistan public. Like I said, my frustration wasn't directed at the average Pakistani.

It is not the fault of our Pakistanis brothers that the base was attacked and many valiant soldiers lost their lives. We must solve the problem by its root by hunting down the men responsible for this tragedy.

To be honest, I think these are both a simple gloss over a complicated problem .
When the Pakistani air base attack 11 Chinese people found that: was originally a flight instructor
Pakistan naval base was attacked 11 Chinese flight instructor safety

Ze Post reporter who

U.S. raid in Pakistan continue to "base" organization number one action figure to pay the bloody price for bin Laden.

Local time on the morning of the evening of 22 to 23, about 15 Taliban militants in Pakistan to carry guns, grenades and rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons stormed the Ministry in the port city of Karachi, Banan Mehran naval air base, destroying at least two US-made P-3C "Orion" patrol aircraft. Pakistani Taliban claim attack was in retaliation for the death of Osama bin Laden.

Pakistani military deployed armed forces, including special forces, including naval counterattack. After 16 hours in the continued fighting, four militants carrying explosives detonated, and another 4 were captured alive; all hostage-taking are released. Palestinians, however, at least in this fight government forces lost 13 soldiers, and another 14 were injured.

The Chinese officers were robbed on the news, Pakistan and Chinese officials have denied.

Revenge of the most violent

Mehran Karachi, Pakistan, located at Naval Air Station in local time at 22:30 on the 22nd or so was about 20 assault rifles and rocket launchers armed attacks by armed elements, explosions. Fighting more than two hours after the start, constantly heard an explosion and gunshots.

Pakistan Television Express 24 / 7 reported that the explosion occurred in a 9, an explosion ignited a fire within a few kilometers away is clearly visible.

The TV station quoted Pakistani officials as saying the attackers sneaked into the base along the rear of the sewage pipe. The pipeline will be a heavily guarded base in this one into two. Attacks focused on the base of the three aircraft hangars, US-made P-3C "Orion" patrol aircraft to be stored in there.

The aircraft are mainly used for maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare. Pakistan's "Orion" patrol aircraft, a small number, but have been used for some time now from a U.S. Navy patrol aircraft to buy eight such.

As militants to carry explosives, to avoid triggering an explosion caused heavy losses not dare break into military bases in Pakistan, shift to fighting with the militants, which consumes ammunition strategy.

Fighting continued until yesterday afternoon ended. Pakistani security officials later announced the completion of "cleaning up" operation to regain control of the military base.

Pakistani Army spokesman Mohammad Asian Silver, said the attack killed at least 13 soldiers were killed and 14 injured. 13 people died and 11 people are sailors, and the other 2 people special police. The spokesman also said that two P-3C "Orion" anti-submarine patrol aircraft was completely destroyed in the attack.

Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack. Taliban spokesman in a secret location Aihe Sang told Reuters by telephone, which is based bin Laden "martyrdom" and launched retaliatory action, "this is we are still united and strong evidence. Martyrdom in the bin Laden , we have already said it would launch a warning for more large-scale attacks. "

Such retaliatory action from the May 2 killing Osama bin Laden played the United States had more than now, but the action is against the Pakistani security forces near the most violent armed attack.

An unnamed Pakistani official told the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) said the attack so that the embarrassment, is currently under investigation, how more than 20 Taliban fighters will enter the naval base.

China, Pakistan, and then quite

In the attack, a report from the BBC raised outside attention. Reported that more than the militants hijacked hostages, including a Chinese army officer, the officer's identity "suspected in the naval air base on the technical staff."

Pakistani officials later said that in the base 17 foreigners, including 11 Chinese flight instructor, but they are safe.

Deputy Director of Public Relations Pakistan Navy Lieutenant Colonel Khan, Zakir Hussain, the Oriental Morning Post yesterday at noon local time, confirmed that no Chinese officers in the attack were taken hostage. He also said that the Pakistani army and militants fighting has been basically successful.

"No Chinese or the Americans were taken hostage." Lieutenant Colonel Khan said, "time of the attacks late at night, a small number of technical staff at the time (Mehran Naval Air Station).

Currently, including the Navy special forces troops, including the Pakistan army and the militants are fighting. The fighting was very successful and is now coming to an end. "

In addition, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu at a regular press conference yesterday afternoon, also confirmed that no Chinese citizens were hijacked in the raid. Jiang also reiterated its recognition of the Government of Pakistan anti-terrorism efforts.

"The Chinese side notes that attacks on a military base in southern Pakistan. As far as I know, no Chinese nationals were abducted in the incident. As a friendly neighbor, China supports the Pakistani government to safeguard social stability and people's efforts." Jiang Yu said.

Died in the rescue of Pakistani brothers silence!
BBC News - Pakistan: Militants attack Karachi naval air base

As much as I like Pakistan, this is embarassing and unacceptable. Militants were able to run into a heavily guarded military base and cause havoc; it is a clear sign of incompetence. Even worse, they were able to take Chinese advisors hostage. Pakistani military's recent performances have been abysmal. All the assistance in the world won't help them if they don't shape up.

Your statement is so serious the attack was accidental, it can be said to be well planned, not Pakistan brother's fault, we should understand them, talk to rescue workers in China, Pakistan brother died more than 10 individuals, their lives do not Expensive? Way to go step by step, to Pakistan, you can also see the brothers in order to protect Chinese workers in Pakistan the enormous effort, nothing you have a good look at the news, not nonsense
I cant understand one thing..... Why would they keep the hostages alive when they in the last blew themselfs up...... ??? It would have taken few bullets to kill the hostages and would have put Pakistan in more embarrassment....

The Chinese were there in the base but were successfully evaded before any terrorist could do any harm to them.
China should help Pakistan bolster its security agencies. Impart training, equipment, security policies, improved police/military infrastructure, etc... Surely Pakistan can benefit greatly in this domain from Chinese input. This will go a long way in helping stabilize Pakistan, which will be good for Chinese interests inside Pakistan.
China should help Pakistan bolster its security agencies. Impart training, equipment, security policies, improved police/military infrastructure, etc... Surely Pakistan can benefit greatly in this domain from Chinese input. This will go a long way in helping stabilize Pakistan, which will be good for Chinese interests inside Pakistan.

They are already doing that mate........they've been doing that for the past 60 years!!! What are we doing after that is what is and is not making the difference.....Come on man we need to solve these things our selves. The Chinese have already helped us more than they ever should have needed to.
I cant understand one thing..... Why would they keep the hostages alive when they in the last blew themselfs up...... ??? It would have taken few bullets to kill the hostages and would have put Pakistan in more embarrassment....

The Chinese were there in the base but were successfully evaded before any terrorist could do any harm to them.

They might have been hostages and escaped in ensuing confusion.

china blamed the United States for the attack, ? intresting !
btw , who going to benifit the most after distroying those p-3c planes ?
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